A/N: Here it is, the final installment of 'Give Me Another Chance'! I'm so sad to see it end, but so happy to start a new one!

Epilogue – Always You

7 Months Later

"Dad?" asked Raven as she watched him tie his tie.

"Yeah?" he said, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

He looked in the mirror and saw his girls smiling at him. "We like seeing you so happy."

Harry smiled at them as he finished with his tie. "I'm happy that you're happy that I'm happy."

Raven and Jade laughed, somehow creepily making it sound as though only one person was laughing. "Are you nervous at all?" asked Jade after she had regained her composure.

"Me? Nervous?" asked Harry, shaking his head. "Nope. I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

"You love her a lot, don't you?" asked Jade with wide eyes.

Harry smirked at them. "Let's just say that if you two don't watch out, she'll give you a run for your money."

Raven grinned cheekily at him. "Ha ha, dad, very funny. But all three of us know that even though Professor Granger is cool, you couldn't possibly love her as much as you love us because we're the most awesome people in the world."

"That may be true," laughed Harry, "but one thing you do need working on is your modesty."

Raven stuck up her nose haughtily. "What's the point of not acting like you're the best when everyone knows you are?"

Harry laughed again, adjusting his suit jacket. "Well, girls, how do I look?"

"Great, daddy!" exclaimed Jade.

"She won't even know what hit her," said Jade.

Harry took one last glance at himself in the mirror and vainly tried to flatten his hair. "You two better head out there," he said to his daughters.

"Right," they said in unison before turning around.

But before they could leave, Harry said, "Wait, Raven." Sure turned around, looking at him questioningly. He grinned evilly. "You should wear pink more often, it definitely suits your personality."

Raven blushed madly and fisted her pink dress. She gave her dad a withering glare, grabbed her sister's arm, and marched out of the room.

Harry gave himself one more glance-over, smiled at his reflection in the mirror, and walked out to the altar. He couldn't believe that he was really getting married, and to Hermione, no less. Oh, the number of times he had dreamed of this day. It seemed like only yesterday that he had seen her for the first time in three years, and here he was less than half an hour from being wed to her...from being with her for the rest of their lives.

They had went on their first date a week after they had confessed their love to each other and Harry proposed at the end of May. And now it was August 15th and they were getting married.

The music started up again and Raven and Jade came out, Jade enthusiastically tossing flowers while Raven did it half-heartedly. Harry couldn't believe that he had actually gotten her to wear pink.

Then came Hermione, holding onto her father's arm and giving Harry the small smile she only gave him and him alone. Harry felt his vision swim as he almost fainted. Hermione looked absolutely gorgeous in her strapless wedding gown. He was glad he put on extra deodorant, or else the sweat collecting under his arms may have stained all the way through to his suit jacket. The sweat collecting on his face actually did manage to force him to push his slipping glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He was having trouble breathing as Hermione slowly walked up the aisle with her dad, her smile growing with each step until, once she had reached Harry, she was absolutely beaming.

She took her spot opposite him and raised one eyebrow, batting her eyelashes at him. He smiled at her, took her hands, and whispered, "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Thanks," she said. "You look pretty dashing yourself."

Harry smiled at her, squeezing her hands softly. She returned the gesture, and the minister began speaking. The ceremony passed in a blur, Harry pretty much running on autopilot until the minister announced, "You may now kiss the bride."

Harry grinned and swooped down, pressing his lips against Hermione's. As usual, no matter how ready for it she was, she gasped, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. The crowd went wild and Hermione blushed yet returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm. Once they had broken apart, Hermione whispered, "Harry, I have some good news."

"Other than the fact that we just got married?" he teased her.

Hermione nodded. "You know how I've been feeling sick the last couple weeks?" she asked Harry, biting her lip. Harry nodded, not having a clue where this was going. "Well...er...I-I'm pregnant," she stammered, nervous despite how many times she practiced saying it to herself in the mirror.

Harry's smile seemed to freeze on his face as he digested this information. "You mean...the first night we actually did it?" he asked, referring of course to the first time they made love, out in a clearing in the Forbidden Forest under a full moon. That was a good night.

Hermione nodded, giving her husband a weak smile. He wasn't taking it as well as she thought he would.

Harry let out one weak chuckle, his eyes rolled up into his head, and he collapsed, landing face first in the grass.

Raven and Jade were nervous at first when their father went down, but were reassured when Professor Granger responded to their questions with a roll of her eyes and a, "He's just being melodramatic. He'll be fine. It's just something men do."

"When they get married?" inquired Jade.

"Not exactly...no," said Hermione, wishing to wait for Harry to be ready to discuss it with them.

But they were smarter than she thought. "No, you dummy," said Raven, rolling her eyes much like Professor Granger had just done. "Professor Granger is obviously pregnant."

Jade said, "Oh," while nodding her head as Hermione looked down at her midsection, where she had cast a glamour charm to hide her barely-showing stomach. She didn't see how it could be obvious to anyone.

"How did you know?" she asked her student.

"What other reason could there possibly be?" asked Raven, shrugging. "You two just got married, so there's not much else that could happen between you two other than having a child. And plus, do you see how he's smiling in his sleep?" Hermione looked over at Harry, who really did have a smile on his face. "That means it's really good news. So, marriage done plus the fact that it's really good news means that it can be nothing else than a baby."

Hermione took a second to understand Raven's logic, then nodded, impressed. "Very good," she said. "now how about we wake up your father?" She pointed her wand at said father and said, "Ennervate."

Harry woke up slowly, rubbing his eyes before gaining his bearings. He saw Hermione in her wedding dress and seemed to finally understand what was going on, standing up and brushing off his clothes. "Why was I asleep?" he asked curiously.

"Because I told you I was pregnant," said Hermione, arching an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, right," said Harry, a smile growing on his face. "That's fantastic news!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Hermione in a tight hug (not too tight, of course). "Isn't that great, girls?" he asked after he had let go of his wife.

Jade nodded enthusiastically. "That's awesome!"

Raven scoffed. "Only if the baby is a girl. One foolish boy is enough for a family, don't you think?"

Hermione smiled, glad that she had been accepted by Raven and Jade so easily. "I don't know. Harry was actually more serious as a teenager than he is now."

Harry smiled sheepishly. "It's true. I found my inner child at the age of 23."

Hermione swayed her hips as she took one step up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And I love you all the more for it," she whispered before kissing him.

Raven and Jade made mock-gagging sounds before turning and heading back into the crowd, searching for Teddy and Scorpius.

They didn't need to worry about their dad anymore. He was in good hands.

A/N: I know, that ending was kinda cheesy, lame, and overly-fluffy, but I believe that's the way an ending should be...okay, maybe without the lame part.

Thank you all very much for reading and reviewing my story! Please leave me one last review before you let yourself out!