Sorry it took so long. I just heard everyone was having problems with FanFiction and I kind of fail at anything to do with computers. I'm more of a click and hope it doesn't explode kind of person. So anyway~

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia/Nekotalia. Never will either.

Sweden was always quite content.

He had, in his opinion, the best human any cat could ever have. Tino was always the best in giving Sweden all the attention he could ever want. The best food. The best bed. Then in return, Sweden was always there for Tino. If Tino had a bad day at work, Sweden was immediately there to cheer him up or snuggle up to him when he relaxed.

Every evening, Sweden would wait patiently by the door for when Tino would come home at exactly six o'clock. And every evening, Sweden was quite happy to follow Tino around to help him get things done around the house. Or at least as much as a cat could help with cleaning and such.

However, one night Tino didn't come home by six. He wasn't even home by seven or eight. Sweden didn't like this one bit and began pacing back and forth in front of the door. It wasn't until nearly ten when Tino opened the door and came inside. Sweden couldn't have been happier, except for when all he received was a simple pat on the head and some food. He knew something was wrong.

Sweden continued to put up with this for several days afterwards, much to his annoyance.

Then one Friday night, Tino had come home at his normal time of six. Except he wasn't alone. Sweden came to realize that it was this man, Berwald, was the one taking his Tino away from him. So when Berwald tried to make friends, Sweden fluffed out his tail making himself seem as big as possible and hissed.

"I'm sorry," Tino apologized, "I don't know what's gotten into him. Usually he's really good with people."

Sweden's tail continued to swish as he watched the two sit down on the couch next to each other. He took the initiative to sit in between them. After all, he had to keep them from sitting closer. Tino was his human.

Berwald continued to visit over the next few days and every time, Sweden would give him the same reaction. That is until one day, when Berwald came over; he had in his hands a cat carrier. He placed it down on the floor and opened the door.

Sweden continued to watch as the new cat stepped out. It took no less than a minute for Sweden to decide that Finland, as the other cat was called, was also going to be his. Of course Finland was somewhat confused by this sudden declaration, but was too nervous to protest.

Sweden happily spent the rest of the evening with Finland, at least until Berwald had decided it was time to go home. Quite unhappy about this turn of events, Sweden attached himself to Berwald's leg as he tried to pick up Finland.

Tino just smiled, "I think he may finally be taking a liking to you! Maybe, if you'd like, you could spend the night."

Berwald stopped trying to pick up Finland and agreed.

Later that night, as Sweden had curled up on Tino's chest with Finland nearby, Sweden was quite content. Now if he could only get rid of Berwald…