Title: The Tale of Psyche and Eros Redux – Act 5 (Finale)
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Pairing/Character(s): Greece/Japan, France, Rome, Germania, Turkey, China, South Korea. Mentions of Poland, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, America, Hong Kong, Taiwan.
Rating/Genre: PG-13 / Fantasy-AU, romance, adventure, humour
Warning: So much crack in this Act! Also, a mishmash of all your favourite mythology/folk-tales thrown together.
Summary: In which Herakles finally relents and Kiku pays his due in full. And you finally get that Giripan wedding you've waited (well, some of you) almost four months for ^^; I'M SO SORRY.


The brown sparrows were but simple creatures. Their daily morning routine rarely changed; it cycled between waking at the crack of dawn (because, as the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm), rolling in the sand pit for a bath, and then getting a quick sip of water from the river, before settling in the eaves of the oak tree, hidden from the blaze of the afternoon sun.

It was not supposed to be any different today, so the tiny birds didn't pay much attention to the distant and faint rustling sound over rows of towering red hollyhocks. As they continued scuffling about the sand pit, the rustling grew louder and abruptly, a figure darted out from between the hollyhocks, vulpine ears pricked forwards attentively and a bushy, orange tail held out straight behind him.

Kiku dashed quickly past the sand pit, startling the sparrows from their bath and sending them fluttering hastily up to the safety of the trees. For the first time since the night Herakles left him, he felt a huge weight off his shoulders. He could barely contain the mix of anticipation and excitement rushing through him as he ran down the weather-beaten path.

"Kiku, calm down!" Corporal chided, trying to keep her balance as she clung tightly to his shoulders.

The kitsunè slowed to a stop, sobering a little at her words.

"I'm sorry," he began, giving her a sheepish smile. "I just don't want to keep Francis waiting."

The daemon-cat twitched her whiskers knowingly. "And by 'Francis', you actually mean Herakles."

Kiku felt his cheeks colouring but didn't reply, politely turning his gaze back at the path instead, watching how the sunlight weaved in through the canopy and cast shadowed fractals against the ground.

Corporal sneezed humorously then, amber eyes glowing. "Deliver Feliks' box to Francis. I will go to Herakles and bring him to you."

Leaning closer, she gave his ear a quick, affectionate lick and then bounded off his shoulder. She transformed into a huge cat with flames encircled around her paws, and with a swish of her twin tails, leapt upwards to the sky, sending a flurry of leaves dancing about in her wake. Kiku watched for a moment as the daemon-cat skimmed higher and higher over the clouds. When he could no longer see her silhouette against the blue expanse before him, he glanced back towards the path.

Kiku reached for the box Feliks had given him from within the folds of his clothing. He dusted it off carefully, holding it out under the light. While in the House of Hades, and throughout the journey out of Erebus, he didn't have the chance to study the box. Now that he was alone, he couldn't help but take a closer look. Generally a cautious person by nature, there was still a tiny part of him that gave in occasionally to some form of inquisitiveness, especially if the object of study came directly from the gods themselves, or if they were simply cute things. And Feliks' box was cute in an odd sort of way, and quite pleasing to the eye.

Kiku turned the box around, intrigued by the designs. Made of bone-white porcelain, its borders were gilded with gold leaves, and a blood-red pomegranate flower was painted upon its cover. As he studied the gold hinges and latch, he noticed an aromatic (and vaguely familiar) scent from within the box itself. Kiku was not one to throw caution to the wind, so he hesitated at first, wondering whether to proceed any further.

But the scent wafting from the box was intoxicating and somehow he felt immensely drawn to it. He brought the box closer, nose crinkling as he tried to decipher the scent. It reminded him of the sea and had the faint tang of salt to it. Suddenly filled by strange desire, Kiku finally gave in to curiosity and lifted the catch to open the box, and saw what looked suspiciously like a thin sliver of sliced fish… of sliced mackerel.

He was famished, having eaten nothing for nearly two whole days, his last meal being a piece of bread purposefully burnt to a lovely charred crisp by Francis. And if there was anything Kiku had a weakness for, it was fish… especially mackerel. Before he even realized what he was doing, before he had time to ponder about why Feliks' box had fish in it, Kiku brought it to his lips and in a dream-like state, took a small bite.

Immediately, he felt an overwhelming spell of dizziness. The kitsunè blinked, trying to stave off the sudden languor and the creeping blackness. He tried, but could not, for it was not a spell any of the Living could hope to win against. Staggering to his knees, he struggled one last time, only to collapse into deathly slumber.

