This is just a starter chapter to see if it would make any sense…. I do not own naruto… so sad


Hinata sat on her bed lost in thought, today had been a week since Asuma-sensei's funeral and Kurenai had miscarried afterwards due to overstressing. Hinata had so many questions that she felt needed to be answered and it felt like no matter what none of them could be answered in Konoha. "Hyuuga-sama? Inuzuka-san is here to see you."

"Thank you Ko, but I'm not in the mood to see anyone today."

The brunette slipped his head in her room "That's a great way to make your boyfriend feel Hinata-hime."

She threw the pillow off her bed at him "I said I didn't want to see anyone Kiba, now get out!" She burst out in tears "I can't deal with this pain anymore! We've lost two very important people in less than a week and now Kurenai-sensei is on suicide watch. Why would someone do this?"

Kiba sat next to her on the bed and she cried into his shirt, oh how he hated to see his princess cry. "Baby doll you have to realize this is the ninja world, death eventually comes to all of us in battle or not. Life's not always fair, the only thing that it promises us is death."

"Then maybe I'm not meant to be a ninja!"

"Hyuuga Hinata stop that talk right now! You just got your father's approval and you can lose it just like that. Listen you're not the only one mourning over this even Shino has cried."

Hinata was tired of this she wanted to be comforted not lectured, "GET THE FUCK OUT KIBA! IF YOU CAN'T BE AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT COMFORTING THEN WE ARE DONE!"

Hinata turned her back as Kiba walked out of her room, she knew that she wasn't the only person who was hurt but she felt like she was the only person who wanted to do something about it. Though on the other hand there might be one other person…


Ino stood in her family's flower shop with a paintbrush in one hand and a bottle of black paint in the other. "Yamanaka Ino! What do you think you are doing? We need to sell those flowers."

Ino held the half painted rose in her hand it was half black and the natural color was a blood red, the same colors of the sick bastard's cloak that killed her sensei. She wished she could dig him up and kill him over and over and over again. Just then it might kill the pain she felt her best friends were so devastated Choji was starving himself and Shikamaru had rarely been seen. Ino herself wouldn't even make time for Sai, she felt like her boyfriend wasn't the person to talk to right now considering his complications with human emotions. "Sorry dad just thought that death roses would be best right now considering the past week."

"Ino baby just cause we hurt doesn't mean everyone does. Not everyone in the village is familiar with the ninja world, I mean if Sakura's mom died would all the ninja in the village panic? No because she would only be important to certain people. So we still have to sell all kinds of flowers to everyone, no matter what happens ok? Just take the rest of the week off ok?"

The blonde girl threw her apron at Inochi, she was tired of this she was going for a walk.


Hinata was at the training grounds she couldn't believe how insensitive Kiba had been! Their sensei just lost the two most important people in the world to her and SNAP "Whose there?"

"Calm down Hinata, it's just me Ino."

"Sorry Ino I was just was just thinking sometimes it feels like everyone is just going to let this happen sure those two damn bastards are dead but it doesn't feel like that's enough."

"I hear yea Hina, I wish we could kill that Hidan I mean if he's immortal then sticking him in a hole forever isn't enough. He needs to know what death not just pain feels like."

And with that said a plan was hatched they were going to dig up the asshole and put him thru the hell they had be experiencing… only one hitch how in the hell were they going to get on the Nara's sacred grounds? That was quickly answered when a certain Kazekage's sister came storming past the grounds, apparently Asuma's death had put a huge damper on hers and the genius' relationship, yet another fight had happened.


enough for today I'll figure out more later