Previously in "Our Kind Of Love":

I'm trying. I'm trying to love him back the way he needs me to. It's not that I don't have any sort of feeling for him anymore. That couldn't be more far from the truth. He is in my heart. He would always be special to me. I love him...

But he isn't exactly the one that I'm in love with. The one that has my heart in his hands and is not really taking care of it so well.

I still love Finn. I shouldn't. It would be so much easier if I didn't.

But, it's just how I've heard it once: The heart wants what the heart wants. And mine, apparently, wants a very nasty bruise.

Finn POV

Monday morning came in a hurry. I hadn't heard from Quinn the whole weekend but I didn't even cared. She was mad alright, but she wouldn't let anything get in the way of what she wanted: prom queen. So she would probably just walk towards me all lovey-dovey so nobody at school could tell what really happened. After all, a perfect power couple don't fight. Ever. Let alone the reason for said fight being the non-popular ex-girlfriend and her new hot shot boyfriend.

But me? I could't care less about people knowing. All that was on my mind was that Jesse St James was back and he was trying damm hard to win Rachel back. And just by thinking it, my jaw tensed.

No. I can't let that happened. I won't. He'll just break her heart again and I can't allow it. It's called being a good friend.

I kept saying that to myself. I'm her friend. Hers. I mean, she's my best friend. That's what this was about. Anyone else might not see this how it is, but I know Rach. And she would be devasted if she get her heart broke again.

So, I woke up extra early - even before Kurt - and got ready real quick, hurrying my brother in the process.

"Oh dear God, Finn. Calm down! What entity posessed you this morning anyway. We have plenty of time!"

"Dude, come on! How hard can it be for you to put on all those produts? We've got to go!"

"Finn, calm down! If you're in such a need to make up with Quinn, you should've called her over the weekend. Good God, and I thought you too were annoying when you are okay. Damm! It's not my fault your girlfriend is a bitch, so just chill.", Kurt interjected after I asked him to speed up his 'getting ready' process once again.

"That's not what this is about!", I let it out before I could stop myself, which made Kurt stop whatever the hel he was doing with his face and frowned at me through the mirror.

And I took that as my cue to leave...

I was almost out of the door when realization seemed to have hit him. "Finn Hudson, stop right there!"


I tried my best to put on my most innocent face before turning back to Kurt, leaning casually agaist the door. "What?"

He was already on his feet, turned to me, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Finn, what exactly do you think you're doing?"

"Trying to get us to school early, for a change?", now I also had my arms crossed over my chest.

He arched an eyebrow at me. "Really? That's the only thing you're trying to do here? Because I almost got the impression that you were trying to get to school early so you could talk to Rachel again, but that's just crazy, right? I'm imagining things, right? Because I would just hate to see you get kicked in the nutts so hard that you wouldn't be able to give me little nieces and nephews anymore. And, pay attention, because I'm not even saying that I would have Puck to do this dirty job. I'll do it myself, right now, if that's the case." My eyes grew wide. Wow. Scary Kurt. "Is that the case, dear brother of mine?"

I swallowed hard. "N-no, not it all..."

He eyed me suspiciously, but nodded. "Good. But you keep in mind that Rachel is my friend too. I'm here to take care of her, so... If she so much as tell me that you came looking for her, so help me God, Finn Hudson, I will end you.", then he sighed, closing his eyes for a second. "Finn, you're with Quinn now. Rachel waited and waited and waited for you to see the light, to forgive her. She has been suportive of you on so much that I can't believe that you can be this ungrateful bastard that you're trying so hard to show. She has to move on, brother!"

I sucked in a bunch of air when I heard that, my jaw clenching. I was about to speak how little deserving of Rachel Berry that Jesse St James was, but Kurt signed for me to shut up again. "YES, YES! I know. I do remember what he did to her in the past. Believe me when I say that Puck, Mercedes, Sam, Blaine and I had hours and hours on talking about this. But that's just how Rachel is. She's kind and forgiving. And Jesse is helding up on his part. He has been nothing but a gentleman, romantic and all. So, yes, Finn. Jesse was awful to Rachel in the past, but you were no better. At least he seemed to have learned from his mistakes.", my face fell. Why does anyone keeps saying that I just screwing up things with Rachel? I didn't want this. If she hadn't cheated on me, we could've still... I shook my head. "Look, all I'm trying to say is that Rachel has been dying inside about all that you've been doing. God, Finn. She even helped you pick Quinn's coursage. Do you have any idea what that might have felt like? So if you still have any sort of positive feelings for her, well... I think you should just leave her alone."

I sighed in defeat. He made sense. Of course he did. But how could Kurt expect me to not do something for her? Rachel is min-... my friend too. And I couldn't shake this damm feeling that I have to protect her from him. That Jesse can't get her back. Not really. This 'DANGER' alert just wouldn't quit with all the noise. I couldn't just turn my back to her. "But Kurt... What am I supposed to do, then? What if he hurts here one more time? What if... I don't know! I just... I just know that I can't simply stay back and do nothing. She's too important and good, and inocent. Jesse doesn't care about her the way she deserves it. He is a screw up when it comes to love her and..." I got cut off.

