This is my first DC fic and my vision to how it could end. I won't include the actual end of the BO, just the aftermath. This idea is born in the end of March so Sera will not be included, simply 'caus I don't know how she fits in the story.

I'm not saying this is how it will end, just how it could end.

I've got the outlines and the story ready but I'm not sure if I should include Kaito in the whole final battle. Give me your opinions, they'll be greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan in any way, in any dimension, in any time or universe. This I swear in the name of Gosho Aoyama-sensei.

Chapter 1: Ran

It was a dream she got night after night.

It started everytime with that night in Tropical Land. "I'm sorry Ran, you go home first. I'll follow shortly." "Shinichi!" and then he started dissappearing in the dark. She ran and ran after him and when she finally caught up to him and turned him around so he would face her, it wasn't Shinichi anymore, but Conan-kun. The little boy, too mature for his age, with those deep-blue eyes.

"What's the matter, Ran-neechan?" he asks smiling widely. Those eyes... those were Shinichi's eyes!

"Who are you?" Gone was the child, a grim-sad expression now on his face. "I'm Edogawa Conan."

In a flash she sees as if Shinichi is standing the same spot as Conan, as if they were the same person.

"Don't worry, Ran. Everything will be alright." they say and their voices merge. "Shinichi!"

And then Ran wakes up.

Someone had been in her room that night or was it her imagination? Her hand involuntarily goes to her cheek.

Night after night the same dream, but she had a feeling this time was different.

She calms herself down and tries to recollect her dream when it hits her. Those two sentences! They never said that before. She could remember them clearly as if it wasn't a dream. " "Don't worry, Ran. Everything will be alright."

What did it mean?

Why were those two like one person in her dream? They couldn't be. She saw them together at the school fair when she thought they were the same person. That couldn't have happened if they were one and the same. And it was Shinichi, she was sure of it.

She never saw them together anymore, but that didn't mean anything, did it? Sure she was suspicious of him before, but that night all the doubts had disappeared. It couldn't be.

But what was that uneasy feeling that wouldn't go away?

Ran sighs and looks out of the window. It was already dawning. "Alright, might as well get up. I won't be able to sleep now."

She gets up and starts preparing for school. When she wants to start making breakfast, Conan flashes through her mind.

"What's with me? He should be sleeping right now with otou-san.


But maybe I should check on him, just in case." She proceeds to their room and is relieved when she sees a little lump besides her dad's ed. "How much longer is he gonna stay here? How much longer will I have a little brother? He never talks about his parents, like he doesn't care. And he seems so distracted lately, as if he's dealing with some problems..."

Meditating on the mystery that is Conan, Ran prepares breakfast. She's quickly done and yells out to the two males to come down and eat.

As she sets the plates on the table, she notices a note on it. Curious to know what's written in it, she reads the contents and pales. She runs to the bedroom again and sure enough there was the lump next to the bed.

"Conan-kun, wake up." She sets herself down next to the lump and starts shaking it. 'Ne, Conan-kun, wake up." She pulls the covers away. "Conan-kun!" Beneath the covers isn't the little boy she was searching for, but a folded futon.

"Oi, Ran. What is it? I'm already waking up." "Otou-san, Conan-kun is gone!" Ran cries and hands the elder Mouri the note that was left on the table.

Ran, Occhan,
had to go somewhere tonight. If everything's well, I'll be back in the morning.
If not, call Agasa-hakase. He'll fill you in.
Signed Edogawa Conan

"That bozu! Where is he?" "He's still not here, did something happen to him?" says Ran while her dream echoes in her head. "Don't worry, Ran. Everything will be alright."

"I better hope not. Honestly what was he thinking?" Kogoro responds. "I'm gonna call hakase."

While the phone was ringing, Ran mutters softly: "Please let him be alright, please let him be alright,..." Her mind takes her back to the time when Conan was shot and he almost died because of bloodloss.

Finally the phone is picked up by Ai. "Moshi Moshi, Agasa residence." "Ai-chan! Where is the professor?"

She hears the little girl gasp. "Ran!" Ran shakes it off and tries again. "Ai-chan, where is Agasa-hakase?" "What for?" the little girl asks uncertainly. "Conan-kun left a note saying I needed to call the professor if he didn't come in the morning. He's still not here and I'm worried. Where is hakase?"

She hears Ai sigh and mutter something like 'baka, making her worry' before she finally replies. "He's in the hospital." "What, why?" "For our little megane-tantei." "Conan-kun? What happened? Is he alright?" "I don't know, that was all that was written in the note hakase left." "I understand, thank you Ai-chan. I'll be on my way to Beika hospital right now."

"Would you mind taking me with you? I have a few things I'd like to tell him myself." Her voice remains calm but Ran could tell she was boiling with anger. "Sure, otou-san and I will be right over." She hangs up and calls a taxi. Kogoro meanwhile entered the room.

"So what did the professor say?" "He's in the hospital for Conan-kun." "What! The bozu is in the hospital?" "Yes, let's go, I have already called a taxi." "B-but I haven't eaten yet!" "You'll buy something there. Let's go, we have to pick Ai-chan up." "Oi, what about school?" "I send Sonoko a mail. I can't go to school with Conan in the hospital." The elder Mouri doesn't have anything to answer to that and decides to follow in his daughter's lead.

Next chapter will be about Conan/Shinichi and Agasa. You will be given some explanations there and I hope you'll enjoy it.

Don't forget to tell me if I should include Kaito in the battle.

Also something essential for the next chapter: is an operation needed for a broken leg and if it is, how long does such an operation take?

Oops, that was a spoiler. :o

Please stick until the end. ^^