Chapter 24 Seeking council and Revealing Secrets
They rode for no more then an hour when they saw the large structure of Rivendell come into view. They had not seen a more welcome site since they left Rivendell.
"It is as the day I left it." Aragorn said with awe in his voice. "This is as the same spot that Arwen Evenstar bound herself to me, forsaking the life of her self."
"We must seek out Elrond immediately." Gandalf said wisely "So much has happened in so little time."
Sari, Legolas, Aragon, Gimli, and Ednocon, also Sam and Frodo went to the room, where the walls told stories. There they stayed until Gandalf came to bring them to council. They left the room and went to the council room to tell their tale to Elrond. When they entered they saw only Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel sitting there. Gandalf told them that he had told them nothing so the tale could be told in full.
So the group started to tell him of their journey. They started at leaving to seeing the Orcs in the wild, from entering the city of Nublar to leaving it. They left out though the treason of Shimshel. They told them of the night in the tree fort to the river. They told of the misfortune of the creature in the water to the Nazgul on the banks. Then they told him of the journey to Rivendell but stopped as Sari told them to move from the path.
" So then what happened? Surely you did not confront him with all you care about behind you?"
"No a man came bearing fire. He saved us and now is with us though you cannot see him. Come out Aragorn son of Arathorn!" Sari summoned the king from his place of hiding. He stepped from the shadows and when Elrond saw him he stood.
"Estel, you have come! My daughter was not to though, was she."
"I am sorry she bound her fate when she gave up her immortality. But do not think of such things now. Now we must find out how to reunite the Stones for good. Later we should have conversation of those times."
" Now he should take the remaining place in the company."
"Wait what has become of Shimshel?" Galadriel said to them.
"Yes what has become of the navigator, surely the Nazgul did not take him?"
"No to tell truth it was our very own Legolas that shot him in the head with an arrow." Gandalf said matter-of-factly
"Legolas, why would you do such a thing? I know your aim to be truer then any person I know."
"Please do not be quick to accuse him of a terrible deed he acted out of his heart on the moment." Aragon told Elrond.
"Yes he saved my life. Shimshel was not of a good heart. He joined my brother long ago in secret and he alerted Orcs to our position and them was about to slay me when Legolas shot him in the back of his head. I was too weak at the moment to do anything to stop him, it was directly after I saw what my brother had done to that fair city," after getting this out Sari fell silent.
"So that is twice then Legolas you have been cautious enough of Sari's life to save her. I find it odd that this much of your attention goes to her when you do not love her."
"I will lie to you no longer that I love her with all of my heart." Legolas replied to him swiftly.
" We should speak more of this later." Gandalf said, much to Legolas and Sari's relief. "Now we should discuss placing Aragorn into the Company. I believe that it should be done. It isn't that we are replacing anyone because he broke his oath the moment he decided to carry out his masters plan."
"I agree, anyone who believes that Aragorn should not be part of the Company speak now." Elrond said
No one said a word. They were all more then happy to except him in the company.
" There will be a small feast tonight for all of you for you should soon decide what you are to do and then carry it out. So just after sunset meet in the dinner chamber, for the dinner, there we will decide what the nine of you are to do."
Elrond dismissed them. Everyone seemed to go to different places but some remained together. Aragon went with his father to find out of his travels and such, Legolas, Gimli and Ednocon went to do nothing together but be board the entire day. Legolas wished Sari would come with them, but she had to talk to Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf for a bit. She told him she would join them shortly. Frodo and Sam went to the room that told the stories to relax for a while.