A/N: Been playing Dragon Age non-stop and this was one of the stories that came to mind. I have to warn you that this chapter is rough since I do not have a beta. I'm looking for one so if anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Intertwining Destinies

As the only daughter of the Teryn of Highever and the youngest child of three by all of ten minutes, Elissa Cousland was more than aware of her lot in life. Born into one of the most powerful families in all of Ferelden she was afforded advantages many could only dream of. As both a human and a noble there was no denying it. Hers was a blessed existence, one of immense privilege and honor.

While she was thankful for her life, thankful for everything the Maker saw fit to bestow upon her she was in many ways trapped. Growing up under the ever-watchful eyes of the gentry there were a great many things she could not do. She knew it was a fair price to pay. For never being treated as anything other than equal. For never having to fear she'll be taken away from her family for something she couldn't even begin to control. She was grateful, extremely grateful. But that did not mean she had to be completely complacent. Nor did it mean she had to always do what was told. Unlike her older brother Fergus and her fraternal twin Aedan, Elissa had always tested the line. Always saw fit to question rather than blindly follow. Even if doing so resulted in her doing some very stupid things. Like when at the tender age of five she refused to heed her fathers insistence she not handle a real blade until he deemed her ready and nearly severed her hand as a result . Or when she was ten and despite Nan's ever-stringent warnings about how ill it would make her she still snuck into the kitchen larder to gorge herself on sweets.

Although she always knew better, always knew she should listen, a part of her thrilled with every little act of rebellion. For it was all she could afford. She was a Cousland after all and though she may never always do what she was told when it came down to it she would always do what was right, what was expected. No matter the cost to her she would always do her duty. Whether it was to her family, to her people or to her name.

So when she was forbidden from touching the drink her brothers seem to enjoy so much Elissa kept her curiosity at bay. For while she may enjoy sparring with her brothers more than she did attending the parties and balls her mother insisted she attend she still had an image to maintain and it would simply not do for the people of Highever to see the barely eighteen year old daughter of their teryn sneaking out into one of the local taverns for a drink. It was unbecoming, completely undignified and outright improper.

It was only when she found herself in Denerim, accompanying her father during one of his visits to the court that she finally decided to utilize her relative anonymity in the spiraling capital in order to discover for herself exactly what it was all about. She only wanted a sip after all. What could possibly happen?

Dressed in light armor and equipped with her favorite twin blades Elissa stared up at the sign above her. Rather than doing the sensible thing and heading to the reputed Gnawed Noble she instead found her way to a lesser-known tavern located far away from anything remotely resembling respectability, one she was informed was barely a step up from the infamous Pearl. A fact in which suited her just fine. Especially since it would probably one of the last places her glorified babysitters would think to look for her.

Gathering her courage she opened the door and stepped inside. The moment she did she felt her eyes widen. Never had see seen such a sight. With naught a care for the conventions of propriety or very much of anything else for that matter men and women alike danced and bobbed through the smoky tavern. There was practically something going on every table. With drinking games happening all over, bawdy tales being exchanged left and right and cards flying as hard and fast as the coin being gambled away on them.

Resolved to see this through she ignored what was going on around her and with a confident stride made began to make her way towards the bar.

"Now what's a sweet looking place like you doing in a girl like this?" slurred an obviously drunk man who saw fit to block her progress through the overwhelming sea of bodies.

Not wanting to make a scene she was just about to politely brush him off when he wrapped an arm around her.

"How 'bout I take you somewhere nicer my sweet?" he purred hotly into her ear.

With a barely concealed grimace she attempted to gently push him away. Had she a mind to it would've been so easy to forcibly remove him from her. For all their bluster her brothers had saw fit to teach her exactly how to overcome those who would see fit to use their size against her. But while she was seriously tempted to put what she was taught to good use she also knew that she couldn't. Not unless she wanted to draw unnecessary attention to herself.

So as civilly as she could she bit out, "I would appreciate it if you would so kindly remove yourself from me."

