Hey it has been a while.
I had writing block for a while and haven't been writing, but I'm good now.
Expect the first chap. of B&L in a day or two, but until then enjoy this.
Seduction game
It was post-war time, and the gaang decided to take a vacation to a luxary spa for a week. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, and Zuko (Mai didn't go) were enjoying themselves and spending time with there significant other. Now we cut to Suki, Katara, and Toph having a soak in a hot spring.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah." Toph sighed. "This is it. This is what saving the world gets us. It ain't a giant gold statue… but I'll take it."
"Toph." Suki laughed. "Your so full of yourself."
"Oh what? You two aren't thinking it too?"
"Well the Avatar is my boyfriend so, I'm pretty content." Katara smiled.
"And I got my man." Suki added. "Oh and… didn't I save your and Sokka's behind from falling off an airship."
Toph's head shot at Suki. "Don't think you own me for that. We all knew the risks… but thanks any way."
Katara realized something. "Yeah wait a minute. Everyone else has someone, but you… your all by yourself. You need to get a boyfriend."
"Nope. Toph Bei Fong is a solo act. Besides, none of the guys I know interest me."
'Really?" Suki said curiously. "Because I remember back in the Serpent's Pass when-"
"Suki!" Toph pointed at her. "I will literally crush you."
Suki looked at Toph staring at her, with those gray eyes, daring her.
"...Besides… it was easy for you two."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Katara asked.
"The guys pretty much threw themselves at you. Sokka is always drooling over you, and you waited till Aang saved the world before making a move."
"Are you calling me shallow?" Katara asked insulted.
"I'm not saying that." Toph quickly said. "But think about it… He saved the whole world for you. What have you done for him."
"I saved his LIFE!"
"Yeah, but I mean affectionately, and those little kisses don't count either."
"And why not?" Katara was getting annoyed by all this.
"Because none of them said 'I love you'… did they?
"Um…w-well…I…I." Toph got her.
"Exactly. And how many times have you been romantic with Sokka?" Toph said turning her attention to Suki.
"Not that it's any of your business… but plenty."
"Without him starting it."
Suki's mouth hung open, but she closed it unable to give her an answer.
"See what I mean. You two got your boyfriends without so much as trying. Bet you don't even know how to get a guy's attention.
"Yeah we do." Katara stated.
"Prove it."
"What?" Suki asked.
"Prove to me you can subdue your man. Go out and try it. Then come and tell me, and I'll do a lie detector test."
"Subdue?" Katara asked nervously. "Isn't that a little…naughty?"
"Not if you're already a couple." Toph responded. "Just think of it as a game."
"A game of seduction?" Suki asked.
Toph's face lit up at the sound of this. "Yeeeeeeeeah… a seduction game. Let's see how far you can drive your man up the wall."
"Your on." Katara accepted. "We can so do this."
Toph smiled. "I'll believe it when I see."
"I guess your'll never believe it then." Suki teased.
"Watch it Suki."
"Well since you can't-"
Suki laughed. "Okay, sorry. THEN LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"
Yeah I know it's short, but these are meant to be short...but very entertaining. ;-)
next chap Katara Round 1:
Katara shows a little leg.