Thank you all for this amazing journey with "Reunited". Honestly, there are so many people to thank that I can't just single out anyone. You all have been amazing (reaching over 500 reviews), and supportive, and gahh! I just really love you all!
Thanks to MzPink4 for the name!
So here's the epilogue. It's kind of bittersweet for me, as I'm not really ready to part with this story, but I have to. Maybe in the future I could write a sequel of some sort.
Please continue to read my work, though. Just because "Reunited" is over, doesn't mean I don't have any more Ezria things up my sleeves. I do.
Disclaimer: I don't own PLL
Read, Enjoy, and Review!
Two years later
Unknown POV:
Ezra casually walked into the Plaza Hotel's banquet room, Clara holding onto his left hand, and little Sophia perched on his hip.
"Daddy? Where's Mommy?" Ezra looked down to Clara, her chestnut hair curled to perfection with little flowers placed here and there. Aria had left early this morning with Clara to get her hair done for the wedding, dropped her off and was then out again to go help Spencer pick up her one of a kind Vera Wang dress.
"She's probably helping Auntie Spencer get into her dress. You know where to find her, right," he said motioning to the bridal suite area just off the corner of the hall where the reception was to be held.
"I don't want to go alone," she said, holding onto his hand a little tighter. Ezra laughed at his little girl, and led her to the bridal suite.
"Male coming in," he shouted as he stuck his head into the room. His eyes were met with an abundance of white tulle, a few mini bottles of vodka to calm the nerves, and his nose was attacked with the powerful perfume being sprits upon Spencer by his wife.
"Mommy," shouted Clara, who saw Aria coming forth, looking like a vision in the pale blue dress Spencer had picked out for her bridesmaids.
"Hi Pumpkin! Ready to get your dress on," she asked taking Clara's hand. "You," she said pointing to Ezra, "Shoo!" She giggled melodically, and gave Ezra a long kiss, that lingered a little too long.
"You look gorgeous," he said, and kissed her once more.
"Thanks, but you better not say anything to Toby about how Spencer looks! It's bad luck! Or do you not remember anything from our wedding?"
Ezra blushed at the memory. He, being impatient, demanded that he see Aria before their wedding, and burst into her dressing room while she was in her dress. Later on at the party, he tripped her slightly during their first dance, and dropped some of the cake onto her dress.
"Right. Sorry," he said, pecking her on the lips. "You want to take Soph? I have to go take care of Toby," he laughed. "He's getting anxious. You should've seen his last text."
Aria giggled once more, and held out her arms for the baby, who had just started to wake up.
"Hey Soph. Hi Baby," she said, kissing her baby on the cheek and Sophia giggled. Ezra smiled at his wife and child.
"Daddy, you've got to leave," said Clara who had come back from the door, and pushed Ezra's legs so he'd move.
"Fine, fine! I'm going," he said laughing, and kissed Aria once more.
"Love you," she said, and closed the door.
Ezra really didn't mind living in a townhouse of women. Quite the contrary, he loved it. He loved being the alpha male, and loved having his girls to protect. When he and Aria found out she was having a girl, there was so much rejoicing in the Fitz household that there ever was on Christmas or New Year's Eve. Upon entering Toby's suite, Ezra wondered what had he done to be made so lucky.
This wedding was to be the wedding of the century. Everyone friend and family member in Rosewood or all over the world was flown in. How Spencer afforded all the expensive garnishes for the wedding was beyond Aria. All of their parents were flying in for the Hastings-Cavanaugh wedding.
Being finished, Aria sat on the chaise lounge with her 18 month old on her lap. She watched as Emily pinned up a few loose curls in her up do, as Hanna applied a small amount of makeup to her 7 year old, and as Spencer nursed a small tumbler of vodka. Sophia looked up at Aria, and gave a little gurgle, causing Aria to smile. Sophie wasn't a carbon copy of Aria, as Clara was, but was the perfect mix between Aria and Ezra. She had Aria's eyes, Ezra's complexion, hair color, and cute little upturned nose, and the rest of her was Aria's features. Even at 18 months, she was beautiful.
Aria thought about how her life had progressed in the past two years. After returning home during that fateful month of January, she began going to the doctor's for her baby's health. She and Ezra had decided to have judge marry them quickly, so that they could get joint custody of Clara as soon as possible and have a real wedding after the baby was born.
Sophia Marie Fitz was born on July 16th, and Aria and Ezra couldn't have been more thrilled. Clara had been practically bouncing to see her baby sister, and fell in love with her the minute Aria let Clara hold her.
Aria became Mrs. Fitz for the second time a few months later in September, and the actual wedding was a beautiful affair. It was simplistic, yet elegant, having taken place in Central Park. Aria simply couldn't have wished for anything more. She was still working at Manhattan Day, and Ezra was still at Columbia, and everything was perfect. For once, Aria could say that she was happy and content.
The clock ticked, striking 4 'o' clock.
"Spence, you ready," asked Hanna, getting ready to hold Spencer's train. Aria picked up Sophia, who wore a dress similar to Clara's flower girl dress. Emily can from the bathroom section of the room, holding Clara's hand.
"Auntie Spencer, you look pretty," said Clara with glazed over eyes.
"I think since Clara's given me the seal of approval we can go down," said Spencer laughing, and the group of girls descended to the banquet hall.
The wedding had gone off without a hitch. The ceremony was lavish and beautiful, and now the reception was in full swing. Aria had taken down a few of the curls pinned to her head, making herself look more party-appropriate. Ezra had loosened up his tie, and was now sitting at the wedding party table, an arm around Aria's waist as they watched Toby and his mother have their son/mother dance.
"Think about it, Ezra. You get to do this twice with our girls," said Aria leaning up to kiss him.
"I do all the time. Wow, Clara's 7, and I know Sophia is still a baby, but she's almost 2. I don't want them to grow up," said Ezra mocking a pout. The couple sat in silence for a bit more, Aria smiling as her parents got up to slow dance.
"Do you think I should go up and check on the girls?"
"No, Aria. I'm sure Katherine has a handle on them. Besides, it's 8. Soph is probably asleep, and Clara's probably transfixed by The Little Mermaid." Aria giggled and leaned more into her husband's embrace.
The song being played by the band switched to "Happiness" causing them both to smile. "Care to dance, Mrs. Fitz?"
"No." Aria stuck her tongue out a little bit, but smiled and held out her hand to Ezra. "Just kidding. I'd love to, Mr. Fitz.'
He brought her up to a clear space in the dance floor, and wrapped an arm around her small waist. She put her small hand in his bigger one, pulling herself closer into his chest. Their dance began fully when the chorus kicked in he pressed a kiss into her hair. Aria looked up to him a smiled.
"I can't believe this is where fate has taken us. To be honest, in high school, I never thought that we would be together so perfectly in the future."
"It wasn't exactly perfect, Aria," warned Ezra.
"Ok, so what. But now it is. I love you. Isn't that all that matters?"
"It is. Right here, and right now. I love you too," he said, and bent down from his tall height to press his lips against hers. Nothing to the two of them had ever felt so right.
So, there's the end! I hope you enjoyed, because I certainly did!
Review, and remember I still have "What If" and a few more new stories in the works for you all!
Love always,