A Female in Red

Chapter 3: The Moon and The Rescue

After awhile of meditating I went for a walk around the ship, we were only a little ways off from the moon. As I stopped to look out a window I thought about my loved one being held captive on the moon and about my mate and how he was not himself when I saw him on the clip.

I looked out to the stars and wondered if he was missing me as much as I was missing him. I closed my eyes and a single and only tear ran down my face.

A hand brushed my check and wiped away my tear and I jumped and looked only to see it was Tommy. He put his hand on my shoulder and said in what was a comforting voice, "We'll get them back Sarah, I promise. Do you have any idea on who might've taken them from your home?"

I shook my head, "No, I have no idea." I sighed and looked back out at the stars and saw that we were about to arrive at the moon. I straightened up and wiped my face and went to prepare myself for the upcoming fight.

When we landed we all ran off the ship, all knowing what we were suppose to do, and ran into their HQ.

Jason said something to the evil ones, (This is Sarah's POV and she doesn't know about the Machine Empire and stuff) I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying I was looking for my mate. When all of a sudden the fight began and I was kicking butt, well if machines have a butt that is yet to be seen. We finished off the last of the minions and went outside to stop the evil ones from boarding the ship.

When a rock was throw in front of us blocking us. I looked to see my mate to be the one throwing the rocks at us. He also had what look like reigns on him and when I looked to see who was holing the reigns I almost died from shock.

It was my one and only Aunt Kaida. She was a protector and guide to the young of our clan it they are without a mother or the mother can not do it. She had the babies she was supposedly protect next to her in the cage. "Aunt Kaida what are you doing? You swore to protect all of our clan!" She laughed, but not the sweet laugh I used to know, this laugh gave me a chill that made me, a fire dragon, shiver.

"Like I was really going to let you, some child, take what was rightfully mine. I was meant to be the red dragon ranger but your no good mother stole it from me, and then when she died the elders passed it onto you! I was furious so I decided that if I couldn't have the position then neither would you or anyone that could get it based on youth. But don't worry I'll take care of your mate here, he is quite the looker, but the babies I'm afraid won't be so lucky." She leaned down and kissed my mate on the head.

I was furious, so furious I was shaking, and without warning I transformed and roar with so much anger that everyone but my aunt and my mate were cowering. I flew at them and hit head on with my mate and we wrestled on the ground biting and scratching each other.

We had somehow knock Kaida and the babies off of him and flew up high into the air and then came spiraling down trying to get one or the other on the bottom to hit the ground. I had one and he was now unconscious. I said a mental apology and hoped he would forgive me.

I slowly stalked to where Kaida was, looking nervous, and growled loudly at her. She made a quick dash for my mate and held a watered knife to his stomach where not many scale were there to protect him and stabbed him before I could get to him. (He's a rock dragon and water either weaken or can kill anything made of rock)

I cried out in despair and breathed an angry roar of fire that was humongous, but it missed and she transformed and grabbed the cage flew up into the sky.

I went to my mate and nudge him to get him to look at me. His eyes barley opened but they opened and when they saw me they filled with love and caring but worst of all pain. I laid down next to him and tried to ease the pain as much as I could by licking it and breathing fire onto it, but I knew he wouldn't make it, to much water had gotten into him. I cuddled up to him and laid there hoping praying that somehow he would be ok. (That last bit was a Spirit the Stallion of the Cimarron line) I saw the other rangers come over and Tommy's eyes, as well as the others, held sympathy.

I looked to my mate and silent pleaded to him to hold on until I got back. He nodded understanding. I got up and transformed back into my human form and morphed into my ranger form. I ran to join the battle against the evil ones and started kicking their butts. One got away and into the machine and flew off into the sky. I looked to my mate and tried to come up with a solution. And I knew what I had to do. (Ranger Pic on Profile.)

I looked at Tommy and the others and silently pleaded for them to stay with my mate. He nodded in understanding and promised to look after him.

I flew off after the machine and my Aunt. When I had reached them I tore the machine and anyone in it apart and then when after my Aunt. She saw me coming and did dives and turns to avoid me but she wasn't able to out-fly and angry dragon with a hurt mate. I flew above her and landed right on top of her and bite down into her neck killing her instantly. I grabbed the cage and flew back to the moon.

When I landed I let out the babies and opened a portal to get them home. After the last one went through I closed the portal and flew to where my mate was.

The other red rangers were surrounding him and their head's down. Tommy saw me and walked over to me and had a look on his face that I didn't recognize. I came to my own conclusion and lowered my head in grief. (About not you would be playing Hans Zimmer – Reunion from Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron) He patted my neck and then whistled. I looked at him confused and looked to where the others were and saw them part only to see my mate standing tall and healthy and alive. I roar in happiness and flew off toward him and he to me.

We met half way and I rubbed my head against his and all under his chin. He returned my rubbing and suddenly transformed into his human form. I transformed to and touched his check and smiled with tears in my eyes. "Tatsuo, my love."

(From when you play the song to here is all just like when Spirit and Rain reunite after he was thinking she was dead.)

He smiled and kissed me with all love I knew he felt for me. I hugged him and looked over his shoulder at the rangers they were smiling so big I thought that their faces would crack. Tommy explained that they had used their ranger power to heal my mate.

I mouthed a thank you and had tears running down my face and I knew from then on nothing can beat the power of the red rangers and love.

We had all gotten back to earth and to the space station. The sun was setting and Tatsuo and I had to get back. We all met outside and Tommy started talking. "Thank you rangers you've done a great service to the entire universe."

Jason smiled and said, "Don't mention it bro."

All the boys put their fist in and looked to me, who hadn't done it yet. I sighed and said in a calm voice, for fear of starting to cry, "I can't thank all of you enough for what you've done you've save my mate and the future of my clan." I smiled and put my fist in with theirs.

"I guess it's time to say goodbye again, may the power protect you all." Tommy said. We broke apart and he turned to me and said, "So what do you think of humans now?"

I got a thinking look on my face and he laughed and said, "C'mon you can't still hate us."

I smiled and said, "I guess not. Just don't think you can call on me whenever you feel like it to help you out, you all do your own bloody work." I turned to my mate and said jokingly, "Let's go home my love before their human disease spreads to us and we start acting like them." He laughed and Tommy did to and he hugged me one last time before walking away. Tatsuo and I said goodbye and transformed and flew away back to out home and sanctuary.

So all in all, it doesn't hurt to have a female red ranger ever now and then.