
Yes, this bit actually matters for the story. Yes I like multiple POV's.

See though! I AM updating gain!

Updated 11/21/13

It had started years ago, in the middle of November in the bustling alley filled with Holiday shoppers.

He had been walking down the alley dressed in his finest robes, dove gray trimmed in what seemed to be real silver. He was dressed to impress because first impressions were often times everything, and coming off as something less than impressive was not acceptable.

The meeting he'd just left in Knockturn Alley was fresh in his mind, absorbing much of his thought. He was thinking about the subtle hints the French wizard had made towards an alliance of sorts, the kind of dirty quick deal that made sure if his endeavors failed the French would be in no way implicated by the fires of an English failure. It wasn't the most trustworthy offer, nor even the most generous offer he'd received recently, but it was the kind of offer he could bring himself to admire.

Picking up the delicate nuances of the conversation with the French Ministers assistant had almost been fun. Watching wizards and witches alike sweat and trip over themselves in his presence, watching them walk the delicate line of just pushy for negotiation and terror for self preservation always put him in a good mood.

And he'd been preoccupied.

Not watching where his steps had been taking him he was left wondering down the cobble streets past the Ollivander's Wand-maker shop.

And suddenly he had been slammed into from the side, almost tipping his balance, almost causing him to fall.

He'd reacted in an instant, his wand falling down his sleeve, released from his forearm holster letting the slick wood fall directly into his waiting hand. Spinning to the side he saw a child skidding backwards from the impact and he'd released a snarl.

The child stared at his robe's hem and trembled slightly as the older man looked him over. The boy had curling black hair, trailing down his neck and falling from his forehead to cover his alabaster white skin. Hs robes, while not nearly as finely made as his own, were of good quality pale blue cloth.

After taking in the sight of the child who'd accosted him the man relaxed his stance and lowered his wand, not releasing his grip on the wood entirely, and spoke to the boy.

"You would do well to watch where you're tromping boy, not everyone will be as understanding as I'm being by not cursing you where you stand" He couldn't quite keep the malice out of his voice though.

The child looked up then and the man felt his own features involuntarily twitch in surprise at the cool green eyes that met his own eyes. Enchanting. Eyes as cold and colored as the killing curse. He'd never heard of a blood line trait like that, and he prided himself on knowing everything he could about the wizarding history and familial traits passed through the generations.

The child's own gaze widened and he was stiff as his eyes ran up and down the man's own frame, seeming to dart fro inches from his own body all the way up to his eyes. For a moment the man was afraid his glamour's had shifted, but the child spoke then.

"You… You're so bright! The colors…. And you smell like snakes" The boy sad, his breath was coming fast and hard, he seemed overwhelmed.

While it wasn't something he was unused to, it was startling given his current appearance. But the boy wasn't looking at him, he almost…almost seemed to be looking at "You're seeing my aura aren't you boy?" he asked, almost excited at the thought.

While there wasn't much magic couldn't do, something's were inherent to only certain people, blood lines and families and certain circumstances. Reading an aura was a very rare and valuable gift, one he him self certainly didn't posses the talent and he'd only meet two who did in all of his long life so far.

It seemed he'd found a third, and a very you third aura reader at that.

The child nodded imperceptibly.

The man recovered enough of himself to ask a question he'd always wondered about, but never had much inclination to seek the answer for before.

"What do you see?"

Knowing ones aura wasn't really an advantage, but it was ore academic curiosity. After all most famous witches and wizards through the ages had had their own auras recorded in books and biographies that he'd found. He had always wondered how his own compared.

That seemed to have been the right question because the boy gave a large smile and began talking at a ridiculous pace.

"It's a solid aura" he said like solid should mean something to him "and its, its very similar to granite really, its all one color really but its such a stormy grey and it seems like t has silver and spikes of black and shimmers of white. Almost like it changes colors depending on the light, except it cant be effected by sunlight really. It's enormous, the biggest I've ever seen and it doesn't really move, it seems like its steady and more or less stable. But the smell… it smells like snakes, not dirty or anything, just… musty and cool, like snake skin"

And then the child was blushing and quiet.

The man almost smiled. Interesting indeed. He'd have to do a little research, from the barest amount of books available on the subject, to find out what it all meant himself, but for now…

"I will speak with you again, child" he said softly and turned to walk down the alley once more.

It wouldn't do to loiter around the alley asking a lone child questions. Especially not with as long as his glamour's had been on today, they could fail with a moments notice.

Now all thoughts of the French had been pushed from his mind and he was occupied with thoughts of the boy, who even now, seemed to have remembered just why he'd been running full tilt out of the alley.

If he had truly wanted to he could have simply looked in the boys mind, found his name and home and his deepest essence and been done with all the mystery. But he found he didn't want to go about it that way. He felt that this was something he'd need to work for.

Once he was back in his own manor, far from prying eyes, the Dark Lord dropped the bland glamour he'd worn to walk normally through the alley and thought, settling into his favorite chair infront of the parlor fire with Nagani stretching across his lap.

He wanted to know so much more about this fascinating child.
