This is my first teen titans story ever I hope you like Don't Forget to R&R flames are welcome. Please mind all my errors

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own teen titans just the idea.



Raven's POV

"TOFU!" Beast Boy yelled.

"STAKE!" Cyborg yelled back, just like any other day him and BB were fighting on what we should eat for dinner.

"HEY," they quieted down to hear what I had to say, "Why don't you two stop bickering like an old married couple and just eat what you want. I'm getting hungry and I DON'T want tofu." I saw Beast Boy's ears drop just a fraction then pick up again at the idea of eating what he wanted.

"Ok, Raven if it makes you happy," they both said in unison remembering the last time they didn't do what I asked- let's just say it had to do with heads, the Fire Department and cat. Just then Robin came in.

Robin. I hate myself for this emotion but ever since I met Robin I've had a fuzzy feeling around him, I mean look at him he is amazingly hot. Perfectly toned muscles, perfect height for me oddly still shorter than Star and his smile, when I see that smile I get all warm inside and want to smile myself. I believe it is love but I can't he is with Starfire.

But lately I have been getting a different vibe off both of them like there isn't that connection anymore.

"Raven," I heard Robin's angelic voice call me back to earth.

"Yeah?" I asked monotonously.

"Well your food's ready," he passed me a plate with a small piece of stake. I looked at it very carefully and I could barley make it out as a heart (AN: you know how the T-Bone stakes look like hearts) I gave a small smile not really noticeable.

"Thanks," I said as I got up to make some herbal tea to go with it.

I found myself thinking of Robin as I was starring at my tea dipping the packet in and out. Then I blushed slightly at the thought of Robin actually liking me thank goodness my hood was up and had my back turned to my friends.

Robin's POV

"Friend Robin, can you pass me the sauce of Barbie and Que?" Star asked me getting me out of a trance I had about Raven.

"Oh, yeah Star… here ya go," I said handing her the bottle. She then pored half the bottle on her T-Bone. I cringed at the thought of the bitter taste it would give.

Just then Raven turned back around to sit on her usual spot in the middle of BB and I. I smelled the loving sent of lavender coming off her. Then I saw it.

Beast Boy was starring at Raven with the eyes of love. Wait what? Why is he starring at my girl! Wait she isn't my girl Star is. But latly star and I haven't been connecting much mabey I'll break up with her. Still Beast Boy shouldn't get any ideas.

Beast Boy's POV

"Yo, B! Are you listening to me?" Cyborg asked me. I didn't really hear him I was to busy thinking about Raven. Latly I have found myself staring at her and thinking about her. I've bugged her more she keeps throwing me to the walls and out the windows but that's how I know she is paying attention to me.

"Huh, oh yeah what you want again?" I asked him he looked annoyed.

"I said if ya'll wanted to come with me to get a new movie?" he asked a bit cheery and suspicious.

"Sure ok can I drive the T-Car?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Yeah sure… over my dead body," he said then I hung my head in shame trying to get some sympathy from Raven.

"Fine lets go then." And we were off.

AN: like it love it or hate it tell me R&R and any suggestions are welcome along with flames tell me if I should continue. Whom I kidding I'm going to any way.