Disclaimer: I don't own Tangled, and I don't even have a share in Walt Disney or DreamWorks— so just enjoy the story and please review. Some people on here just write for the heck of it, but I'm one of those people who, yes enjoy writing, but want to improve.
Any questions or comments are appreciated.
Oh yeah— this story takes place after Flynn and Rapunzel have been married and are now facing a horrible truth— just thought I'd let you know.
Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so far away from Rapunzel's own, there was a girl. Well, there were a lot of girls actually, but this story is about one in particular.
Now we all know the story of how there was a single drop of sun that turned into a flower— but in the neighboring kingdom they had a much bigger problem— a flower that came from a drop of moonlight. In all honesty, the moon must have felt more generous than the sun because it gave the earth seven drops of moonlight.
Each of these drops turned into a single lunar flower. These flowers granted your inner most wish— by eating one of the petals at midnight on a Full Moon. Oh, and let's not forget the most important part now— the song you would sing to get the flowers favor— for the flower only grants your wish if you sing the special song.
Flower of the moon
Shower me with light
Award me one wish
Please give me back my life
Ease the pains of time
Grant the blind their sight
Make one find true love
Please give me back my life
Give back my life
Well, each flower had seven petals, and after nearly several centuries of people having their inner most desires granted, only one flower remained. A shepherd boy found the flower, and instead of telling other the location of the final flower he dug up the precious thing and hid it from the prying eyes of the world.
Using this flower the boy became a handsome man, then he became immortal, then he became King of the not so distant afore mentioned kingdom. Taking on a new name, the man became Alric Fleischer, so that no one would ever be able to call him a shepherd boy again.
With just four petals remaining of the moons gift, the King protected them heavily inside the castle, telling his guards to protect what was the most valuable treasure in the kingdom.
But one day he finds his flower petals missing— stolen and eaten by four poor orphan girls. The king searched and searched for these girls but he never found them— one of them gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, with hair that shone like silver.
This is her story.
I just wanted to thank Air-Quiet-Reader for how to improve the song! I mostly write to improve my skills, so when you let me know I've done something awfully confusing or just not well, or even to congratulate me on something I have done well on, I really appreciate it.