Okayy faithful readers. this probably isnt my best story. i had a random thought and started jotting it down and it became this. i dont know how far i'll take this story, if i find myself getting into it ill continue. right now ive got this and half of a second chapter as a "trial" to see where i wanna go. so rate, review, tell em what you think. critizism welcome.

(The centered italiseized part is a flashback)


Itachi watched in horror as she walked into the Akatsuki base. This girl, why was she here? What could have possibly have led her to this place? His eyes took in the Konoha headband on her forehead. A long deep slash through the symbol of the Hidden Leaf. He stood holding his breath as she moved past him. Her sharingan eyes showing no spark of recognition as they passed over his face. This girl, the one person that Konoha and Sasuke were never to know about. The secret survivor of the Uchiha Massacre.

Bodies piled on the floor, a tear leaked from Itachi's eye. Hating himself more and more with every slash of his blade. Then he saw her. She was easily recognized, her knew her from around the village, she was Sasuke's classmate at the academy, Arnya Uchiha. Her deep gray eyes stared at him in confusion and fear. Tears leaked down her face as she took in the terror unfolding around her. She looked from the bodies of her parents to that of her younger sister. It was at the sight of the child that Arnya finally broke. She fell to the ground calling her sisters name. Itachi approached her, Anbu sword at the ready. Then she said something that made him freeze.

"I'm sorry," she choked through her tears, "I couldn't protect you like I promised." Itachi stopped, his blade fell to his side as he stared at this child. He was reminded of himself, he imagined what he would do in this situation, if it was him on the ground looking at Sasuke's body. He kneeled down beside the child. She turned to face him, "why?" was the simple question.

"you wouldn't understand," was the reply before he knocked the girl in the back of the head, rendering her unconscious.

"I don't remember any of my life before I was nine-years-old," Pain the Akatsuki leader was questioning her collecting information on the newest member, "I don't know where I am from, who my parents were, what my last name was, or how I ended up in the village I then grew up in."

"what do you know?" Pain asked, a little harshly in Itachi's opinion.

"My name is Arnya, I was raised in a miniscule spit of a non-shinobi village, I don't have a family, as far as I can remember I have been completely alone, I don't trust anyone or anything, this necklace I wear is the one thing that suggests I even had a life before I woke up in the hospital. I left that pathetic excuse for a village when I was twelve, became a Konoha chunin when I was fourteen, had a falling out with the people I believed to be my friends when I was fifteen and left the village. I've been rouge since then and now im standing here." she said, sarcasm and anger dripping off almost every syllable,

"oh one more thing, the only possible thing that suggest the identity of my bloodline is my Sharingan. But even then I can't say for sure because the only living one I've met before this moment I never bothered questioning because I can't stand the brat's guts."

Pain didn't seem sure how to respond. The rest of the Akatsuki members were standing staring at this woman in silence. It was Deidara that posed the next question, "Why do you hate him, yeah?"

Arnya turned towards the nineteen-year-old blonde, her dark eyes focused onto his blue ones. "because he's an arrogant, over-achieving, self-centered, oh-woe-is-me my brother hates me, vengeance obsessed BITCH!"

Deidara seemed satisfied with this answer and nodded his understanding, subconsciously shooting Itachi a dirty look.

Itachi swallowed the lump in his throat. The way this woman talked about Sasuke. Was he really so cold now. He knew Sasuke would never again be the happy, loving and hyperactive child he once was, but to be described in such a way. Of course the attitudes of both the young Uchiha survivors could be boiled down to and blamed on one thing. Itachi. Both children had seen their parents destroyed in front of them, both children felt the horrible pain of loss and fear. The difference, Sasuke was manipulated to hate Itachi, and go after his brother rather than the true cause of the massacre. While Arnya's memories were forcibly sealed by a jutsu Itachi had placed on her.

"Alright Arnya," Pain obviously trying to redirect everyone's attention to the initiation of a new member, "we sought you out because of your power, and you came without argument. Why did you agree to join us?"

"I've got nothing better to do." was the dark eyed woman's emotionless reply.

"that was pretty much my answer too, yeah" Deidara commented. He seemed to have taken a shine to her. Deidara after all made it no secret that he despised Itachi, and by extension any Uchiha bearing the sharingan. Hearing Arnya insult Itachi's own flesh and blood must have made him quite happy. And seeing as he was ignorant of her true line he had no reason to dislike her.

"Well, then, Sasori, Deidara. She will be working with the two of you for now. Until I think of something better for her." Pain concluded giving Arnya a quick up and down glance. Sizing her up no doubt. She definably didn't look like much. Standing at about the height of Itachi's shoulder, her slim body was covered mostly by black leather and body mesh. Her pitch black hair fell down her back in messy waves and ringlets, and at only eighteen-years-old she was currently the youngest member of the Akatsuki, and besides Konan, who like Pain was rarely seen in person by the other members, she was the only female.

The most dangerous looking thing about her appearance was her eyes. Even without sharingan she had a look, of hatred, anger, and bloodlust hidden behind her gaze. Everyone in the room, except Deidara, seemed tense around her. She gave off an aura more reproachful than any of the men surrounding her. However even in their tensed state, you could sense the hormones rolling off almost every one of the other members, Konan, Pain, and Itachi being the most obvious exceptions. But her beauty was a dangerous kind, like that of a black widow spider. Alluring but terrifying.

"Well look at that, Sasori no Danna. we get a new plaything." Deidara said elbowing Sasori who was currently sitting inside his Hiruko puppet.

Before Sasori had the chance to respond, Deidara was thrown forcibly across the room and crashed through the brick wall to the outside. Every face turned to Arnya who lowered her leg from her kick. "I," she said staring daggers at Deidara who was struggling to pick himself out of the rubble, "am NOT your plaything." and with that she stormed down a dark corridor towards her already pre-assigned bedroom.