"Richtofhen?" The muscular voice of the asylum guard called out to him. The fox looked towards the man, smiling as he came towards him and undid the straps holding his arms.

Even the man was scared of the maniac fox. His eyes gleaned a vibrant green, the once deep blue eyes now seemingly gone from existence as they appeared in his medical history. The former doctor stood up, walking alongside the guard as he led him out of his cell and into another room, one that had become very welcome to Edward now. The things they did to him here were somewhat satisfying, a way to let off some steam.

Electroshock therapy.

"Sit down, Mr. Richtofhen." The man standing before the unusual chair said. The guard led the fox towards the chair, strapping him in as the fox looked bleakly at the doctor.

The doctor wore a nicely stitched white vest, with brown cuffs on the arms. He wore brown britches and had a sense of importance feel around him. The doctor was mobian, a dog one to be specific. His fur was the generic color of chestnut, a black spot right over his left eye that also shared a pink scar running across it. He wore rectangular glasses, tilting them as he stared at Edward with his cyan eyes.

"Fredric Steiner, It's been too long." He smugly replied. Edward's madness seemed to block his view of reality, often shrugging off the burdens and pain of himself and others as miniature side-tracks. "Do you need to cure me again?"

"Tell me Richtofhen, how did a promising, mobian doctor such as yourself, turn into this?" He questioned Edward as he steadily placed his hand on the lever for the chair. "

He laughed slightly before replying. "They say, it's the atmosphere that often make's a man go mad, or was it power? I'm not very sure anymore…" Edward chuckled under his strange talk.

"No doubt the element did this, I'm surprised you're not one of them." Fredric said, referencing to the zombies.

"Are you sure I'm not one of them!" He shouted unexpectedly. His face was red with anger, for a moment, he was even surprised at his outburst. He pressed his back against the chair, straining his palms as he breathed deeply.

"I think it's time for your session today, maybe we can get those voice's out of your head." The doctor said. "Any last thing that you may ask before we begin?"

Edward didn't even struggle in the leather straps that held him to the chair as he grinned to the doctor, baring his teeth as he uttered his unusual request.

"Yes, do tell me… how is Maxis doing?"

Geisteskranken, (Outbreak confirmed)

He screamed loudly as he threw the picture frame against the wall, the picture of a blonde haired hedgehog girl standing next to a tall brown hedgehog with a few bangs running his forehead that hugged the little girl ever so lovingly in that picture, smashed onto the cold floor.

He couldn't stand it. He ripped the gloves off his hands, showing him the bloody marked claws and fingertips that hid beneath. He bit onto his own hand, blood emerging from the tiny holes he made with his teeth and it flowed into his mouth.

"Where… did… he… GO!" He shouted aloud, hearing nothing from himself or the voices. That hedgehog disappeared, no trace of him left behind. No corpse, no zombie, nothing.

Just nothing.

Obsession. He was obsessed with him. He had no one to find, no one to lust for. In a sense, he regretted it, killing him in that way, he should have done it slower.

But, would that have really satisfied him? He didn't know.

He looked into the small mirror found within the doctor's desk, seeing his body once more. The yellow fur, the two tails, the three bangs dangling in front of his face. The only thing different, was his eyes. His blood red eyes.

He looked into the desk once again, ripping out the drawers until he found the small folder with the pictures. He eagerly looked through them, not stopping until he reached the one he wanted.

The one he wanted…

He was exactly like him in appearance, or he was exactly like him. That fox had everything he had, all of it, nothing different but the eyes.

The sky blue eyes and his red blood eyes. Complete opposites of each other, their behaviour he assumed, was no different.

The original's friends, living.

The friends he had were nothing more but walking corpses.

He would take it away. Life, everything. He couldn't help himself from not staring away from the picture.

"Mile's Prower…" He mumbled wickedly. "It will end for you, painfully and slowly. You… have life, where I have none, and so I will take it from you and the world… the whole goddamn world."


Nothing was here, yet everything was apparent. Confused, he walked around looking for some sort of exit, but he found nothing but a strange blank void.

The feeling of this place was strange, welcome and comforting. There were fields of grass, trees and flowers spread out among an array of rivers and hills.

He couldn't believe it. He looked at himself, his burned hands were normal as he saw his fur and skin unburned. He quickly ran over to a pool of water, seeing his reflection within.

