He laughed at me, then pointed at the woods outside the window. "Pick a tree. Ill go carve our initials in it."

Barely suppressing a shriek of rage, I flung myself down the hall and into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind me.

My superacute raptor hearing couldn't help registering his chuckles outside.

Fang POV:

I couldn't help the humor in the situation. It wasn't my fault that Max looooved me. Well, at least when she's on valium she does. Suddenly, I could faintly hear her crying in the bathroom. I didn't think my teasing would make her that upset. I reached out my hand to knock on the door but then thought better of it. I was smart enough to know not to bother Max when she was like this. I really didn't feel like being screamed at and having the crap beat out of me so I left her be.

I stared outside at the forest, beginning to laugh again at my initials joke. I wish I could just tell Max how I feel. How her existence gives me a reason to live. How her beauty is so indescribable. How kissing her shoots electricity throughout my entire body. How I love her. But she's so closed off and reserved sometimes that its almost impossible to say these things. At that moment I decided to do something that was so unlike me. I grabbed a knife, opened the back door, and headed towards the forest.

I walked around for five minutes until I found the perfect tree. It was tall and appeared to be very old. I took the kitchen knife and very carefully carved M+F into the bark. I even drew a heart with wings around it. I know what you're thinking, "Oh Fang, you big softie." All I got to say to that is shut it. I ran my hand over the initials and felt myself smile. Maybe someday I would show it to Max. Maybe we would come back here and I could find the tree with our initials carved into it. Just maybe... That is if the world doesn't end first.