N: My first AU fic, so please go easy on me and please drop a so needed advice!
So the story is about a very powerful man's daughter (Elena) that get's kidnapped by a vampire, why… you are going to have to read the story to find out.
Elena hates vampires, because she was raised like this, by her father.
Werewolfs can transform whenever they want (not only on a full moon).
So, if you have any other question just go for it, I promise I will answer it! Enjoy the story!
A big, BIG fat THANK YOU, to my amazing beta, Zoraya Windwalker for her beautiful work on this chapter!
Meet the 'brat'!
"Father, please, I want to go!"
"Elena I told you, you can go as long as you take Tyler with you."
"But I don't want to take him with me on girls night" Elena complained.
John took a deep breath and stepped closer to his daughter.
"Elena, I thought you understand by now. I'm a very powerful man, which means I have a lot of powerful enemies that will do anything to get to me. Since there is life no way they can get to me through my business life, they'll go for my personal life…and my personal life is you.
Elena looked at her father, he was right. She was always at risk and she hated it. She hated having a driver; she hated having a bodyguard that followed her everywhere like a lost puppy. She hated living in a house that looked more like a museum and having five chefs cooking her meals. She hated all that and she wished she was just a normal teenage girl. She had to beg and cry for months in order to talk her father into letting her go to a normal school instead of being home schooled.
"Fine, I'll go with Tyler since you give me no other choice."
"I'm glad."
"I'm going to go now, get ready" she said, and started walking towards the door.
"Would you tell Tyler I want to see him, please?"
"I will."
Elena got out, told Tyler that her dad wanted to see him and went to her room.
"Yes sir, did you ask for me?" Tyler asked.
"I did, I wanted to warn you. Elena is going out tonight with that Forbes girl… what's her name?"
"Caroline" Tyler answered.
"Yeah, that one, I want you to stay close to her; don't let her out of your sight!"
"Yes sir, anything else?"
"No, and Tyler, if anything happens to my daughter, I will kill you" John said smiling, but Tyler knew he wasn't kidding. The last bodyguard she had went missing after he lost her in a supermarket.
"They have vampires working for them Tyler, I don't want those bloodsuckers inhaling my daughter's oxygen, got it?"
"Yes sir"
"Good, now go fetch Elena!" he ordered and Tyler exited.
Elena got out of her room quietly, happy that Tyler wasn't anywhere in sight. But once she got on top of the stairs, she saw him at the bottom.
"I was hoping you got lost…" Elena said, but Tyler's face remained expressionless.
She liked Tyler, he was quiet and polite, but the fact that he followed her everywhere was driving her crazy. He was the only one her father would trust to look after her, being a werewolf and all…
"Should I put you on a leash and take some dog bags with me?" she asked ironically.
Tyler didn't even bother answering. He knew her by now. He knew that this rude sarcasm and irony was her defense mechanism, her way to scare people off. He felt for the poor girl, always by herself but never alone…
"Do you want to drive?" he asked.
She loved to drive, but her father told her 'that's what drivers are for'. The only reason she even had been allowed to make her license, was because she had been able to convince him that it might be important at one point or the other.
"Yes, I'll drive, so you can stick your head out of the window. Keep your tongue inside your mouth, though!" she said in a sweet voice.
She got into the driver's seat of her beautiful, way too expensive yellow Lamborghini she got for her 18th birthday.
Once they were outside of the property, Elena opened the glove-compartment and got out a cigarette pack.
"You can't smoke; your father will kill me if I let you do this!"
"Then don't tell him and we're both safe! Oh and if you tell him, I'll tell him you bought them for me."
"You wouldn't!" he shouted. "Who's buying them for you anyway?"
"The Donavan kid, I thought he was a good guy?"
"He is, I'm just a bad girl…" she said and lighted a cigarette.
They got to the club 15 minutes later. Tyler was just a step behind her.
"Could you at least let me breath!"
"You can breathe just fine…"
She stuck out her tongue at him and tried to walk inside, but the guard at the entrance stopped her.
"Excuse me Miss, I'm going to need your name!"
Elena watched him with disgust, "Who the hell are you?" she asked, "You know what, forget about it, you're not going to be here long enough for me to remember your name anyway!"
Another guard came from inside the club. He put his hand in the young man's shoulder and pulled him out of Elena's way.
"Let her in!" the man said, and then he looked at Elena, "I'm so sorry, he's new here."
"Yeah, I figured, just make sure he's not here next time I am!"
"Yes Miss, have a good night!"
"I'm planning on it, Alex."
As soon as she got in, Alex started shaking his colleague.
"Are you insane?"
"Who is she?" the boy asked confused.
"She's Elena fucking Gilbert, that's who she is!"
"As in John Gilbert's daughter?"
"The one and only…"
Elena got inside and immediately spotted Caroline ant their usual table. She took another look around and something, actually, make that someone caught her attention. He was the sexiest man she's ever seen…his black hair was falling around his face in a beautiful mess…Elena was practically staring at him, her mouth opened and her eyes were ready to pop out of her head. She was already having shameful fantasies with him, when Caroline decided to block her view.
"What are you staring at?" she asked.
"There…the…there's a guy at the bar…" she turned around, "…Tyler, I want you to find out who he is!" she said.
"Who's who?" he asked.
"Are you deaf? The guy at the bar."
Caroline moved and turned to see the mysterious guy herself. He must've been really special to pick Elena Gilbert's curiosity.
"Hmm, that's Alaric Saltzman. He's not bad, but he's kind of old…"
"I wasn't talking about Saltzman." Elena said exasperated.
"Then whom are you talking about?"
"He's not there anymore…"
"How did he look like?" Tyler asked.
"Well, he was tall, but not too tall, he was in good shape, very good…dark hair, a bit messy…leather jacket…"
"Thanks, that's helpful…you just described half of the guys in here."
"No, no, half of the guys in here didn't get my attention, he did."
"I get it Elena, but you have to give me more specific details."
"I…I can't. I didn't get a good look at him, Barbie here decided to get in my way." Elena said, giving Caroline a mad look. "He had that 'je sais pas quoi' look that got me staring. I don't know, just find him!"
"I'll try, but I can't promise anything."
"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler…I am not happy with this answer and you know how daddy doesn't like it when his little girl is not happy, so I suggest you do better than that."
"I promise I'll do my best."
"You do that before I come back from the lady's room"
She refused Caroline's company and made her way towards the bathroom.
Tyler followed her with his eyes until she disappeared behind the door, then he walked over to the bar.
N: So, what do you guys think? I am so nervous waiting for your reviews…please take a minute and leave one! Suggestions and criticism is always welcome. Again, if you have questions, just go for it, I promise I will answer them!