This is the third story for my Criminal Minds series, which still does not have a title yet. I mean the series as a whole, obviously i gave this a title... ANYHOW.

I do not own Criminal Minds... that would be so cool if I did though!

The dull beeping hit his eardrums. He felt numb. Dazed. His eyes felt glued together as he tried to open them. He groaned softly and tried to reach up and rub his eyes. He was stuck. He could move. He squeezed his eyes and they fluttered open. He yawned and looked around the white room. The lights were brightly lit, hurting his eyes. He tried to sit up, but the entirety of his leg was wrapped up and hung, elevated above the white bed he slept in.

His left arm was in a similar position. His right was in a cast, but not hanging from a strange contraption. His torso was wrapped tightly. His head felt light and he was a bit dizzy. Most of his hair having been cut away. However, he felt no change, except he seemed taller and heavier.

Reid blinked around the empty room, confused and frightened. He was lying on a bed in an unfamiliar place. Alone. And he was unsure about anything. Everything seemed completely different.

He glanced at his right hand sticking out of the cast and watched it tremble. It was bigger than he remembered. His fingers were longer.

"Reid!" He looked up at a strange black man, tall and muscular as he walked through the door. Reid blinked, at him, shaking. Who was this man? The stranger looked down the hallway. "Everyone! He's awake."

Three men and three women rushed into the room after his alarm. All were dressed in suits, looking professional except for the tall, darker skinned man from before who wore a t-shirt and a red-headed, vivacious woman who wore interesting clothes and accessories. One man had facial hair and looked bored, the other man's eyes were red and full of concern, but his expression was stoic.

"Who are you people?"

The man with facial hair had disappeared from the room. All the people left looked worried as they glanced at one another. The facial hair man walked back in followed by another who wore a white coat over his collared shirt and khakis. He hurried to the bed and looked at Reid gently. "How are you feeling?" He asked pulling out a small flashlight and reached for Reid's face.

Reid pulled back and whimpered, his body flaring in unexpected pain. "Where am I!" He demanded glaring at the doctor as he began checking to make sure nothing had re-fractured. "Quit touching me!" He cried, a wave of nausea coursing through him. "What is going on!"

Everyone exchanged glances again. All eyes fell on Hotch who showed no reaction, but seemed panicked to his team. The doctor turned to look at them and looked back at Reid. "Doctor Reid, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Doctor?" Reid looked at the other man like he had just said something ridiculous. "I'm only four! I can't be a doctor!" He exclaimed, sitting up and crying out in pain, slouching back into his original position.

"Please, don't make any sudden movements," the doctor requested gently. "What's the last thing you remember."

Reid went quiet and still. His lip trembled slightly from the pain and he swallowed. He glanced around the room seeing all the other strangers watching him and felt his face flush. He shook his head tersely. "I don't want to tell you," he said firmly, looking down at the sheets over his body.

The doctor smiled gently. "That's okay. My name is Dr. McKinnley. You're in the hospital right now. You had a terrible fall. Will you let me make sure you're okay?"

Reid nodded, still not looking up. "Who are they?" He asked in a murmur, trying to keep his voice low, not needing to make a gesture to the BAU team. "Why are they here?"

The doctor glanced at Hotch and turned back to his task. "This is the FBI. They… were asked to come check on you." He lied turning back and busying himself with checking Reid over.

"Why? What happened?" Reid asked. Hotch glanced at Morgan, both thinking the same thing. Always questioning everything. A look of horror crossed over his face. "Where am I? D-Did I run away from home?" He asked, looking around the room at everyone. His eyes locked with Hotch's and they stared at one another for awhile. "Where's my mom?"

Hotch felt his heart skip a beat. Reid's bright expressive eyes seemed to sparkle in recognition at him although a microscopic bit. However, Reid looked at the Doctor, his eyes wide and full of worry, all recognition gone.

"You're in Santa Cruz, California. I don't know exactly how you ended up here." He stated gently. The doctor seemed like he was unsure how to handle his patient; like it was the only time he had an amnesiac before. He felt a touch on his shoulder and looked up as Hotch looked at him with a silent question. The doctor nodded and stood up stepping away to allow the agent to take over.

Hotch looked back at his team and slowly they all filed out of the room, followed by the doctor who waited just outside the door, leaving Reid and Hotch alone. The older man sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at Reid gently. "I am SSA Aaron Hotchner."

Reid looked at him hesitantly his eyes searching Hotch's face and seemed to slink away even though the older man's expression was kind and gentle; it seemed as thought looking into his face made him feel sad. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Hotchner. I'm Spencer Reid." Reid said politely, his eyes dropping to stare at the buttons of Hotch's blazer.

"It's nice to meet you Spencer." Hotch said gently. He hesitated, his mind turning, trying to remember something that would help make a decent story for all the boy's questions. He didn't want to frighten Reid anymore than he already was. The boy had lost all his memories and was in a very fragile state right now. "Your mother asked us to retrieve you." He blurted out calmly, the wheels in his head turning so quickly that they sparked ideas.

Spencer looked down and nodded. "Mom always hated flying." He muttered, staring at his long fingers sticking out of his cast. Hotch felt relieved that Reid accepted his story. "When can I go home?" He asked looking up into Hotch's eyes.

"As soon as you're able to be moved. The doctor said a week or so." Hotch offered gently, seeing the look of horror cross Reid's face. "Sorry."

"It's okay Mr. Hotchner. It's not your fault I'm stuck here." Reid said, searching Hotch's face. "You look familiar. Are you a lawyer?" He asked, his eyes still looking for a reason there was a spark of recognition flashing in his brain.

"I was a long time ago." Hotch said honestly.

"Have-." He looked down and shook his head. He looked away and stared at the wall. He swallowed and looked at Hotch. "H-Has my father tried to find me?"

Hotch held himself firmly where he sat. He felt his chest throb and he tried to stay neutral as his eyes stung. Reid looked pitiful and expectant, his eyes wide like a begging puppy. Hotch swallowed, unsure how to reply. He took a deep breath, deciding he had lied enough to the sweet boy, and shook his head slowly. He immediately regretted it.

"Oh," was all Reid uttered, dropping his chin, and looking like a kicked puppy. He sniffled and leaned into his pillow, turning his head away from Hotch.

"I'm sorry, Spencer." Hotch said quietly, wanting nothing more but to hold him tightly and kiss away his tears. Reid may have had the memories from his first four years, but his body was still the Spencer Reid he had fallen in love with. He reached up and settled with placing a firm hand gently on Reid's shoulder.

Reid shrugged at the man's apology and looked up and smiled, a tear escaping his eyes. "It's not you're fault, Mr. Hotchner."

Chapter 1- End

The REAL reason Ried got a hair cut.

Hope you enjoyed. Reviews are fuel so keep on fueling me up to write the next chapter.

If all goes well I hope to have the next chapter, plus the next chapter of Flashbacks, and my new story up by this week since my spring break ends this monday.

My new story will be a Harry Potter fic because I've gotten back into it. So... yea... again Reviews=Fuel so keep on fueling up my creative process!