Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia/Nekotalia… still

The moment the door shut, Sweden jumped out of Berwald's arms and onto the bed. He thought about going to the door and pawing at it, but Berwald was standing in the way. And with Berwald being as big as he was, Sweden didn't want to have to worry about being stepped on.

Sitting up and curling his tail around him, Sweden waited to see what Berwald was going to do next. Both pairs of icy blue eyes sort of stared at each other. Although from Sweden it was a bit more of a glare.

Finally Berwald gave in and sighed, "Hello cat."

Sweden's ear twitched at the gruffness of the man's voice.

"Obviously Tino is getting tired of this," Berwald continued.

Lifting up his front paw, Sweden began to clean behind his ears acting as if he wasn't interested in what Berwald was saying.

"We're also not going to be released from this room until we reach an agreement, you know just as well as I do how stubborn Tino can be," Berwald sighed again.

Sweden paused in his cleaning, to look up at Berwald. He had to debate about the idea of continuing to annoy Berwald and keeping all of Tino's attention to himself but be stuck in the room with this man or at least coming to an agreement and being let out. His tail started to swish in annoyance.

"We both like Tino and Finland," Berwald said, "So it seems we're going to be stuck with one another. They both have affection towards us, so we should at least learn to tolerate each other."

Sweden turned his head slightly to look away annoyed. Unfortunately there may have been some truth to Berwald's words.

Berwald rubbed his temples; usually he might be concerned that he was having a conversation with a cat. But with how Sweden was it wasn't a surprise when the cat seemed to know exactly what he was saying the entire time. Coughing to clear his throat, Berwald said, "How about we make a deal?"

Sweden's ears perked up at the proposition and he paused in his cleaning enough to listen to what was going to be said.

"If we can come to an agreement to co-exist with each other, then we should be able to both be able to spend alone time with Tino or Finland." Berwald said trying to find the best wording, "I won't interrupt on your time and you won't interrupt me."

If he ever wanted to get out of the room, it was probably the best thing Sweden was going to agree to. Sweden seemed to give a nod in approval and jumped down from the bed. He walked over to the door and sat in front of it to begin staring at it so it would open.

Berwald knocked on the door, signaling to Tino that they were done. Tino opened the door with a smile on his face, "So are we alright now?"

Berwald nodded.

Sweden wasn't about to admit that there was an agreement. Just because he "agreed" to "co-exist" and behave himself, didn't meant that he still would entirely. He would just have to figure out how to balance everything better.

At least Tino seemed to be happy with the two as he hugged onto Berwald while Sweden walked by to find Finland. Sweden was going to "try" this sharing thing.

Although it still didn't mean that Sweden had to completely abandon his evil cat plots against Berwald.

Author's note: Okay, so I don't think Sweden could ever fully agree to "Sharing". He's a cat. He's much more stubborn then he should be.

And I didn't feel like doing Berwald-Speakage. It's too much work sometimes…

Unless something else comes up, I think we'll just leave this house and their problems alone for a little while. ^^