All this while, Herakles had been watching Kiku's trials and his journey into Death from a silver dish of water in his quarters. With the completion of every task, he could not help but feel tenderness blooming in his heart at Kiku's determination. So when he saw the kitsunè had fallen under the spell, he finally relented. Calling out to Corporal, he took to the sky and flew to where Kiku lay in a deep sleep upon a patch of grass.

Herakles took the sleeping figure into his hold, and cupping Kiku's face, brought their lips together in a soft, gentle kiss. He continued kissing until he felt eyelashes brushing against his cheek, like the flutter of butterfly wings. He drew away, watching as Kiku slowly stirred awake, coughing lightly. Kiku blinked several times, disorientated, before he picked up the familiar scent of spice and lavender, and felt the warmth of arms wrapped around him. He lifted his gaze, catching a glimpse of sea-green eyes and of wavy, brown hair.

"You know," Herakles began, chuckling, "sometimes I have to wonder if you are a cat instead, and not at all a fox. Your sense of curiosity certainly rivals theirs."

Kiku blushed, before he managed a weak smile. "I assure you, the only thing Corporal and I have in common is that we both have a weakness for fish."

At his words, Herakles could only laugh again. Beside him, Corporal huffed in slight indignation. "And cats are not as naïve as foxes."

Kiku hadn't realized how much he'd missed this; the laughter and the warmth of Herakles' hold. He met those eyes again, and then lowered his gaze once more, this time in shame.

"Forgive me," Kiku said, his voice traced with guilt. "I should have listened to you. And I'm sorry that I've hurt you, even though you've shown me nothing but kindness and…"

Herakles stopped whatever else he'd wanted to say, a finger pressed gently against his lips. "There's no need to apologize anymore. I've watched all that you've done and all that is enough to show me the sincerity of your feelings."

Kiku smiled, and to Herakles' mild surprise, reached for his tunic and gently pulled him closer for another kiss.

Francis hummed as he ran his fingers through golden tresses, soft like silk. A morning ritual, he would never fail to spend a few moments at his dressing table, combing his hair and then tying it up into a loose ponytail, complete with a baby-blue ribbon to match his eyes. Once he'd done so, he leaned back in his seat, studying his own features in the mirror.

"Monsieur Bonnefoy," he began, gently tapping the mirror with the brush as he addressed his reflection. "I do believe it's possible that you are too attractive."

He sighed contentedly, tracing a finger over his reflection's lips. "Your beauty has overstoked the furnace, so much so that it stirs a tempest in many a fair lady's heart, and sometimes even in men ohohohohon~! Yet how can anyone blame you, since your gorgeousness is apt to drive anyone into debaucherous conduct, no?"

He pursed his lips and closing his eyes, leaned forward to plant a kiss unto those oh-so-succulent lips (why yes, Francis Bonnefoy was so astoundingly beautiful that even he would want to indulge in himself at times)… only to feel a strange tickling sensation brushing against his face. He wheezed, choking on what seemed to be an extremely repulsive clump of fur.

"Sacrébleu!" Francis sputtered, fur clinging to his chin as he jumped back in a dramatic show of horror. Before him, sitting smugly on the dressing table, was a pudgy-faced grey feline with icy-blue eyes. Francis recognized it as one of Herakles' daemon-cats.

"What brings you here?" he fumed, spitting cat hair down his front.

Menelaus studied the god silently for a moment, before he lowered his head and placed a small trinket box he'd been carrying in his mouth on the table.

Herakles requested me to deliver this to you, the cat said simply, and also to inform you that the fox has paid his due in full.

Francis cocked his head, pondering over Menelaus' words. "So Herakles has finally relented? Tut, tut, my dear brother's too soft for his own good sometimes." He sniffed disdainfully before reaching over for the box. "At least that wretched fox made himself somewhat useful…"

He trailed off, staring incredulously at the now-opened box in his hand, his mouth agape. Sitting neatly in the centre of the box was a thin slice of fish and just beneath it, a slip of paper folded into a tiny square. Unfolding the note carefully, he skimmed through the curly handwriting:



So I totally like, hadn't got the time to whip up that beauty-cream you wanted

(you should've TOLD me earlier. I mean, I'm really busy! Like, geez ಠ_ಠ )

Anyway, I heard fish works just as fine for the skin,

particularly mackerel mmmm-hmm!