"Like you have been a screw up in the excatly same department? And you just keep screwing up again and again and again?", my heart clenched too painfully inside my chest. "Because that's what you are doing, Finn. Don't go on deluding yourself that you are doing what you are doing because it's the best for everyone because it's not. Le'ts not forget that you have been hurting her way more extensivly that Jesse ever could."

"Me? She's the one who cheated on me! If it wasn't for that, we might still be together. And happy!", I add with anger pulsing through me.

"Oooh Don't even go there. I'm not taking sides here, because you're my brother and I love you as so, but if I did went there, you might not gonna like what I have to say. So let's stop with the finger pointing, okay? The fact is just what you told me: you're not together anymore, Finn. And that's the end of that. So think a little more hard on what you are planing to do. I might not be able to stop you, but I'll sure as hell try, brother."

"Kurt, are you for real, man? Are you supporting this path she's taking? You'll just let her pick the wrong guy and get her heart broken all over again?"

"Is that exactly what you've doing?", I just stared at him, startled. He sighed and kept talking. "Finn, I tried to support her when I thought that she had found the right one, but she got her heart broken anyway. So, if anything else, I've just been seeing her heart get mend. So you could really try to be her friend and let her be happy. With Jesse."

"But... Hell, I can't do that, man! I can't just sit this one out. I have this...sick feeling at the pit of my stomach just by thinking about it and, believe me, that's all I've been able to think about since I've heard it."

As I finished my sentence, I half expected him to through something at my face, bark at me or whatever. But, to my surprise, Kurt just rolled his eyes at me, giving me a small knowing smile and walking towards me.

".God. Finn, you are such a boy! You really have no idea what all these things you just told me mean for real, have you? I hope you'll figure it out in time. In the mean time, you have been warned: back off, please." he reached for the door, about to close it at my face."See you in five."

"But Kurt...", I tried to hold it open.

He forced it closed again. "I said see you in five, Finn!"

And then the door was closed, and I was left at the hallway, alone and confused, and still wanting to get to the school as fast as could to talk to Rach.

What hell just happened, here?

Rachel POV

His lips were soft and sweet agaisnt mine and I felt my body tingling. So when we broke apart for air, I couldn't help but sigh softly. Jesse chuckled.

"Do you want me to come pick you up at the end of glee practice?", he asked, gently stroking my cheek with his thumb. I leaned into his touched, feeling relax and in peace with him.

"No, it's okay. I'll call you if anything changes, but Mercedes, Kurt and I are getting together at her place today. You know... A little Diva gethering. It should be fun.", I smiled at him, reaching out to brush a lock of his hair that had fall in front of his eyes.

"Yeah. Sounds like it.", he smiled brightly."But what am I gonna do without you the whole day?"

I giggled. "Oh, I don't know... Poor you. Are you gonna be okay?"

He sighed dramatically. "I'll live.", then he smiled again and just made giggled a lot more. "How about you? Are you gonna be okay?", he asked, his voice concerned, but - for a second - I could've sworn I saw a bit of anger going through his eyes.

"I'll be fine, Jesse. Relax, please. I'm a big girl. I know how to take care of myself. Trust me, okay?"

He seemed a bit reluctant, but I held my ground. I had my message to give, today. And Finn would just have to suck it up and listen. He made his choice. And I have the right to move on.

After a few seconds, he nodded. "Alright. Call me if you need anything.", He asked me, concerned. I nodded. "Anything really, Rachel! I am serious."

I offered him a smile. "I know, Jesse. I will, don't worry.", then I looked over to the entrance and back to him. "But now I really have to go. I need to go practice something before class starts and it's better when there is almost nobody in there. I have more time to be prepared."

"Oh my God...", he said, smiling and walking a little closer to me and giving me a warm hug. "You're like this super little bee worker.", I laughed a little as he gave us a little distance and looked me in the eyes. "I love you. Did you know that?"

My smile fell a little.

Yeah... Yeah, I knew that.

Finn POV

I yawned without care. Just as I had predicted, as soon as I got to school, Quinn deciced to pretend that nothing was wrong in the world.

Acting like a fake smile and niceness with people that she couldn't care less about would somehow make the whole drama that it was happen around here just go away. Yeah, not going into the road. Thanks.

Wee were now at the cafeteria and she is going on and on about something for the campaign for prom court. And really don't understand what can be so important. Part of it, because I'm not actually listening. But the other part, the important part, was that I didn't even want to go to this stupid thing anymore.