Obviously mistaking her pathetic show of struggle for an invitation she felt the hand that had just been resting on her shoulder move towards the swell of her breast.

"Get your hands off me now," she gritted out, any semblance of calm quickly evaporating.

When all she got was a dismissive laugh she growled. Like a switch her temper flared. Just as she was about to throw caution to wind and show him exactly what her brothers had taught her someone beat her to the punch. Too bad it wasn't literally.

"Let me go ye bastard," the drunkard angrily cried, pain etched all over his face as he struggled against the heavily armored man behind him.

"No. I don't think I will," the newcomer lazily drawled.

Far from strained he easily held the other man, firmly twisting his arms behind his back in a clearly debilitating hold.

"What do you mean no?" came the angry retort. "Let me go or you'll be sorry."

From the corner of her eyes Elissa saw more than a few men suddenly stop what they were doing. Some just so they could enjoy the impending fight while others so that they could not so subtly reach for their weapons.

"Well then you're a bit too late because I'm already sorry," was the newcomer's reply to the not so subtle threat. Oblivious to the trouble brewing around him he scrunched up his nose, light brown eyes squinting with barely concealed disgust as he added, "I'm pretty sure I've been around horses and dogs that have smelt better than you."

"Why you-"

It happened all in an instant. Before she could think about what she was doing Elissa hastily reached for the nearest object, which just happened to be an empty pint, and threw it hard at the coward she saw sneaking up on the only man in this whole Maker forsaken place to help her. Without a hint of hesitation she unsheathed her swords, eyes narrowing into slits as nearly six others decided to join the fray.

"Great isn't," the newcomer suddenly said, reluctantly releasing his captive to take his place beside her with sword and shield at the ready. "How a good fight brings people together."

"Yeah, great. Like one big happy murdering family," she blithely replied. Much to the amusement of her newfound companion if the chuckle she managed to elicit was of any indication.

"Oh, we're going to have fun with this one," one of the only two men who saw fit to come after her leered.

Accustomed to being underestimated Elissa merely smiled. Using her speed to her advantage she made it just in time to parry away a blow intended for her neck. Her swiftness clearly catching her attacker off guard she aimed a kick to his groin. Not giving him a chance to recover she finished with an incapacitating hit to the head before turning to his friend who, for all his eagerness, was far below even the most green of her father's knights. Easily blocking his charge she was able to slide under his guard and using her momentum to her advantage disoriented him with a hard punch to the face before bringing the hilt of her sword down on him in a punishing blow, the force of which sent him crumbling to the sticky ground right beside his friend, completely out cold. Ready to jump right back into the fray she quickly spun around. Only to find how entirely unneeded her intervention was. Barely breaking a sweat the man she'd somehow found herself fighting alongside easily dealt with the last of their attackers with a less than gentle smash from his shield.

Thoroughly impressed, even more so by fact he managed to do so without having to kill, she sheathed her swords and made her way over to him. When she sought to offer her thanks the almost forgotten drunk responsible for this whole mess interrupted her.

"See," the annoying drunkard who'd practically pawed her earlier cried. No doubt too far gone to have the sense to run off when he'd had the chance. "Stupid wench wanted me. 'lse I would be on the ground with the rest of these f-"

Not even giving him the opportunity to finish that sentence she struck him hard across the face, watching with satisfaction as he joined his merry band of sleeping beauties on the sticky tavern floors. That dealt with she turned back to the stranger before her and though she was interrupted once again it was an interruption she didn't mind nearly as much.

"Sorry for bringing you into this. Had I exercised a little more restraint this all could have easily been avoided," the stranger told her, scratching the back of his head with a rather sheepish look. "It's just that when I recognized the man accosting you like that I just kind of lost it."

"You know him?"

"He and his little gang over there have been terrorizing the back alleys for weeks now, targeting some very young girls and not just so they could steal from them either," he informed her, any trace of good humor gone.

