Disclaimer: Don't own, not claiming too. K? K.
A/N: Amy is one of my least favourite characters. It's always interesting to write about your least favourites.
R o s e
A delicate flower protected by vicious thorns;
That describes you perfectly, now, doesn't it Rose?
Of course the delicateflower
Well, that would be the innocence within you
((you are only t w e l v e remember;
No matter how much you wish to be older;
Wish to be a big girl;
Not quite there yet, love))
And of course the vicious thorns
Well, that would be that nastynastytemper of yours
((&& you swingswingswing that hammer around
Your not fastprettyagilestrongflightpsyfire
It's all you have, baby;
You always feel prettyuseless compared to them
and it makes you
Delicate flower
With delicate being the appropriate word here, darling
You're surrounded::
You get soso much attention
You get the attention of your
(And you do have QuiteAFew)
Yes dear, you're surrounded
But ohso delicate
(ohso naïve)
Because really you'd give up
&& people think it's an obsession
It's only an infatuation
A silly childhood crush
But you knowknowknow
That it's
(Silly girl-
At twelve?
Just getget overit Rose
You silly girl
He's so immature
He'll never love you
Get overit!
Butbut you just CAN'T!
&& it crushes you
You see him
((Such a delicate little flower))
Butbut you never dwell on it
You're ohso optimistic
(But then again, all children are)
&& you
so much because you were always told that
dreams come true
if you
just believe
Because one day you'll be
With lot's of
Sonic&Amy Jr's
And a little
House by the sea
And you'll watch the children play and he'll come home and he'll kiss you on the cheek and you'll be cooking him a meal made with love and then you'll be sitting curled on the sofa as a family and...
And one day you'll wake up and realise that it's all a dream
One day you'll grow up and realise you're
Might never actually be a
A/N: My second STH FreeVerse type poetry. I'm not sure how this one turned out. It's late and stuff. Might possibly edit it later. Yeah, the house by the sea thing is a result of a little too much Sweeney Todd... I had to restrain from putting "A house what we'd almost own" and "we'll have chums over every Friday..."
If you did enjoy this though I have another FreeVerse for this category entitled Of Flowers and Chocolates which is Rouge centric.
Have a nice night.