Hi... I'm kind of new to fan fiction, but I thought I could give it a try. I have some pretty fun ideas so please Read, Relax and Review =]
'…And in other news, the well known Takashi Corporation has gained yet another 4.2 mill—'
"And once again the well know Takashi Corporation is still the most powerful company in Japan! Blah, blah, blah, blah blah! We get it! They're fucking rich!" a long-raven-haired girl yelled, her smoky blue-gray eyes rolling to the back of her head with exasperation.
"I really don't understand why you hate Takashi Corp so much," the brown-haired girl next to her stated, her milk-chocolate colored eyes curiously staring at her best friend, "I mean, they donate to charity and stuff, they can't be that bad."
"It's not just Takashi Corp Sango, I just dislike rich people in general—Takashi Corp just so happens to always the topic in the news."
Sango rolled her eyes and finished taking a final sip of her hot chocolate, "Well, as much as I'd love to chat more about how much you hate rich people, I gotta start heading home," she teased, "I will see you tomorrow; oh, and please don't forget to lock the door this time"
"It was one time Sango, but yes, mother dearest, I'll make sure to lock the door," Kagome said playfully retorted. As she locked the door and was about to head to her bedroom, she heard a sudden knock, 'Sango probably forgot something...again,' she opened the door, "forgot something again San—uhh, who're you?"
"Are you Higurashi, Kagome?"
She stared at the three men in front of me wearily, "depends, who's asking?"
"May we come in?" one asked abruptly. Kagome arched her eyebrow, "would you mind telling me what this is about before I let three strange men in suits inside my house?"
The room was silent, so silent, even the crickets outside dared not chirp, knowing the severity it would cause if they were to start. Kagome stared at the men in front of her and the silence broke as she burst into laughter.
"You guys are kidding right?!" she asked with tears in her eyes, laughing uncontrollably, "I mean honestly, did Sango put you up to this? This has got to be some sort of stupid joke!" they stayed quiet and Kagome stopped laughing and stared at them in disbelief, "so, you expect me to believe that my father's father, who I haven't heard from since I was five when my father died, is on his deathbed and wants me to become his heir because I'm his only blood relative?"
"Yes, that is correct," answered one of the men.
"You guys are insane." She said bluntly, "do you people actually think I'd—"
"Higurashi-sama, no matter how much you try to deny it, you really are the heir of Higurashi Corporation." the other chimed in.
Kagome shook her head and held her hand up to stop them from continuing, "look, if I really was your so-called quote-unquote heir, I wouldn't even know where to start. I can barely run my own life, let alone run a multimillion-dollar company. This is a joke! No person in their right mind would let some long-lost granddaughter just suddenly run their business."
"This is no joke Higurashi-sama. Everything you need to know about the business will be taught to you. You will be trained in anything and everything you would need to succeed."
She pinched the bridge of her nose, "it's like you people aren't even listening to me." She thought for a moment and had an epiphany, she faked a sweet smile, "Okay, here's the deal, if you can prove it, maybe I'll think about it. Maybe." She really wasn't going to, she just wanted to see how they would react; little did she know that this simple sentence would start the beginning of a series of unfortunate events.
"Holy mother of copyrighted sayings." Kagome stared in awe at the gated house-like-palace that was in front of her. It was at least 3 stories, not including the open rooftop-balcony, which she was sure would be the best viewing station of the whole estate. A huge victorian-fountain sat in the middle of the U shaped driveway. Coincidentally, the huge garage door was open which gave Kagome a wonderful view of almost every single luxury-sports car brand you could possibly think of.
They walked inside where Kagome was taken a room decorated and designed like European study, "wow" was all she could muster.
"Higurashi-hime, I'm glad you decided to come. Will ye be able to start the training as soon as possible?" an older looking woman walked into the room, her gold-plated name tag had 'Hanaku, Kaede' engraved in it.
"Wha-?" and before she could finish her question, she was dragged off into another room.
"We've prepared the transcripts so ye can transfer to Shikon University as a business major," Kaede explained as matter-of-factly.
Kagome ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, "hold on, wait a minute! Who said anything about transferring? I can't leave Tokyo University! I have friends! Besides, I've haven't even agree—"
"Would ye like these friends of yours to be transferred as well?"