At that Elissa turned to the unconscious men with a murderous look on her face and though she knew none of them would be able to feel it began kicking them all again and again in the general vicinity of their groins. It may not be hurting any of them at the moment but it sure as hell made her feel a whole world better.

Anger well vented she turned back to the newcomer and gave him a serene smile, "So what do we do with them now?"

For a moment all he could do was stare, eyes wide with what looked like a rather unlikely cross between horror and admiration. Then upon realizing that she was still in fact waiting for an answer he gave a rather nervous cough and quickly said, "Um… I suspect that by now the city guards should be on their way."

"City guards?" she repeated with a frown.

While she was doubtful anyone would recognize her the last thing she needed was to draw any unnecessary attention to herself, especially if that attention came in the form of the same guards her father would have more than likely reported her missing to.

"Right," she nervously began, gaze flitting all the over the place as if expecting to be attacked at any moment. "I guess that's my cue to leave."

Turning on her heel she was just about to take off when she found herself halted by a rather loud and somewhat desperate, "Wait."

Not knowing why she stopped and tilted her head back.

Visibly wilting under the scrutiny of gaze he seemed to flounder for a moment before finally finding the nerve to blurt out, "I was just wondering what you were doing in a place like this."

Seeing his genuine curiosity she pointedly chose to ignore the fact he'd just basically asked her the same question the drunkard had posed to her and answered, "I just wanted a drink and this was the first place I happened upon."

"There are much better places you could have gone," he told her with a frown. "Much safer places."

"This is my first time in Denerim," she simply explained, using the overwhelming size of the capital as reason for her ignorance.

At that he gave her an understanding nod, accepting her words for what they were.

"Well, if you are still looking for a drink the place I'm staying is a little less lively," he offered, his cheeks becoming tinged with the slightest hint of color. "I mean it's not the Gnawed Noble, but it's respectable enough."

Unable to help herself she let out a scandalized gasp and somehow managing to maintain a straight face said, "I don't know what kind of women you're use to associating with but I assure you I am not that kind of woman."

Eyes widening he quickly defended, "What? No! That's not what I meant! I was only… I mean since I ruined your night I thought the least I could do is buy you a drink. I didn't…. I would never-"

As he continued to splutter Elissa found that she was unable to keep up the act any longer. She laughed.

"Wait, you were-" he gaped upon realizing she'd only been teasing him. With what was very close to a pout he relaxed with a muttered, "Oh, that was just mean."

"Well I guess I'm just going to have to buy you a drink to make up for it, aren't I?" she offered in apology.

It seemed her words had the desired affect. Instantly brightening he gave her a wide smile.

"I guess you are. I'm Al-" he began to introduce.

Quickly silencing him she placed a hand over his mouth, shaking her head as she said, "No names. Let's just be two strangers tonight, just two strangers sharing a drink, enjoying each other's company. No more. No less."

Despite his frown he gave his acquiesce in the form of a nod. It was only when she was sure he would adhere to her request that she lowered her hand again.

"Let's get going," she quickly said. "I want to be out of here before the guards arrive."

If he thought anything of her aversion of the guards he did not say. In turn when she took his hand and all but dragged him out she did her best not to mention the rather becoming shade of red his face had turned.

The moment Elissa Cousland woke up she found herself instantly wishing for a quick and painless death, anything to be rid of the incessant pounding in her head. With a pained moan she attempted to roll over, wanting nothing more than to return to the oblivion of sleep and forget her damnable curiosity for ale. Rather than the welcoming warmth of her spacious bed however she instead found her movements stilled by what suspiciously felt like a brick wall. A warm, breathing brick wall.

Annoyed and still more than half asleep she titled her head back, fully expecting to be met with the sight of her beloved Mabari Dog once again trying to lay claim to her half of the bed. What she found instead made her eyes instantly widened with a strangled gasp.

At the sight of the large, undeniably male human body beside her she immediately paled with a helpless murmur of, "Oh Maker, what have I done?"

