So this one is the winner and I am really happy about that because I really wanted to write a rae ed x sooo heres the first chapter :D en joy

Title: one hell of a thief.

Summary: you have to admit he is one hell of a thief; he managed to steal something so beautiful. The problem is he doesn't realize its value; he needs to before it is too late.

Chapter 1

They were chasing after Red-X who had just stolen a very rare jewel from a museum.

They ran through the streets in hopes of catching up to the crook behind the mask.

It was not going well for the titans; they had just managed to lose him.

"Dammit," Robin yelled. "Everyone spread out and look for him. "

Everyone nodded and headed their separate ways.

Raven headed for an old abandoned where-house. She was a little slow because she had just switched her leotard for a dark blue body suit with a raven cut in the upper part of her torso.

Even with not being used to her clothing she snuck into the house quietly. Almost without a sound she managed to glide around the house. She sensed another presence and she knew it was probably Red-X. She thought that if she just stayed quiet she could sneak up to him.


Red-x had snuck into an old factory like building to avoid the titans. He had managed to sack a very rare and valuable jewel from a fancy museum.

"Ha stupid kids, "he said in the synthesized voice. "They didn't know what hit them."

At that moment he heard a sound.

'Someone thinks they can sneak up on me,' he thought. 'Well might as well play along. Maybe it's that hot red head alien chick."


Raven had accidently kicked a small rock on the floor.

Red-x seemed like he didn't hear anything, but she could sense his pride, he knew someone was here but he was playing along with the "sneak attack"

She wasn't stupid she wasn't going to attack until he let his guard down.


Red-x was getting frustrated. Whoever was in the building was smart and realized he realized that she was there.

A few more quiet minutes passed. Nothing had changed.

He wanted to teleport out but he didn't have enough zenothium to do that. He just had to wait and strike whatever titan though they could take him down.


'Why doesn't he just teleport out of here.' Raven though to her. 'This is taking long, it's like he will never let his guard down.'

She watched him intent full waiting for opposition to strike.

Minutes and minutes kept passing by.

She decided it was now or never should she just strike now.

As she was about to teleport in front of him her communicator went off.

"Shit, "she whispered.

Before she could even look up to see x she was punched in the gut and sent flying to the nearest wall.

"Oh look its sunshine," x's cocky simulated voice rang. "I was kind of hoping it would be the hot alien chick, not the creepy Goth.

Feeling a little angered Raven lunged for him.


'Why isn't she answering,' Robin thought nervously. 'Come on Rae answer.'

"Nothing," Cyborg said interrupting his thoughts. "I can't even pick up her signal."

Nervous for his friend Robin decided to speak.

"Spread out and look for her." He yelled.

The rest of the titans nodded and went searching for their missing friend.

"Why do you always wear that cloak over your face?" Red-x asked Raven. "Are you hiding some deformity, a scar, or are you just plain ugly."

"Azarath mentrion zinthos," Raven yelled sending debris towards the villain.

"Ugly huh," he taunted. "Poor kid, hey at least you have good body," he mocked staring at her torso.

"Hah," Raven yelled lunging towards x.

He swiftly dodged. Deciding he was tired of this he got out one of his shocking x's.

"You're going down x," Raven yelled." Azaarraa,"

Before she could finish her mantra, she felt an immense pain rush into her.

Red-x had just thrown one of his x's to her forehead. Once it hit its target it let out a high voltage of electricity, immediately knocking out the girl.

"Sorry kid," he said. "But I am a thief, stealing is my job. People will pay good money for rare things."

Then the idea struck him.

"I am the best thief ever sunshine, "he smirked picking up the girl and crushing her communicator.

"You probably won't be worth as much as the pretty one," he said to the unconscious Raven. "But someone will still probably pay good money for you."

With that he was off.

If you want this one vote for it….