Last chapter. I know I said 'one or two more', but I really need to finish some of these stories. Mainly all my Invader Zim ones I gave up on, and unless I get ideas for them by Tuesday, im going to delete them, along with one or two of my PJatO stories. And please read my story "Weasel's Story"!

Hades had stayed there that night, again not letting anyone near him nor Nico. It was noon, and Hades had been talking quietly to Nico all day, trying to get his son to say something, anything. He's told him stories of how he used to keep Hades and Maria up all night with his screaming, stories of how Nico used to annoy his sister was he was younger, how he would ask a million questions about one thing, and anything else Hades could remember from that time. He just wanted Nico to at least act like he trusted him again.

"Why won't you talk to me? im only trying to say sorry, but it's not easy when I've hardly ever had to even mention the word until Maria came along, and harder when you wont respond!" he was getting frustrated, but forced himself to control his temper. He would not hurt Nico like that again. Not ever.

"Mi hai spaventato." Nico hardly muttered it, so quietly Hades hardly heard it, and wouldn't have heard it at all if he didn't have the hearing of the immortals.

"I know that now. And I shouldn't have ever even thought of taking my anger out on you. It one of the many mistakes I've made lately. I probably wouldn't have realized that I've hurt you if Demeter didn't give me the same beating I gave you...sometimes i can just swear that womans crazy." Demeter had given Hades the same beating, but with both of them being immortal, she went a bit harder on him. That, and she wouldn't accept anyone abusing a child if she could stop it, and Hades could only imagion the lectures he would get during the concil of the gods when it came around. No one had to warn him about how all the goddesses would throw him the most vemonous glares they could get, and of course, the lecture from Zeus, who would most likely to be lazy to actully say any of it, and would make Hermes do it, if the messenger ever calmed down. From what Hades knew, Hermes was still raging across the country.

"You speak Italian as well as your mother did. Bianca was never able to get the right accent to it, but seems like no matter what you get yourself into –or what i get you into- you always have that accent." Hades told him. And of course, as he should've expected, someone barged in. The only reason that someone managed to get through the force feild was because it was one of the other Olympians, and he was not a happy camper right now.

"Zeus heard you were as stupid and immature enough to take your anger out on you kid, and wants to see you on Olympus, now." Hermes growled, eyes glowing with a rage Hades hadn't seem in him for millions of years.

"Whats got you all moody? I told you, May is in Elysuim! Whatever it youe mad at-"

"Dont give me some sappy talk about what im mad about, because i can be mad at whatever the hell i want, and it's none of your business. And at least i dont take my anger out on thirtteen year olds." The last part was said a sneer.

"So you take it on half the country, causing cars to crash when there are small, younger kids in them? Does that make any sense to you?" hey, Hades wasn't in the mood to deal with a snappy Hermes was being moodier then one of Artemis's huntresses when they had their one yearly period. (A/N: it's only yearly, because having it every month being while being immortal would really be ANNOYING)

maybe that was the wrong thing to say. A small glow began to form around Hermes for a few seconds, and Hades got ready to sheild Nico's eyes if Hermes slipped into his true form. But the god of theives managed to gain control over himself before that happened, but he was still shaking with rage, and his eyes would've made any mortal scream bloody murder.

"Get to Olympus. If I end up losing temper here, and demigods walk in not knowing, and get vapeorized, it would all be in your name." Hermes growled through clenched theeth. Hades should've listened to him at that point, but he didn't like his brother's son talking to one of the Big Three like that.

"And here Persephone calls me the moronic jerk? You're the one whos the complete jerk right now! And you never talk to one of the Big-"

at that moment, Hermes seemed to snap, and nearly the whole room exploded along with some near-by buildings, but thankfully, no demigods were in range of it. Hades had managed to just barely block Nico from the force of the explosion, though he was reminded -in a not so pleasnet way- of Hermes's rage. The light from his true form didn't die down for at least three minutes, the whole time Nico's whimpering the only think Hades could hear.

But in a flash of lightning, Zeus appeared, whacked Hermes just hard enough to knock him out for a while, therefore getting him out of his true form.

"I would think under the cercomatances you wouldn't challege my orders. You knew very well Hermes bad mood lately, and shouldn't have pushed him like that. In fact, when he wakes up, he'll probably be in an even worse mood, thanks to you." The king looked around at the ruins the explosion left behind.

"It seems like you'll have your hands full for a while. You'll be punished by having to serve time in Camp Half-Blood until i think you've learned your lesson...for a while at least. You are under the same restrictions as Dionysus, but because of what you did to Nico, you will not be allowed to be with any demigod alone. Chiron, Dionysus, or a nymph with will have to be prestent at all times, sometimes possibly Demeter or Persephone. While you are away from the Underword, Persephone will take charge of things down there. And dont kill any demigod, or even threaten one." Zeus said, grabbing Hermes and swinging him ove rhis shoulder as if she weighed no more then a loaf of bread.

Hades sighed as Zeus left. It would be annoying having to stay here all the time, but at least he had a chance to reconstuct the trust between him and his son. He looked back over to Nico, to see the 13 year old staring him with a confused expression, clearly wondering what exactly happened. For possibly the first time in many years, a smile crept across Hades face. Prehaps this woudn't be so bad after all...


If anyone wants to make a story thats basicly like a seaquel to this with Hades being at Camp half-blood, Nico slowly recovering, and Hermes odd rage, go ahead. I dont plan on making a seaquel myself, because i want to finish the rest of my stories. And then hopefully only have one story to update at a time.

Sorry for any spelling computer seems to ignor spell-check sometimes...

Please review!

And thanks for all thos who reviewed all ready! =P