So hey, have some TOTES AWESOME FISH 'kay!

Ah hahahahahahaha!

–Feliks "


Francis scoffed irritably, crumpling the note in his palm. He shouldn't even have been surprised – it was Feliks, after all.

By the way…

Francis turned his gaze back towards the grey cat. "Oh, you're still here, you little fleabag?"

You've been summoned to His Majesty's court. Menelaus said, twitching his whiskers. There is to be an important announcement, and thereafter a celebration. The High King wishes you to–

"The High King wishes my humble presence to grace his Court?" Francis cut in, his eyes now sparkling like polished sapphire. "Mais bien sûr! No one can resist my dazzlingly radiant beauty and even His Majesty understands this."

Menelaus flicked his tail once, before he turned and leapt down from the table. Just as he landed on the ground, he'd transformed into a huge, grey panther-like cat, violet flames swirling at his paws. Leaning over, he picked Francis up by his tunic easily.

"Argh!" Francis cursed. "Unhand me, you bug-infested excuse of an overgrown, walking carpet!"

We're running a little late. Menelaus said, gripping the tunic between his teeth. Hang on tight, or I might drop you… by accident, of course.

"This is unacceptable! Release me, otherwise I'll... I'll...! Aïeeeeeee!"

Menelaus leapt upwards into the sky then, mmhhrr-ing in slight amusement. Dangling from the daemon-cat's jaws like indignant prey, Francis continued shrieking ardently.

Olympos rose tall and majestic on the horizon, towering over a green woodland expanse and over valleys dotted with ever-blooming plants, like brushstrokes from a palette. Throngs of daemons and fantastical beasts hurried towards the mountain, sometimes in little groups, while others choosing to travel alone. But all were headed in the same direction and there was a contagious anticipation in the air; in each canter of hooves, each pit-a-patter of paws and each brush of feathery wings. It was not every day the High King summons everyone to his Court, after all.

The god of Beauty had long ceased his passionate wailing when it was clear none of it bothered Menelaus in the very least. Francis grudgingly thought the daemon-cat was probably half-deaf, and decided not to overwork his melodious voice – he can't have himself croaking like a frog before the Court, right? Because Francis Bonnefoy does not croak, thank you very much.

When they finally approached Mytikas Palace, Menelaus slowly descended and landed lightly in the courtyard, where most of the gods and demi-gods had already gathered. Francis gave his tunic a thorough brush-off once the daemon-cat released him, making sure to give Menelaus the nastiest glare he could muster.

"Aahhhh Francis, my boy! You're finally here!"

At the sound of the deep voice, Francis spun around, the scowl now transforming into the most dashingly handsome smile in the whole of Ätlenthea. He made his way towards the front, bowing graciously before the four figures seated in gilded thrones of gold.

High King Romulus the Strong held dominion over all of Ätlenthea. Dressed in a tunic weaved from the finest silk, and cloaked in velvet red, he was as kind and just in his rule as he was merciless and cruel in battle. Beside him, dressed in regal finery like his own were the three other rulers – King Otto the Fair, High Queen Alcmene the Wise and Queen Nafretiri the Radiant.

"We were worried you were going to miss the wedding!" Romulus said.

"A wedding? But who….?" Francis began, only to feel someone brush softly past him.

Herakles stepped up from the gathered crowd and bowed before King Romulus. He was now clad in a pure-white chiton, teal and gold lining in the hems, and had a wreath of laurel in his wavy hair. His eyes were bright with anticipation, his lips curved into a soft smile. Francis was still gaping when he heard a soft murmuring behind him. He turned and then cursed softly.

Kiku carefully made his way past the crowd of gods and demi-gods and daemons. His expression betrayed none of the awkward nervousness he felt within, save for the tinge of pink dusting lightly across his cheeks. Dressed in a royal-blue kimono and gold obi-sash and with a yellow chrysanthemum tucked neatly in his dark hair, he looked very much like a beautiful painting brought to life.

Herakles reached an arm out towards his betrothed as he approached, and together, the two stood before the Court, hand in hand.

"Now then," Romulus continued, raising his voice over the gathered crowd. "Since we're all here, let us begin the cere–"

"Hey, hey, what's this? My little brat of a brother actually found someone willing to marry him? What a joke that is hahahaha!"

Kiku glanced over in surprise just in time to see a tall and built man – no, a god… Herakles' brother? – throwing an arm around Herakles' shoulders and holding him in a friendly headlock.