Suddenly awake it only took a moment for her to realize she had no idea where she was. Although well kept the room she was in was a far cry from the one she occupied within the palace walls.

Panicked by the discovery she hastily stumbled out of the bed, bringing the sheets with her as her eyes widened with the enormity of what she'd done. As sheltered as she was Elissa knew well enough to be able to piece together exactly what happened. She was naked, completely and utterly naked. And while she was yet to check on the state of dress of her bedmate the feel of him pressed up against her just moments before, his whole body practically melded against hers like a second skin, was confirmation enough. Coupled with the traces of blood staining the sheets, the last remnants of her lost maidenhead, and the still very evident ache between her thighs there was absolutely no denying it.

"Argh 'uncan, let me die in peace," came a rather pitiful whine from the bed, one that was quickly followed by a rather forceful tug to the sheet that was only barely just covering her, the same sheet she'd practically wrapped around herself.

Not expecting the sudden movement she stumbled, the momentum of his tug causing her to come crashing back down, her naked body colliding rather spectacularly with his.

"What the…" she heard a clearly surprised voice exclaim.

In a desperate bid to preserve what little of her modesty in which still remained she hastily got back to her feet, wrapping the sheet tightly around her nakedness as she found herself suddenly faced with the light brown eyes and gaping mouth of her now very awake bedmate.

"Sweet Maker and Andraste's flaming sword!" he exclaimed his shock.

Although her heard thumped loudly in her chest she couldn't help but take comfort in the fact she wasn't the only one taken aback by the turn of events. Just like her he was completely mortified. There was no gloating in his eyes. No smugness to be seen. Nothing but such genuine bafflement that she allowed herself to relax, if only just slightly.

Noticeable calmer she finally took the chance to look at him. With closely cropped hair and light amber eyes he was precisely the kind of man who would have had absolutely no problems setting a great many hearts aflutter. Every inch of him was muscled and toned to absolute perfection. From the hard planes of his chest, down to his chiseled stomach and lower. She reddened as she found her gaze being drawn further downwards.

"H-hey," he practically squeaked, voice raising an octave or two as he quickly grabbed the nearest pillow. He clutched it tightly to his body. Looking for the world like a scandalized maiden.

Embarrassed to have been caught staring and staring so blatantly Elissa hastily averted her eyes and in utter mortification murmured, "Oh Maker."

After a moment of silence he loudly cleared his throat and in a much deeper, much more composed voice remarked, "Maybe we should slow things down. Get to know each other a bit. Maybe have dinner. Go dancing. I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure my name isn't Maker. Not that I am not flattered because I am, extremely so. I mean how can I not be, especially when you're…"

Face reddening he gestured in her general direction with one hand while clutching the pillow to his body with the other like a lifeline. He gave her barely covered figure a lingering look, the intensity of which felt like an intimate caress across her skin, before finally raising his eyes to meet hers. The moment their gazes locked he promptly closed his mouth and swallowed.

With an apologetic and extremely embarrassed shrug he coughed out, "Right. Yes. So I'll just stop now. Foot in mouth you see, it is somewhat of a chronic disease with me. Not that I am diseased or anything. I mean I haven't… you know, and I've…"

He trailed off with an embarrassed sound.

"Okay I think I should just shut up before I really put my foot in it. Words are definitely not my friend at the moment or ever really. So yeah, shutting up right now."

Rather than being put off by his nervous ramblings Elissa couldn't help but find it somewhat refreshing. Especially after having grown up practically surrounded by more than her fair share of over inflated male egos. It was, dare she say, even a little endearing.

Needing to know what happened but dreading the answer she bit her lip and with much needed strength hesitantly asked, "Do you remember anything?"

"I- I was drinking, so I…" he nervously began, face becoming even redder. "I only remember bits and pieces. But not, um, anything too… um… well, you know." Flustered he quickly diverted the question back to her. "What about you?"

Although most of the night was a blur she remembered being pawed at by some drunk. She remembered being helped by him. Fighting alongside him. Then offering to buy him a drink. She remembered talking with him. Leaving the first tavern for another. After that it was all a blur.

