AN: I'm not even sure why I bothered writing that because this whole chapter is going to be an AN. I'm just going to be responding to my last reviews and (as much as I hate plugs like these) I'm going to tell you about some of my upcoming stories. If you really want to comment on something I've said, you can review this chapter but just know I won't be able to respond back if you don't have a fanfic account, and therefore no PM. So, anyway, on with the reviews.
Thank you so much! It really means so much to me that you've read this story and even liked it! I never even imagined when I posted this that people would be telling me it was an "incredible read" at the end. Thank you, thank you, thank you SO much. Yes, it is too bad that Patrick never came around, but he just can't get over the fact that his sister was so lucky and he wasn't. Honestly, I can't blame him for being jealous, I would be too! But just get on with your life, man! And about Carver and Patty working as garbage men, well, I just figured that the trash should stay with the trash. ;) Thanks again so much for reading!
Anna Luna:
I'm so glad Hermione and Fredrika made up too. This story has been about Hermione and the Fantastic Five most of the time, but I really felt like its been mostly about friendship, and Hermy and Freddi are the perfect example of a friendship that can last through just about anything. Patrick is a harsh person. I took a lot of inspiration from Aunt Petunia when writing him. Both of them were muggles that knew about the wizarding world, and that knowledge destroyed both of them. Honestly, if there was a wizarding world, I wouldn't want to know about it because knowing that something as great as that actually existed and I couldn't be a part of it would be so much worse than being blissfully ignorant. Hopefully though, I would be able to get over the jealousy instead of letting it destroy me like it did with Petty and Patty thought. I imagine that somewhere deep down, (very, VERY deep down) Patrick loved his sister and he's really sad that she's dead but all the jealousy is blocking his heart and he won't let anything other than hate through. But the reason I made his a garbage collector now was that I figured all the trash should stay together. ;) (I'm so glad you liked that part!) I'm really glad you found my story too. You were my first reviewer ever, and the only reason that this story go to where it is today. Thank you so much! I really can't express with words how much it means to me.
Thank you so much for reading this story! It means so much to me that you liked it, and even reviewed! I'm really sad it's over too! It feels so weird not having to post chapters every week! I can't believe you actually think I'm a fantastic writer though! I really don't know what to say to that besides thank you! I can't tell you how much it means to me. Thank you so, so, SO much for reading!
Thank you so much! You've reviewed almost every chapter and I'm so glad you did. I look forward to your reviews every week. Sorry about the speeling erorz. (I did that on perpos. (that too)) Thanks so much for reading my story!
I'm glad you liked the happy ending. I was honestly debating whether Hermione and Fredrika should just break up forever, but I decided that they'd been friends for too long to let a little argument like that end them. I'm glad you like the clothes too. One of my favorite things about writing is putting the outfits together. I liked writing the part where Hermione gets pissed at Patrick the best too. It was so fun to write, but I ended up getting a bit too into the mood and I had to go to my room and punch pillows for an hour before I could calm down enough to write again. (Did I put that in the AN of the other chapter? I repeat myself a lot so don't get mad at me!) It's just so much fun to write about angry
Hermione! She's normally so and it's always really surprising when she had an emotional breakdown. The angry kind are funny though… ;) I do plan to write lots more now, but I'm going to answer that after I answer my reviews so everyone can see… Also, I did vote for Harry Potter. It's one of the best movies I've ever seen, and while I don't hate twilight either, I think that nothing could ever compare to that kind of master piece. I've read twilight a couple times, and I have to admit their addictive. I might even write a fanfic for it one day, but I doubt it. All it takes is picking up a Harry Potter book and I forget everything about vampires and those things they call werewolves. (Lupin is SO much better than Jacob, forget Edward.) Anyway, thanks so much for reviewing! Your reviews always have such nice things to say and those other little tidbits too. I love reading them! I could never tell you how much it means! Thank you SO much! Oh, and also, Spätzünder is German, like Freddi. I'm working on learning German too, but I'm not very good so I had to use google translate. It means late bloomer, because Fredrika never really felt happy until after she was eleven, and only then could she really have friends. But like it says in Mulan, (which is possibly the best movie ever besides harry potter) "But look! This one's late! But I'll bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of them all."
A career as an author. Wow. I can't believe you think this is that good! Thanks so much! I honestly love writing. I'm always so happy when I'm sitting down in front of the computer. If I happen to write something that is not fanfiction and it happens to get published, I'll let you know. ;) I'm really going to miss writing this story too! It feels so weird to not have to worry if the next chapter is good enough to be posted. I kind of miss that pressure now. It always gave me something to do. I honestly can't believe it's over either! After I finish responding to all these reviews, I'm planning to tell you all what I'm writing next, so just take a look down there. (Shameless plug) Thank you so much for reading this story. You reviews are so nice, and I look forward to reading them every week. I honestly can't tell you how much it means to me. Thank you SO much.Cloggx:
Thank you so much! I really can't tell you how much it means to me to open my inbox and find a review from you every week. It really brightens up my day when I get reviews. Friendship is a kind of love, which according to JKR (and me) is quite possibly the strongest kind of magic in the world. If you want to read it again and again, by all means, go ahead! I don't mind! ;) I even tried to read this a couple days ago, but it's just impossible to read your own writing. I could get past the first chapter without being bored out of my mind! Well, anyway, thanks again so much for R&Ring! It really means so much to me.
Some people have asked me if I'm planning to write anything else, so I figured I'd answer it once instead of a couple times. The next story I should be posting is a one shot about Petunia being jealous of Lily called Simple Things. It should be coming out on Saturday. A week from today, I plan on posting another one shot which is basically a different version of the same thing called The Epitome of Normal. I just love writing Petunia's jealousy so much that one story about it wasn't enough. And even though I haven't written one yet, you can probably expect a third at some point.
I'm also currently working on revising the first fanfic I ever wrote which is Petunia's POV when Lily gets her Hogwarts letter. It's a lot like this story, except Petunia is the one being jealous the whole time. It's not quite as long as this one, but it's worse than cringe-worthy, so it won't be seeing daylight for a long time.
My favorite story to write at this time is about Lily coming home for Christmas of her first year. Petunia is really jealous of her, and so are Petunia's friends, (though they don't know about magic.) I think James Potter is going to come into that story at some point.
I also have one about Dudley's reaction when he sees Harry coming off the train after first year, and I think theres going to be a second chapter where he goes through Harry's trunk and sees all his magic things.
I might even write a fic for Victorious (my guilty pleasure). I have the beginnings of one about Haley and Terra, the girls from Karaoke Dokie.
I have the makings of lots of other fanfics, but these are the ones that might actually get finished some time in the next year.
P.S. I'm so obsessed with Harry Potter that I even made a schedule for a first year and I'm working on figuring out the genetics of magic. Call me a nerd, but whatever. It's fun…