1First Sight

Summary: What if Imhotep had recognized Evie for who she was really reincarnated as? Well it could go either way, but maybe, just maybe, he'll realize he doesn't need Anck- Su- Namun after all.

Disclaimer: I don't' own The Mummy, and I don't know who does either, I just get to play with the characters.

Imhotep's p.o.v.

I could not believe my eyes, there she was, my dead love. My moon and stars, my Anck- Su- Namun. I am elated, I am so happy that I start making my way over to her. To hold her again would be my greatest joy.

As I draw closer to this woman; however, I realize this is not my Anck- Su- Namun reincarnated. No, this, this is the Pharaoh's favored daughter; this is Nefertiri, the one person who knew everything about Anck- Su- Namun and I, yet had said nothing. Till she warned her father to rid of Anck- Su- Namun, she had feared the woman that was occupying her fathers bed was going to kill him one day; she'd been right about Anck- Su- Namun. What she hadn't expected was for me to be the one to behead the Pharaoh. She'd told me right before the Hom- Dai had been done that she'd been shocked, that I a noble priest would do such an act against the Gods by killing her father. I had told her that I had done so out of love. She had scoffed at me and said that Anck- Su- Namun was just using me to help kill her father.

Now; however, I do not see hatred like I thought I would, I only see fear and a wanting to run. I hate seeing her like this, she was my closest friend in life, and the only one who ever had any sound advice when I could not see a solution to a problem handed to me.

'How I have betrayed you my princess, now I pay for it with you being sent to restore me and having to kill me once more.' I didn't want what the curse entailed any long, I just wished to be with her.

Then her words reined true as a siren's call.

'One day you shall realize what you have lost priest, by then; however, you shall never be able to claim what should have been yours in the beginning,' she had said this right after my admittance of my part in her fathers slaying. She then spoke again, 'Pray that one day you will see through her lies and realize that what you wanted was in front of you the entire time, and that poison isn't always a foul tasted in your wine.' she'd been so cryptic that I couldn't fathom what she had said till now.

It hadn't been Anck- Su- Namun that I had wanted three thousand years ago, but Nefertiri. She'd been there the whole time, and yet because I had been caught up in the throws of lust I hadn't seen it.

I wanted to scream in outrage, this lovely creature shaking in front of me had been what Nefertiri had warned me about. The Gods had punished me by reincarnating the one thing I wanted most and made sure I could never have it.

I had been in my own raptures for so long I hadn't realized that someone else had joined us in this chamber. It looked to be another male, now I was most defiantly not pleased.

"Evie, I think it's time to leave now," the man with a strange accent said to her, 'Don't run, please it will only anger me, and I will give chase Nefertiri.'

Jealousy hit me when I saw him grab her by the hand and pull her from the room into the main corridor out of the temple. I wasn't going to stand there and let this invader have what I view as mine. I am going to defy the Gods and claim what should have been mine all those years ago. Nefertiri would be mine, even if I had to kill her so no one else could.

First I would need a corporal body, for that I would have to absorb the life force of a few different people. Oh well, in the long run, Nefertiri would be mine.

Oh yes, of this I was certain.