*Not proof read. I'm too lazy for that! c;*

"Jace, come on. We're going to be late!" I shouted down the hallway, to where my boyfriend was, who looking in a mirror making sure his hair was perfect. I swear, he spent more time with his hair then I did with mine... which, wasn't a hard job considering my hair refused to be tamed.

"One second Clary! This piece of hair won't stay down!" Jace yelled back. I huffed and walked down the hallway, grabbed Jace by the ear and pulled him towards the front door.

"What was that for?!" He looked at me, feigns shock. I smiled at him and pulled him out the door and into the windy New York street.

"We're late. Magnus might actually kill us. Don't you remember last time?" I asked Jace, cringing at the last time Jace made us late to Magnus' party. He made the biggest fuss over it, so much that people started staring and laughing. Oh Magnus.

I saw Jace cring too and nod as we walked down the busy street.

"I wonder how many people there will be tonight. There were a lot last time.." I say, thinking back. Crazy night.

"Who knows. It's Magnus, he's always spontaneous."

True that.


"Clary! Jace! how lovely of you to finally join us!" Magnus greeted us at the door, giving us a wry smile.

I looked up at Jace to see him smiling cockily at Magnus. Sighing, I walked in to find people everywhere. How the hell was I suppose to find Isabelle now?

Walking through the large crowd and trying not to suffercate, I located Isabelle with Simon, Alec and Maia sitting on the sideboards in the kitchen, near the drinks. Go figure.

"Clary! Hey! Where's Jace?" Isabelle asked me, smiled down at me from her high position.

"He's with Magnus I assume..."

Five minutes later, Jace and Magnus strolled along to join us and we all walked into the less hectic kitchen.

"So, I feel like this is it. The end of a journey..." Simon commented as we all sat at the table.

I chuckled as everyone as the table looked confused. Alec just scrunched his face up in dissaproval.

"This isn't the end of a journey, its simply a new beginning." I smiled. Of course this wasn't the end. We had the rest of high school to finish, then we had college. God knows what college I'm going to be applying for. I hadn't even given it much thought.

Suddenly, Magnus pulled out a bottle of Apple Cider, out of nowhere, and handed everyone glasses. I took mine and stared at it.

"I think it's time we made a toast." Magnus stated. Rolling my eyes, I realised that this was the start of one of those soppy moments you saw on TV dramas.

Filling up our glasses, we looked at Magnus expectantly. There was no way any of us were going to start a toast. Before he started, Magnus cleared his throat and smiled.

"This year has been a giant mess. But without all these events, I wouldn't have found all these amazing people... well, maybe I could do without Simon, but that's a different story," he grinned, "Thank you all for this incredible year. And lets hope for many more!"

We all clinked glasses and took a sip of the cider. I frowned at the taste of it, not expecting the burning sensation as it slid down my throat.

"That was disgusting." Jace said, licking his lips to get rid of the remaining cider. I nodded my head in agreement and walked next to Jace to hold his hand. He took it and kissed it lightly. Looking down at my shoes, I smiled. How did I get so lucky?

"Clary, lets go outside for a minute." Jace whispered in my ear, sending a thrill through my body. I nodded and excused myself from the rest of the group.

Once we were outside, Jace reached for my other hand and stopped in front of me.

"Clary.. Like Magnus said, so much has happened this year and I want to tell you that I love you. So so much. And I'm sorry I got you involved in all that crap.. you didn't deserve it. I don't deserve you... " He looks away from me and in his eyes, I saw him recollect all the past events of this year.

"I love you too. And you're wrong. I don't deserve you. Now, lets go back and enjoy the party, shall we?" I looked up at him, smiling. He kissed my lips softly and moved away before I could really join in. Feeling a blush work its way up my neck, we walked back into the party.

I totally hate this but hey, I think it's okay enough to post. I know.. 3 months later and bam. It's up! I will probably go back and re-write this later... as well as the WHOLE story. My writing has changed and I hate this story... so.. I might update a chapter every couple weeks or so.. It wont be a drastic change to the story, but it might be longer chapters, MORE chapters or something to make the story more believe able. Gahh. I just hate my writing in this. but I'm glad you guys have enjoyed it! That's the main thing (: Thank you everyone who has reviewed and come back every couple weeks! Things might have changed! and yes, I will start at chapter one and work my way through.
(Yes, I changed my penname back xD IM SO INDECISIVE.)

please review and tell me what you think about me editing it and the ending! I'd honestly love to know.
