A/N: This idea has been floating around in my head for a long while, and finally I got some of it down on paper. Hunter J in my opinion is the best baddy in the Pokémon Anime series, it is a shame she is rarely shown. Pokémon is owned by Game Freak and Nintendo. I do not own anything.

Chapter 1

"Ah Hunter J, a pleasure to finally meet the legend." A tiny man greeted as he got up from his desk to meet the woman who had just entered his office.

"The pleasure is all mine, I am sure," The hunter responded as she observed the tiny man before her smiling madly like a goon. The smile on his was certainly his most distinguishable trait she had notice thus far. He was not much a man in the sense that he was so tiny; J had seen ten year olds bigger than this man before her. He was so unlike her previous clients before, this small man seemed to lack the air of ill intent. However the hunter knew better than anybody that first impressions could often times be deceiving.

What he lacked in size though Gareth made up for in money and power, which was one of the reasons Hunter J was now standing before him now. J had only heard rumors of Gareth and his black reputation, and now standing before him now, did not believe a single word. Perhaps rumors of his black heart had been a little exaggerated she thought as she noticed that ridiculous smile was still smacked across his face.

She took the seat position directly in front of the desk centered in the middle of the massive room. Gareth seeing the hunter had settled in made his way back to his seat behind his desk, and pressed a button on the phone.

"Ida," he called out with authority, "I am in a very important business meeting be sure i am not interrupted."

"Yes sir." A woman's voice responded after a moment. Satisfied they would not be interrupted Gareth pulled out a small device from his coat pocket and after pressing a few buttons placed in on the table.

"I am supposing you are wondering why I have called for your services." The man began as he sat back in his chair examining the woman across from him.

"The question has crossed my mind." J merely said.

Gareth let out a small laugh, that smile never leaving his face, "Do forgive me Hunter J, but I always imagined you to be a man, based off of your reputation"

"Most men do." the hunter responded coyly as she crossed her legs to make herself a little more comfortable.

"Yes I would guess so." He simply said. "Not much of a talker huh?" Gareth continued after a moment of silence.

"I believe you have called me here because you have a job for me, not to talk over tea." J simply said as she grew impatient with the little man.

"Yes," Gareth continued on smile still present. To be honest that stupid smile was starting to annoy the hunter.

"Hunter J gets the job done is the talk of the water cooler." Gareth began, "No matter what the job."

Hunter J did not respond. She merely continued watching the man waiting for him to get to the point. Suddenly out of nowhere that goofy smile dropped off of Gareth's face and his demeanor change completely from friendly, to strictly business. "Or so it was."

The hunter did not say a word, wondering where Gareth was going with all of this she decided it would be best to just let him continue.

"It seems as though you have gained a new reputation, one that could be bad for business." Gareth continued as he clasped his hands in front of his face in thought as he watched the woman before him for any kind of response.

The hunter gritted her teeth in anger at being reminded of her new troubles. Truth was her clientele had been dropping off steadily when people had heard most of her former clients had been caught due to the efforts of a group of ten year olds. Her title of the Notorious Hunter J, something she had worked long and hard for her entire life, had slipped away from her, and now she was just another hunter, extremely risky to hire.

Even her efforts to punish those had had stripped her of her title had failed. It was disturbing to think that her greatest adversary turned out to be a ten year old boy partnered with a Pikachu. J did not know why Gareth was bringing this up, she assumed it was part of his business strategy, but she did not appreciate being reminded of her failures.

"A few minor inconveniences." She replied in a controlled voice, "But my reputation still holds true, I can still get what you want." She finished.

"As long as there are no children around." Gareth countered with a smile. The hunter flashed disgust at hearing his remark, and abruptly got up from her seat. "I did not come here to be insulted Gareth." She spat bitterly at him, "I came here under the pretenses you had a job for me." She finished as she banged her fist down on the table in frustration of it all.

"Good." Gareth replied much to the confusion of the Hunter. He smoothly gestured for the hunter to resume her seat. After she did, Gareth reached into one of his drawers pulling out a manila envelope. Carelessly he tossed it across the desk the hunter. After it slid to a stop the Hunter carefully picked up the thick envelope and pulled out its contents.

Right on top the stack of papers sat a photograph. She examined it closely. It was a poor photograph; obviously the photographer had taken the picture without the subject's knowledge due to the fact that his back was facing the lens. The Picture itself had been taken at t great distant and was a little fuzzy, but J knew upon first glance who the picture was of.

She began to visibly shake with rage as she realized the picture was of the Brat boy and his Pikachu. Gareth smiled to himself upon seeing the hunter's rage pour out of her eyes as she examined the photo. They sat there in silence for a moment until Hunter J finally spoke.

"I am familiar with this Pikachu, it is a fine Specimen." She began but was cut off before she could continue.

"Yes we are aware of that," Gareth replied, "But that is not what we are after."

J looked up at Gareth in confusion, and then back to the photograph. Had she missed something? Her search for some other Pokémon hidden in the photo came up empty. The brat was the only other subject in the picture but...

"You have got to be kidding me." J spat in realization of what Gareth's intentions were.

"Yes." Gareth smiled, that stupid grin returning again, "The boy is what we want."

"What?" J asked bemused. "Gareth need I remind you that I am a Pokémon hunter, and being a Pokémon hunter I capture and sell POKEMON." She stressed concluding that the man before her had lost his mind.

"I am aware." Gareth replied

"If you do not have a Pokémon subject, then this meeting is a waste of both of our times." Hunter J replied angrily as she got up from her chair the second time, only this time she had every intention of leaving this lunatic. She had made it to the door when Gareth's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"On the contrary. I am aware of your past record with this child, which is why I have sent for you. You have to most to gain from this mission succeeding. "Gareth said as he got up from his desk and slowly made his way to where the hunter had froze by the door.

"You have sent your entire life making a name for yourself as a Pokémon Hunter and for awhile you had a good thing going." Gareth continued inching closer to the woman.

"That is until the day you met this child." He said as he grabbed the photo from the desk, holding it up to her to make his point even though her back was turned towards him.

"How many missions have been busts because of this kid? And how many more will fail, until finally he will end you and your business, and you will spend the rest of your life behind bars."

J clenched her fists in an attempt to hold back her anger as the man continued to bait her. He was getting to her and he knew it. "Hard to believe a kid could be so powerful, I know I could not believe it either. Look again J, "Gareth continued when he finally was right behind her.

The hunter turned around and was face to face with the photograph, anger burning in her eyes. "Why has he succeeded where so many have failed before?" Gareth asked her as she continued to glare at the photo.

"Listen to me Hunter J. If you accept this mission and succeed, this brat will be out of your hair forever, and you can rebuild your notorious reputation again and continued doing what you love so much." Gareth said calmly as he continued to watch the hunter as she continued to gaze at the photo.

J continued gazing at the photograph deep in thought. She would love nothing more than to make the brat suffer for all that he had done, but she wasn't quite sure why she was so reluctant to partake in this mission. Sure she had made her way through life being a relentless Pokémon hunter, but targeting people, that was an entirely different branch of crime she was not familiar with.

On the other hand if she did succeed she was sure no one in their right mind would mess in her affairs ever again. Not if she succeeded, when she succeeded. Tales of terror would sprout, her name alone would strike fear into the hearts of many once again. "What did you exactly have in mind?" J finally replied as she tore the photograph from the man's hands, her gaze unwavering from the little man before her to show him, she meant business.