"I really don't remember much either," she reluctantly admitted with a hint of shame.

Whatever reaction she'd been expecting it wasn't for him to instantly brighten and hopefully ask, "So does that mean it's possible nothing happened?"

While she also wished it to be true she couldn't help but be taken aback by his eagerness. Although she didn't know very much about men she was sure no man should be this happy at the thought of not having slept with a woman. Not unless he preferred the company of other men. Or he found the woman he was with lacking in some way. Suddenly self-conscious she took a step back and lowered her head. An action he must've noticed because his eyes instantly widened. No doubt remembering her ball crushing antics from the other night he clutched the pillow tightly over his groin, inching back slowly with a look of fear on his face.

"It's not that I don't find you desirable. I mean… look at you. You don't need me to tell you how incredibly beautiful you are. You are, by the way, incredibly beautiful. I would be fool not to want you," he blurted out in a rush. "It's just that I… I've been raised not to take this sought of thing lightly and I… I just never thought it would happen like this."

At those words he seemed to crumble.

"I… I wish I could tell you nothing happened," she honestly told him.

Although she'd essentially ruined herself with this man, this complete stranger, he was taking their joining harder than she was. It wasn't that she didn't care. She did. But there was nothing she could do. There was no way she could reverse it. No way to take it back. She was nothing if not practical and while she dreaded what troubles this would eventually cause her in the long run she knew there was no use crying over it. No use getting worked up over something she could not change. There was only one thing left for her and that was to look forward, to try and work out what next.

Knowing it wasn't going to make him feel better she avoided his gaze and with a steadying breath forced herself to continue, "But I am sore in places I shouldn't be and there's… I mean I… I bled."

At her words his eyes immediately widened.

"Maker's breath, did I hurt you?"

Touched by his concern and more than embarrassed by her admission she avoided his gaze with a shake of her head.

As if not quite believing her he allowed his eyes to roam once more. This time when they lingered they did not linger on anything other than the small splattering of blood visible on the edge of the sheet she held.

"But then what of the blood?" he questioned in worry.

She took a deep breath.

"I've been told that a woman bleeds the first time she lays with a man and that's how her husband will know if she has ever been with another before him," she reluctantly explained, embarrassment and shame reddening her cheeks to an almost impossible hue. She tried for a laugh that somehow ended sounding a lot more like a choke. "I guess it wasn't just another wives tale mothers tell their daughters to keep them in line."

"This is your-" he breathed out disbelieving. "You mean you've never…?"

Squeezing her eyes shut she shook her head again.

"I…" he began slowly to say, hesitating for a moment before finally adding, "Well in that case I guess I should tell you that I've never had the pleasure of um... ever praising anyone's Maker or buttering anyone's bread for that matter."

At that she snapped her eyes open, her whole face announcing her utter and complete disbelief. Bad puns aside there was no reason for him to lie. No reason for him to put his pride on the line by admitting his inexperience to her. Unsure whether to be mortified or relieved Elissa bit her lip and opted for silence.

"Not that I haven't thought about it," he continued, no doubt trying to fill the silence that had suddenly settle upon them. "I am still a man after all. It's just that growing up as I did I was taught to be a gentleman."

He gave her a crooked smile.

"I was also told that I'd be struck by lightning for this. Not sure if I believe that one but I have yet to go outside so the possibility is still there."

When she said she did not remember how they came to be as they were she spoke the truth. She did not. What she did remember however was how much she enjoyed herself in his company. She had found him to be extremely kind and oddly charming in spite of his awkwardness. It was why she was able to maintain her calm. For despite everything she was certain he didn't take advantage. She truly believed he had been as wrecked on the drink as her. With this in mind she didn't have to think very long about her next course of action. Even though she could not remember what had happened she would still reap the consequences. However, unlike all the times before she would be forced to face the consequences without any of the satisfaction. She frowned at the unfairness of it all. If she was to be condemned for it anyway she should at least be able to enjoy herself.