"Don't touch me, bastard." Herakles growled, eyes flashing fire as he pushed the newcomer roughly away. "When was the last time you took a bath? Oh wait, you don't even understand what 'bath' means, right Sadik?"

"Hey!" This time it was Sadik's turn to snarl. "Watch your mouth there, punk!"

"Only if you start washing your filthy as–"

"E-excuse me," Kiku cut in softly, placing himself in between the two angry gods. "I know this conversation must be very important for both of you, but I don't wish keep everyone waiting with the ceremony. Perhaps we can all sort it out amiably after that?"

The two only stared wordlessly at the kitsunè. Kiku felt the back of his ears redden, and he bowed his head apologetically. "Forgive my intrusion. I didn't mean to be rude…"

Herakles let out soft chuckle, brushing his fingers lightly against those pale cheeks. "There's no need for you to apologize, Kiku. You're quite right about that."

Sadik's gaze was still trained silently on Kiku and he wondered if he'd offended the other god with his careless words. He was about to speak up, to apologize again, when Sadik whistled softly and leaned closer over towards Herakles.

"Horny little brat, you used your arrows on this one just for yourself, didn't ya?" Sadik grinned, elbowing Herakles in the ribs knowingly. "And a kitsunè too no less. Imagine all those curvy chicks he can shape-shift into when you get tired of cocks. Hell, I'd tap that myself…"

Herakles punched Sadik right in the face, unable to contain his annoyance any longer.

"Hey, what was that for, huh? All's fair in Love and War, don't ya know?"

"Then you won't think it unfair if I punch your ugly face a second time."

King Otto cleared his throat then, fixing the trio with a stern, icy glare and looked as if he was about to say something. But Romulus only let out a long, hearty chuckle, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes.

"Aaahhh youth! Such energy and such passion. But the fox is right, we have a ceremony and–"

"And you're not starting it without us, aiyah!"

There was a collective gasp of surprise from the crowd, and light breeze abruptly became stronger, rustling the branches and sending petals and leaves whirling in circles into the air. Even though the sun was still blazing hot and the skies were mostly clear, there was a light drizzle of rain that accompanied the winds and suddenly, suddenly the shadow of a large, winged creature flying overhead fell over the gathering…

Kiku lifted his gaze upwards. "Yao."

A large, golden brown eagle landed just beside Herakles and Kiku, and four foxes leapt off its back, transforming into their human forms just as they landed. Yao stepped right up to the High King and his Court, hands on his hips before he dipped his head in a long, polite bow.

"Apologies, but you can't possibly start the ceremony without the rest of us. After all, we're Kiku's family and it's only right the ceremony should wait until the most important people are all here, hah!"

Kiku felt his jaw twitch a little at his cousin's too-blunt words. "Y-Yao, please, remember who it is that you're addressing…"

But the High King let out another loud guffaw, his golden eyes glowing with mirth. "You are quite right, Eldest Fox, sir. Well then, now that everyone of importance is here, shall we?"

Romulus stood over Herakles and Kiku then, holding up a silver goblet before them.

"The whole of Ätlenthea have heard of your story, and what a fine story it is! With that, I hereby declare before all that you are now husband and wif–"

"–husband." Kiku added quickly, blushing a little as he did, and he dipped his head, bowing apologetically.

The High King blinked, before chuckling to himself. He nodded at Herakles. "So polite, and yet so… so spirited underneath that calm exterior. Just like your mother, my dear boy."

Beside him, Alcmene didn't bat an eyelid. But her teal eyes were bright and the corner of her lips curved upwards in the tiniest of smirks as she glanced knowingly over at her son and his betrothed.

"Very well then. Without further interruptions, I hereby declare you both husband and husband. Let this union never again be broken by man or god, or even by daemons."

With that, Romulus passed the goblet to Kiku; a drink of ambrosia to grant him the immortality of the gods. As Kiku drank up the last drops, he felt a strange rush of warmth within him, from his toes to the tips of his tail and his vulpine ears; his dark eyes glowed amber and there was a slight pain in his gut as he felt his tail splitting, his fur now changing from orange to a brilliant snow-white…

"Kiku?" Herakles was still wearing his usual calm expression, but his voice was traced with concern. "Are you…?"

Kiku closed his eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply, before opening them once more to meet Herakles' gaze. He glanced back at his bushy tail – now split in nine and held out like a majestic fan behind him.

He smiled softly at Herakles then, eyes warm with affection. "I'm fine…. The best I've ever felt in a long while."

