I decided to complete the song so here is Part Two of Whiskey Lullaby. The story is still in Amber's POV, though she is kind of a rollercoaster of emotions.

rducky: I did write the next part, due to your suggestion so I hope it fits the song okay.

A Reviewing Reader: You should post the poem! I really like depressing poetry for some strange reason; my favorite writer is actually Edgar Allen Poe. I didn't realize I was making a Twilight reference, though I can see why you thought that.

Earlie-Birdie-Girlie: Okay, I tried the second verse! I wouldn't say the chapter is amazing though. I only wrote the first chapter to try to get the song out of my head, but I'm glad I am not the only person who likes the lalalalalalala.

Angela1997: Sorry it was sad. Considering the lyrics, I couldn't think of a way to make it happy.

The rumors flew but nobody know how much she blamed herself
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
Until the night

A year passed relatively quickly. After the funeral, Nina had moved houses. It came as no surprise. Not a single person in Anubis House was willing to hear her excuses or talk to her at all for that matter. Life was dull, and I couldn't even bring myself to be excited as prom came and went. Now graduation was approaching. After the year and a half of hell I had just lived through, I was thrilled to finally be able to leave behind this dreaded boarding school

I would have left sooner, but my father had forbidden me from doing so. Anyone who had known me two years ago would say that I have matured a lot. I was certainly more withdrawn, I had even managed to pass all of my classes with high marks. But the truth was, I hadn't matured, I had just quit on ever maintaining a social life again. Losing your two best friends does that to you.

I found it exhausting to pin my hair up and adorn the silver graduation dress and spread makeup across my face. There really was no point. I no longer held the school reputation at the perfect blonde cheerleader. I more closely resembled Mara now a day; sometimes even Patricia when my anger spiked.

The eight occupants, Joy had moved back in, as well as a new student, gathered once again in the foyer, waiting to be led to the auditorium where we would receive our diplomas. As the door creaked open, I had a strange sense of dejavu. Luckily, rather than the face of my once best friend, I saw another student.

She looked fairly familiar; I had probably passed her in the hall hundreds of times since coming to this school when I was eleven. She had tan skin and short, straight chocolate brown hair which reached just above her shoulders. I had to admit, the navy dress she wore looked marvelous on her.

She looked nervously from face to face as she closed the door behind her. I had never been one known for my timidity so I stepped in front of her. "What do you need?"

I had meant to speak nicely, but somehow the question sounded snippy. The girl's eyes widened a fraction, but at least she had the sense to answer. "My name is Tammie. I was wondering if Nina was still here. She is my roommate."

Anger bubbled up within me and I had half a mind to slap this girl who was probably Nina's new BFF. "What makes you think she is here?"

"S-she said she needed to visit one of her old housemates; something about apologizing and making amends."

My glare hardened. No one here would ever listen to any of her apologies. "Did she say which housemate?"

"No. Nina hardly ever talks to me. I have been her roommate for almost a year now and I know absolutely nothing about her."

That statement confused me. I figured that Nina would have moved on with her life, but apparently she was as stuck in the past as the rest of us.

I turned around abruptly. I didn't feel like interrogating this girl any further; I just needed to see who Nina had come to apologize to. "Which one of you did Nina talk to?"

I heard Mara gasp in shock and I received numerous confused gazes. Everyone shook their heads no mumbling stuff about how they had hardly even seen her at school. And then I felt that sinking feeling in my gut. The feeling grew as I thought it through.

She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees

Nina needed to speak with one of her old housemates. She needed to apologize. And she had never shown up at the house. I felt the tears well in my eyes as I felt drawn towards the grave which I had not visited in nearly a year.

Before anyone could stop me, I was out the door, flying down the steps, and sprinting towards the clearing in the woods. I stopped briefly to kick off the heels which I now regretted choosing over a pair of comfortable flats. Footsteps pounding on the path behind me grew louder, but I continued at my previous pace.

The scream was out of my throat before I even saw the body. It all clicked together; Nina had finally made her amends. The guilt, the pain, must have finally eaten her up inside, otherwise I would not be panting in the middle of the forest, staring as her pale, limp form draped over Fabian's final resting place.

We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby

The day of the funeral was much the same as the one from over a year ago. After seeing the picture Nina had been clutching in her final moments of life, it had been decided that she would lie forever next to Fabian.

Throughout the ceremony, Trudy stood with her arm around me, supporting me. I kept glancing around, trying to find Nina's grandmother; however, there were no elderly women present.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Where is Nina's grandmother? I thought she would be here."

I felt Trudy's grip on my shoulder tighten. "Nina's gran passed away. That's why Nina was gone for three months last year."

I stared straight ahead, frozen in shock. "I…I didn't know that."

Trudy sighed lightly, out of sadness. "Yes, Nina begged me not to mention it to anyone. She was so torn up over it, I just couldn't say no to her, dearie. Apparently, she didn't want any of you pitying her."

I buried my head into Trudy's shoulder, giving into a whole new round of tears. Nina hadn't abandoned me or Fabian. We had just never given her the time to explain. We must have been horrible friends if Nina thought we would treat her differently because she had no family. Because she did have family; Mick, Mara, Jerome, Patricia, Alfie, Trudy, Fabian, and I were her family.

As the funeral ended, I stayed behind on my own. I must have whispered how sorry I was a hundred times before I finally began to leave. Once again, I paused when I heard the voice of an angel, only this time there were two singing.


I turned my head, smiling at the figures standing in the only light which was cast through the leaves of the willow tree. Fabian and Nina were finally together, and this time, nothing could separate them, for they had defeated the greatest threat. They defeated Death.


Well that's the end of this song! Hopefully I can finally stop humming it to myself in class!