Hello people! I haven't updated in FOREVER! TnT Honestly, I will TRY to update, but no promises! So I usually do Berlin/Kosinberg or Moscow on these, and I couldnt find a Prussia one. So, if they is one, contact me and I'll take this down. Plus, I'm looking for a Italy for my Germany, and a China for my Russia for my cosplay. Anyone interested, contact me via review. Do the disclaimer Roma! *Runs Away*

Romano: Nii owns nothing! She cant even update properly! *Starts Ranting*

Hey all you peoples!

I saw West and everyone else do these awesome things, so I thought I, the awesome all mightly Prussia, shall also make letters! Send 'em in and I'll answer!


Don't let my awesomeness scare, ya! Send them in! Tell me your day, ask for advice, ask questions, and...I think that' it. What ever, just send me awsomeness!

Staying Awesome,