"It's clear neither of us wanted this," she concluded, feeling her cheeks heat up at what she was about to do. "And neither of us can remember what happened."

She paused.

"I don't know about you but I do not want this right here to be the only memory I have of my first time."

Looking more than a little confused he slowly asked, "What are you saying?"

With a deep breath she gathered all the courage she could spare and made her way towards him. She stopped by the bed and in a breathy voice said, "That we should make the best of a bad situation. I mean if you are to be struck by lightning anyway you should at least be able to remember what for."

That said she dropped the sheet, desperately fighting the instinct to instantly cover herself again as climbed onto the mattress beside him, completely naked. As she moved his eyes remained resolutely on her face, his own becoming redder and redder by the second as she practically crawled over to him. She stopped when her knees touched his and reached out. But instead of trying to pry away the pillow in which served as the only remaining barrier between them she nervously took a hold of his hand. Her own trembling as she guided it to rest on the curve of her breast.

Far from the seasoned seductress she was attempting to play Elissa shuffled uncomfortably at his lack of reaction. Not quite sure what she was doing wrong she frowned. In all her inexperience she'd fully expecting him take over. To kiss her, touch her, to do anything other than just stare at her with those wide shocked eyes of his. Suddenly losing her nerve she bit her lip and gave him a questioning look.

"You…" he spluttered.

Never one to quit so easily she continued guiding his hand over her flushed skin. An action which made him gulp. Hard. His eyes slowly lowered. Drifting down to where he touched her, to where his hand still rested. With a shuddering breath he moved, allowing the tip of his fingers to gently trace the curve of her breast, tentatively brushing the hardened tips of her nipples as he caressed her.

At her sudden intake of breath he lifted his eyes to meet hers. His own wide and uncertain.

Acting on impulse she closed the distance between them, capturing his lips in a searing kiss as she wrapped her arms around him. At the feel of the pillow that still sat between them she made to pull it away, only to have her efforts suddenly halted by a warm calloused hand.

"If this is to be my only memory I do not want it to be with a stranger," she heard him say.

Allowing her gaze to burn a path from where his hand held hers, up the muscled length of his arm and over his shoulders to the tense set of his jaw line she met his determined gaze with one of her own.

Confused and more than a little frustrated she questioned, "You're stopping this?"

"Maker have mercy on me but I am a weak, weak man," he breathed huskily, sounding every bit as weak as he claimed. "I can no sooner stop this than I can stop myself from breathing."


"Your name," he insisted with a hint of desperation. "Tell me your name."

A smile tugged at her lips. Without another word she kissed him again, her lips yielding readily under his as she took advantage of his sudden preoccupation to finally wrench the blasted pillow away and press herself to him.

"Sweet Maker," he gasped at the feel of her.

Pleased at his reaction she allowed herself a small smirk as she murmured against his lips, "As flattered as I am my name is Elise."

For a moment he did little more than stare at her. Then upon realizing what she'd just offered him gifted her with a warm smile she did not deserve.

"Alistair. My name is Alistair," her uttered before finally taking the initiative and claiming her lips. His whole body melded against hers he gently pushed her back, pressing her down to the bed as he practically devoured her with the heat of his need.

While Elissa Cousland was many things she never considered herself a coward. Yet, as she allowed herself one last lingering glance at the form on the bed she'd occupied only moments before, she felt like one. If she weren't she would not have waited for him to fall asleep to leave. If she weren't she would have stayed long enough to bid him a proper farewell. To tell him how wonderful he was and that if things had been different she wouldn't have minded having that dinner with him or taking him up on that dance. If she weren't she would have given him her name. Her real name. Her full name.

With a regretful sigh she pulled the door closed behind her, a 'goodbye' on her lips as she reluctantly made her way back to the palace. Back to her father who would no doubt have more than a few words waiting for her. Back to her life. Back to being Lady Cousland, the ever dutiful daughter of the Teryn of Highever.