A/N: Alright; it's about time I started working on this again. So hello guys~ Have a drabble c:

Neo Stardust

56. Mother


Yusei was just spending a nice, chilly autumn afternoon with the garage filled with the sound of mechanics being worked on, and a computer game being played. The sounds of mechanics were his D-Wheel; tuning it up since the last tune up was two months ago. He wiped his sweaty forehead as he exhaled, blinking up at Jaden on one of his desktops.

"What are you playing, anyway?" Yusei asked at the sounds of punching and metal banging.

"Oh, this game I play all the time in my time where you make your own ghost and kick everyone else's ghost's ass." He spoke rather fast, bashing the attack button into the keyboard.

Yusei chuckled, knowing Jaden and his childish tenancies. He kept listening to the kicks and punches and lasers firing before continuing his work. He got to tightening one bolt before the door flung open, making Jaden jump out of his chair and lift himself out of it to see Crow.

"Hey guys!" Crow exclaimed.

"Oh, hey." Yusei stated, taking a towel to his face. Despite it being chilly, working on a D-Wheel took a lot out of you. Crow waved to Jaden as more beams and punches were heard, Jaden sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth in determination. The second wheeler for Team 5Ds kept walking, eventually sitting, almost to the point of kneeling, besides Yusei.

"Just stopped by to say 'hi' and give you this." Crow smiled, handing him a wooden picture frame. Yusei was wondering if it was a photo of their WRGP Team together but turned it around to be utterly floored with a waterfall of emotions.

"Had to replace the glass for you, but otherwise I thought you'd like it."

The photo was of a couple. Yusei recognized the male quite well, for his hair was similar to his own, minus the hair covering his right eye. His eyes were a dull green and the lab coat he wore adorned a badge that easily gave away his occupation. The words 'Momentum' were visible despite the flare from the sun. Besides him was his wife, who was smiling with her bright blue eyes and brown hair worn in a clip. In her arms was the boy the scientist was smiling and playing with. A baby. His hair was black, a few tuffs of gold cutting through it. Yusei was that child.

How was he expected to react? His eyes shined with sadness of what could have been as possibilities and memories slammed into his mind all at once, yet his heart was warm. He had something to remember them by. Among several other emotions like wanting to hug Crow as his thanks. He sat there, unable to do anything for he didn't know what to act upon. Crow raised an eyebrow as Yusei continued to stare at the photo, completely clueless as what he was doing.

The silence and awkward was cut as there was a loud clack and twirl as Jaden pushed the chair away from the computer and spun to face Yusei, arm resting on the back of the chair. Yusei and Crow looked up to see him with a smile, a question mark being the only thing to describe the clueless confusion the boy's face gave off. Yusei, while Crow decided to start a small conversation with the friend he made the second they met, looked back down at the photo in a double take. Jaden smiled and laughed at Crow when he looked back up. The mechanic saw a slight, but only slight, similarity between Jaden and his mother. This baffled Yusei's mind. Could it have been from the subconscious? He thought, remembering familiar instances between couples as such. It could be easily explained as the gene pool possibly making you attracted to familiar beings, but despite his scientific mindset taking over, Yusei shook it off in no less or more than a minute, remembering instances where this hasn't happened. At the head shake, Crow and Jaden's conversation came to a halt at Crow ushering an 'Eh?' mid-sentence with a raised eyebrow.

"You okay, Yusei?" Jaden calmly asked. At the calm question, Yusei suddenly found himself putting his thoughts at rest. The mechanic stood with a smile and his towel in hand, as well as the photo, which he put on a nearby shelf as he responded.

"Yeah." Once the photo was put on the shelf with a light tap, he held the towel and looked at the boy. "I was just feeling nostalgic, is all."

A/N: again; a drabble got out of hand. OTL. My apologies. I also wrote like half of it and oddly felt horrible about my writing skills. Yet I ended it and I oddly feel proud of this...?

Iunno. I'm kinda loopy despite going to bed earlier tonight. Maybe writing like this wasn't the best idea?

Yeah. Sorry if you guys don't like it.
