Hey everyone! This is my first fic, so please accept the fact that it may be horrible..… Anyways! Back to the story! Also the story is set to be after TLH (I think that stands for The Lost Hero…)

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians... If I did, I would be famous, wouldn't I? [:

The Son Of Neptune

Chapter 1: Thinking Thoroughly

Annabeth's POV (they are at Camp Half-Blood currently) :)

It had been two weeks since Jason and I had found out that Percy was at the Roman Camp. I had been longing to see him. I just couldn't get him off my mind. What if he was with another girl? After all, when Piper and Leo thought that they really knew Jason, it was just the mist. Piper thought that she was his girlfriend. What if some other freak was getting tricked by the mist and thought they loved Percy?

No Annabeth… Don't think about the bad things that could possibly happen… The good voice of my head said.

What if he really is with some other girl right now, though? The pessimistic side of my brain thought. Before I could finish the mental argument, a voice interrupted.

"Annabeth!" a girl's voice shouted.

I slightly jumped at the sound.

As I turned, I noticed it was just my best friend, and current lieutenant of Artemis.

"Thals! What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised and happy.

"Artemis agreed to let some of her hunters come and visit for a while, considering that you guys might need some help with everything that's going on. You might even need some help on a quest to find the Roman Camp…" she trailed off, not wanting to upset me at the mention of what was 'currently happening' with the Roman Camp. I'm pretty sure she just didn't want me to feel worse than I already did at the mention of Percy's name.

Well, it didn't help.

It got me thinking about him again, and apparently my expression showed what I was thinking because Thalia blurted out, "You know, we're gonna' find the Roman Camp and bring Percy back. Everything will be okay once we accomplish what is needed."

I wanted to shout at her asking her how it would be okay, considering Percy probably doesn't even remember anything! But sadly, I didn't, 'cause she was only trying to help.

I decided to just drop the whole subject and think about something else.

"So, does Chiron know about your arrival?" I asked.

"No, and a matter of fact, I should be on my way to tell him that some of the hunters of Artemis have arrived! Thanks for reminding me, Annabeth. Want to come with?" she rambled on.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." Which was the truth.

"Great, let's go!"

She started running past some of the minor gods cabins and onto the steps of the Big House.

I spotted Chiron playing pinochle with Mr. D.

(AN: I would add more about the pinochle game, but I honestly don't know what that is and don't feel like searching it considering that it's 12:15 AM on a school night… I'm up very late.)

Apparently, they had started a while ago, because with one move Mr. D won the game. (Which was rare.)

"Ah-Ha!" he snarled. "I beat you again, Chiron! Pay up!"

"I suspected it anyways. Here's your wine. Oh and Dionysus, why do you need me to give you wine when you are the god of wine?" Chiron smirked, "Plus, you can't have it on camp grounds."

"Right," was all Mr. D managed to say.

"Annabeth, Thalia! I did not see you there! Why don't you come on in? What brings you here, Thalia?" Chiron chimed.

"I just came to say that some Hunters of Artemis are here to help with any future quests, or to help with other things," Thalia responded.

"Well, give my best thanks to Artemis."

"Sure thing, Chiron!"

"My pleasure. And Annabeth, is there something you need to talk about?" Chiron asked me. I had forgotten I was even there, since I was lost in thought.

"Oh, no, I just came with Thalia," I quickly replied, but wishing that I could talk to him about finding the Roman Camp alone. Without Thalia. Not that I hated her being there, but some things are just personal…

Thalia also seemed to notice this, and said, "Well, I am going to go say hi to Nico... and our other friends of course... We can meet up later, okay?"

"Sure thing," I told her.

With that, she skipped out the door and headed towards the Hades cabin.

"Are you sure you don't need to talk?" Chiron asked skeptically.

"Well... I was wondering if you found any signs on where the Roman Camp may be located," I confessed.

"I'm sorry to say, but I haven't come across anything too important. But Jason seems to know the location on the tip of his tongue. Hera still might have taken that memory from him, though."

"I think I'll go talk to Jason," I said, determined to find Percy sooner. The sooner the better, am I wrong? Of course not, I am a daughter of Athena.

And on that note, I sprinted out of the Big House looking for Jason.

Finally! I finished the first chapter of the story! I know it sort of sucked, but it will get better! Review, review and review! You can never not review too many times.

Okay, that was just confusing… And grammatically incorrect…

Anyways, I will probably have the next chapter up really soon! It will definitely be 4 days or under!