I don't know... The whole thing seems so pointless now and stupid. And it didn't make it any better the fact the Sam and Mercedes and Jesse and Rachel where all going together in some sort of double date or something. I mean, why is she even going with those guys? Damm it! This wasn't supposed to be happening like this...

"Finn, Are you listening?", Quinn asked, looking beyond annoyed for some reason as I stared at the ther side of the room.

Rachel was laughing really hard at something that Sam had just said. And, to be honest- like reeeally honest - I didn't like it very much. Not because I wanted her to be miserable. More like I wanted to be there with her. I wanted to be the one making her happy like that. But I couldn't do that. She's not my girlfriend anymore and Quinn is really nice, when she wants to and I kinda of like her. A lot.

Rachel seems different, somehow... "FINN!"

"What?", I asked, still not looking at her.

"Are you even listening to something that I'm saying?"

"Yeah, totally. I think that anything that you chose will be fine. You're good on planing this stuff...", I replied, which seemed to work and I was left alone with my thoughts.

True to his words, Kurt has been doing his best efforts for me not to catch Rachel alone for a moment. I knew that If I didn't got the chance to talk to her in private soon. I would have to drive down to her house.

The rest of the day went in a blurr and, before we knew it, we were at the choir room, waiting for Mr Schue to come in with the new task of the week. Maybe some duets. Rachel and I could work on one. Awesome.

"Okay, guys! I have some news... I know you all are really excited with the upcoming event at the school, but - maybe - not everything will be flowers and rainbows. We are going to have to performe at prom.", Mr Schue said, just as soon as he finished to write the word 'PROM' at the white bord.

"What? We're gonna have to work on our own prom? That's insane!", Kurt replied, shocked.

Everybody else started talking at once.

"Guys! GUYS!", Mr Schue call us back to the point. "I know that it isn't ideal, but Figgins asked us to do it and she will pay. We need all the finantial help we can get to get to Nationals. So I'll work on a plan, so everybody can enjoy the evening as much as possible. We'll take turns. But - I'm sorry guys - we're doing this."

The buzz of all of us wouldn't quit. It was like the most shocking news ever for then. Me? I didn't mind. This whole things was getting lamer and lamer but the hour.

But then Rachel, who had been quiet till the moment, got to her feet and walked towards the front of the group.

"Mr Schuester, I would like to perform something right now, if you don't mind. It's a little something that I've been thinking about and I think it fits perfectly with how I've been feeling.", she asked, looking determined.

I smiled. She always looked too cute when she did that.

"Err... Sure, Rachel. Show us what you got."

He said, looking confused and walking to sit with us. Rachel just nodded and turned to the band.

"Hit it!"

She closed her eyes, feeling the rhythm.

Well, I'm mad as hell, i ain't gon' take it no more
My bag is packed at the back of your door
'cause i don't know who i am no more
You won the battle, but you lost the war
I've been in denial, now i'm living the truth
Been down for a while, now i'm standing up to you
Oooh, this time

This time i'm gonna do it my way
This time i'm finding out the hard way
This time, i'm gonna go back to the girl i was
On the night you found me
No more, holding back the real me
Just wait, in a minute you'll see
This time, is in time, its my time
Gettin' back to the real me.

Don't try to stop me with the words you say
'cause i'm sick and tired, of the games you play
I'm gonna free myself, gonna make a change
And like a butterfly, i'mma spread my wings
I've been cryin' for too long
Now i'm drying my eyes
Grownded for so long, now it's time for me to fly

This time i'm gonna do it my way
This time been i'm finding out the hard way
This time, i'm gonna go back to the girl i was
On the night you found me
No more, holding back the real me
Just wait, in a minute you'll see
This time, is in time, its my time
Gettin' back to the real me.

Well i'm mad as hell i can't take it no more
My bag is packed at the back of your door
I promise you this time..

This time i'm gonna do it my way
This time i'm finding out the hard way
This time, i'm gonna go back to the girl i was
On the night you found me
No more, holding back the real me
Just wait, in a minute you'll see
This time, is in time, its my time
Gettin' back to the real me.

This time i'm gonna do it my way
This time i'm finding out the hard way
This time, i'm gonna go back to the girl i was
On the night you found me
No more, holding back the real me
Just wait, in a minute you'll see
This time, is in time, its my time
Gettin' back to the real me.

Oooh I'm mad as hell, i can't take it no more

It felt like my heart had just dropped inside my stomach. I couldn't speak, so I just stood there, lost in her power, in her talent, in her eyes... She was breathing heavy, a few tears running down her face, her hands hanging on her hips. She looked beautiful and amazingly damaged.

And, by the sound of it, it was all my fault...

And as I stared at Rachel, the whole glee club was staring at me. Except for Quinn, how seemed about ready to put some fire out of her nose. And I didn't cared. Not even one bit.

Sorry about the delay. A lot of crazy things happened around here, but we are back on track.

The song used here was This Time - Pia Toscano.

Like it? Hate it?

Please, let me know!