"No! That's—that's not the point!" she could feel a headache coming in and she rubbed her templed, "I thought this was all a joke! I asked your three stooges over there to prove it to me their story! I didn't think it would actually lead me here! I see now they weren't lying, but I can't do this! I'm sorry. I'm sorry that my so-called grandfather's on his deathbed and all but I have no intention of taking over his company. There's a lot of things I want to do with my life, and this isn't one of them."
"Higurashi-hime," Kaede stated firmly, "I know this is a lot of pressure, but ye truly are the only heir your grandfather has—this company is rightfully yours."
"I don't care! I haven't heard from him since I was five years old! He can't expect me to forget everything and just take over his business! Where was he when I needed him?!" she yelled in frustration, "where was he when my father died, huh? Why did he leave us in our worst time of despair?! My mother went into debt to make ends meet for my father's funeral and raising me, alone. He didn't even bother sending us any condolences. His own son died and he wasn't even at the funeral. He didn't help us, so why should I be obligated to help him?!" her vision became blurred as tears streamed down her face.
"Save it! I'm not doing this!" Kagome ran out of the room, running through the long hallways and running through the huge gates of the house as they opened for her. It took Kagome a second to realize she was draping wet. She looked up at the dark-gray clouded sky that seemed to be crying with her, her mind became blank, not even thinking about how she was going to get home. She walked around aimlessly, just letting her legs lead the way; she was suddenly taken out of a state of trance when she heard the sound of a car honking. Kagome looked around the empty streets, gfgfhfinally realizing she was standing in the middle of the road.
"Hey! Are you just going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to move?" yelled an angry half demon. He stuck his head out of the car, his silver hair getting darker as it soaked up the rain.
Kagome snapped out of her daze, bowed and quickly ran to the other side. What had she been thinking? Dazing off like that. 'I could've been killed,' she thought. Kagome hugged herself as she suddenly felt just how cold it was outside. Tears continued to escape her eyes, not noticing the umbrella that was now shielding her from the rain.
InuYasha's P.O.V.
I stared at the note on my passenger seat, 'how could you do this to me Kikyo? Of all the people you could've picked, it had to be Onigumo?' I growled in frustration and drove off, I didn't know where I was going but it sure as hell would be far away from here. I needed to think, get my mind cleared. I looked up at the dark-gray clouded sky, looks like they were also having a rough day. I looked in front of me and saw a girl with long black hair standing in the middle of the streets, stopping immediately, I honked the horn and yelled, "hey! Are you just going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to move?" a little harsh I know, but I was mad and she wasn't helping the situation; standing in the middle of the road like an idiot, just waiting for someone to accidentally hit her. She looked around, bowed and ran to the other side. She stood there and I couldn't help but watch, mainly because she looked like a lost puppy. She looked so sad and confused, much like me. I grabbed the emergency umbrella from my glove compartment and got out of the car turning on my hazard lights as I got out. I walked over to her, she didn't seem to notice.
"You'll catch a cold if you just stand in the rain like this." Her smoky gray-blue eyes looked up at me which took me by surprise. I cleared my throat, "what are you doing outside in the rain and in the middle of the street anyway?"
Her voice was soft and timid but had a resonating sound to me, I wasn't sure why—maybe it was because I was feeling lonely.
"I was just out for a walk," I could tell that was a lie, "to be honest I was lost in thought and I just kind of got lost."
"Your soaking wet," I explained.
A smile, barely even noticeable, appeared on her face, she was gorgeous, to say the least. "I kinda figured."
I stared at her for a minute, "look I know we don't know each other, but I feel compelled to help you, so do you mind if I take you home?" there was something about her that intrigued me. I don't usually go around asking random strangers to get into my car and asking them if I could drive them home, but there was feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me not to leave her out here lost and alone.
She shook her head in protest, "I'll get your car wet, besides my house is—" she stopped mid-sentence and looked around again, "uhm, where am I?" she asked dumbfoundedly.
I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, "I think it's best I take you home, what's your address?"
I know its bad to end it there, but you know. I wanna see what you guys think. =] I hope you enjoyed reading Only Business.