His eyes were brown, like they normally were. The rest of his body remained unscarred, as if he never got burned by the electricity or that he was supposedly turning into a zombie had never seemed to come.

"How?" He muttered to himself, the emerging meadows and gardens echoing the sound of his voice. He remembered being thrown into the MDT-R, and then it was all dark. "Maybe I am dead… then is this?" He questioned the unknown.

Like before and many things previous, there was no answer. Maxis walked around the peaceful land, stumbling upon a strange standing stone. It looked like something familiar; the stone had the shape of something Maxis had forgotten long ago.

He couldn't help his curiosity, placing his hands onto the ancient stone carving. The feeling was unimaginable; a pool of glowing light illuminating below him as he felt a rush of wind and appeared in a completely different location.

He stood in front of an ancient temple, surrounded by a blue light as it shone so brightly from the rest of everything. The stairs were sturdy as he walked up them, coming into a room with turned over statues and parts of the architecture being torn apart.

The hedgehog walked forward until he reached a bridge that was shattered, the first half sticking out as it was chipped off near the other side of it. It stood above a giant chasm, a dark void of forever black if Maxis could tell from its looks.

He had almost given up on going further, being confused with wherever he was and what was happening right now, until the strange blue lights began flickering in the room, seeming to form the broken piece of the bridge, which Maxis believed couldn't possibly hold him.

He stepped forward on the bridge, the stone surface being steady as he treaded forward carefully. As he neared the final part of the bridge that had been illuminated, he kicked off a small piece of stone, making an echo of the rock hitting the sides as it never seemed to end, but just fade away. He stood at the edge, eyeing the blue light that covered the rest of the bridge.

He reached his leg out slightly, carefully trying to see if the light was actually physically stable. He tapped his booted foot onto the smooth surface of the light, shining as he started to walk along it as he immediately reached the doorway at the end of the temple.

Shattered stone doors, he walked over the rubble and debris of what seemed ancient structure. He neared a room where there was a circle in the middle, fifteen paths leading into dark places that he swore were nothing but long paths to nothing. He stood in the center circle, starting to hear a whisper in his ear, he turned around to see nothing, and then he looked up. The blue light shined there, circling above him as it flickered and danced.

Suddenly, the pathways lighted up as a blue fire engulfed them, reflecting images of places and people Maxis did remember immediately.

"What is this!" He shouted out to the blue light above. "Some sort of warped test? Why do I see the facility's in these fires, and these people I know? Where am I!" He demanded answers, not sure if he was mad talking to a light.

"You're redemption…"

"What?" He stepped back in shock. "Shouldn't I be dead?" He stated out to the creature that spoke to him.

"No… you have found something many have searched for, but none have ever reached."

"I don't care for your riddles, light, or whatever you are, tell me where I am!" He shouted angrily.

"Ludvig, you've come to aid those who will end your greatest fear, only if you overcome it with them."

Maxis looked to the side, looking into the fire he saw the face of Edward and the shadows of three other people standing below him. He saw the other fires too, showing images of even more people, a crimson black life form, a purple, hat wearing weasel, a pink haired beauty, and a thieving jewel bat showed themselves very clearly.

All of them lighted up, seeing four human people sitting in a room, seeing the image of two people running through an ancient jungle, and even a space engineer as he created a transportable teleportation device through a black hole.

He didn't understand it, but the light came down to him, shining on him immensely and engulfing him in a warm glow.

"I am in your mind, taking the form most soothing to you. I am this very place, a place in between the fabric of reality and a place of power between worlds. This place contains the will of my power, Isolation, freedom, and harmony all in one."

"I don't believe this… you will explain this to me?" Maxis asked, being still surprised with this whole experience.

"Of course, I will explain everything you need to know, and you will find the secrets that will be able to lead you to your real ending. You will have to fight your creations by other means…"

"But in the meantime, Doctor Ludvig Maxis, I welcome you, to Paradise."

"La la la, la la la la...

It all ends so violently, I know.

It all ends so painfully and slow..."

La la la la, la la la, la la la la la la...

So painfully and slow...

La la la

It all ends so violently...

La la la

My sweet Paradise...

La la la

Now you know how it all will end...

La la la

In my sweet Paradise...

The End.

(Of this story)

"La la la..."