There was a loud sniff and both Herakles and Kiku looked up to see Romulus and Yao hugging each other, eyes glistening with tears of joy. Beside them, Otto only frowned harder, shaking his head while Alcmene and Nafretiri only watched on silently, bemused smiles upon their lips.

"Well, I suppose this will have to do." Francis drawled from amidst all the sobbing. He fixed Kiku with a frown, but there was a gleam of respect in his gaze now, and he smiled. "At least now the mortals can go back to worshiping the Beauty that is me, so I guess this makes us even now, fox–"

"OH I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!" Romulus bawled loudly into his sleeve. "They always make me cry!"

"ME TOO!" Yao added, sniffling dramatically into a silk kerchief. "Oh Kikuuuuu, you've grown up so much, I'm so proud of you, aiyaaah!"

Kiku wondered how best to respond to all of that, only to glance back uncertainly at Herakles.

"Welcome to my family… I suppose." He said instead, sighing.

Herakles only grinned, before leaning forward to plant a quick kiss against the other man's forehead.

"And welcome to mine."

With the auspicious ceremony concluded, the sounds of lyres and harps a-strumming and drums a-beating gradually filled the Court and the celebrations began in full. It continued on far into the night with much singing and drinking, with much merry-making and dancing around the Great Bonfire, the flames licking high into the star-filled sky.

And so, Love and Soul – for that was what Kiku had come to represent, in all his determination and his firm resolution – had sought each other, and after countless hardships and sore trials, had finally found one another again.

The next day, sprawled all over a grassy patch of lavender and with empty wooden cups on his stomach, Yoong Soo awoke with a splitting headache – only to find himself all alone.

As he rolled over his side, cursing silently and wishing for the sun to go and die in the farthest corner of the world, a small white rabbit brushed past him, snatching his favourite scarf from around his neck and rushed off into the woods.

"Hey!" Yoong Soo screeched angrily, scrambling to run after the fast-fleeing rabbit. "Give that back!"

Perhaps Yoong Soo might not be so quick to give chase, if he'd known where this would lead him, if he'd realized this was the start of his own dangerous quest...

But that's another story, for another time.



Translations & Notes:

Sacrébleu – literally means 'sacred blue'. According to what I've read, it's just a French exclamation of anger or shock (like 'Oh dang it!' or maybe even 'Fuck!'). It apparently isn't really used anymore by native speakers, and it's usually only used by non-native speakers because it's so 'French'. I decided to put it in because… well, for dramatic effect and also because this Act's full of crack, see? lol

Mais bien sûr – But of course


- It is said that when it rains with sun, the fox (or foxes) is getting married.

- It is also said that kitsune are mostly an effeminate race, and while there are male kitsune, they are generally not shown to be overtly masculine and male kitsune will sometimes charm mortal men under the guise of a beautiful lady. So... pfft, Kiku I'm very sorry, but this bit of information had to be weaved into the story somehow xD I still love how manry you are though xD


I FINALLY FINISHED THIS YAY. My sincerest apologies to all who've waited so long for this Act. I really have no excuse for taking this long, and I hope that at the very least, you will enjoy this last installment and hopefully it makes you laugh. Hopefully. I sincerely apologize if it doesn't! ^^;

Again, to those who have commented in the previous Acts, and those who've fave-d this story on FF and dA and have stuck around this long: my biggest THANK YOU to all for your support! Much love especially to Rose-fortress for all those lovely comments on LJ and the encouragement.

And because my fics will never be complete without any music spam, this is what I imagined as a Bonfire wedding song Herakles and Kiku (and everyone else) would dance to: http:(doubleslash)www(dot)youtube(dot)com(slash)watch?v=a5DJtVoP4_I

The actual dance would possibly be more like a traditional Mediterranean dance though: http:(doubleslash)www(dot)youtube(dot)com(slash)watch?v=oG0a9WFkgzU

I know that's a Hebrew Hora dance (and not actually Greek) but looking up videos on Greek dances… they aren't too different from each other, really.

Also also, I imagined that if Ätlenthea was ever an animated series, then this would be the OP song: http:(doubleslash)www(dot)youtube(dot)com(slash)watch?v=x3cWPRM9fXs

Greek lyrics in a Japanese song? Obviously a Giripan theme song to me, yes!


I hope you've enjoyed reading this, as much as I've had the pleasure writing it all out.

Ευχαριστώ! ありがとうございます!