I walked into the store with Kurama trailing behind me. After the Karasu incident, he wouldn't let me out of his sight. Well, he did, just not long. I glanced behind me to look at Kurama as I walked toward the snack aisle. It was my time of the month and I was just craving chocolate. It was weird when you had a demon for a boyfriend who had heightened senses. It was also embarrassing when your boyfriend could smell that you where on your monthly friend.

It all started when I got home from Genkai's. We had a group meeting about the barrier and such. I kissed Kurama , who had a sad expression on his face, goodbye. When I asked him why he was sad, he smirked and hugged me.

"When a demon has found it's intended mate, it's instincts are to spend every moment with them. Mates stay with each other constantly for the first three months. To build up to the final moment of course." I didn't know what he meant at the time, but if the look he was giving had any relation to what he said, I didn't think I wanted to know.

"Huh?" I had said stupidly. Poor Kurama, why did he have to fall for someone like me? I guess I'll never know.

He sucked in a breath and tightened his hands around my waist. He leaned down and I shivered as I felt his breath blow on my ear.

"The things I want to do to you would scare you away I'm afraid. Well, what Youko would do, anyway." his voice was soft but coated with sin.

I blushed in his arms.

"Once we have found our mate, there is nothing else that matters to us anymore. You are mine." He continued as he pulled me closer. I giggled at his serious expression.

"You don't have to tell me. I know that already." I pulled away and looked at him.

He leaned his forehead on mine and looked at me. "I don't think you understand. I am a demon, and my feelings for you are getting hard to hold back. It's a constant struggle, trying to hold myself back from doing something where you might end up against the wall. You could so much as breathe a certain way and it makes me struggle with my instincts."

We had parted ways and when my pajamas were on along with my necessary toiletries, I was out like a light. When I arrived at school the next day, I had found Kurama's eyes glued to me, his hands in a fist and his back straight. His eyes were looking at me intensely. I dubbed this 'Kurama's battle mode'. I calmly asked him what was wrong, glancing around me for the danger.

"You will be the death of me." He gritted out, his voice just a shy away from pleading.

"Oh, why is that." I blinked.

He looked at me and his eyes slowly descended down my neck, pass my chest, to look directly below my stomach. He looked away quickly with a blush on his face with his teeth gritted.

I looked down, but I didn't see anything. I sat there for about a minute when it all came to me. He wasn't human. He was inhuman so he had stronger senses. He smelled things normal humans couldn't. BLOOD had a scent, I suppose.

" You can smell that! Oh my god!" I shrieked like some old woman. It made the man beside me tense even more. I covered my intimate part like a child.

"It's very distracting. As you know why the woman anatomy does this process. This blood is mainly YOUR scent. To keep it as simple as possible," he said, his voice lowering. For a minute there, I thought I heard Youko. " I want to jump on you. " he finished, staring at me as if he was really thinking about it.

"Oh," I could only say. "I'm sorry. If you want I'll stay far away."

"No, I want you near me. I promise to control the more violent side of myself."

Needless to say, Kurama was very touchy those few days every month. I didn't think he tried so hard in the first place.