Sorry this took so long. I... completely forgot to put it up. It wasn't meant to be all that long and it's an optional chapter with suggestive SebxCiel but it's nothing too big of a deal and it's not meant to be too... lengthy (compared to my usual 4k+ worded chapters). I do not own anything except this plot.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this very last "chapter" of my first ever Kuroshitsuji fanfiction. Until next time~!

Earl Ciel Phantomhive stirred – being awakened by the aroma of Earl Grey tea that slowly filled his bedroom and opened his eyes slowly upon hearing his butler's voice.

"It's time to wake up, my Lord." Sebastian said, pulling away away the curtains to allow the bright morning sunlight bathe the room with its morning glow.

Ciel rubbed his eyes with a small yawn, stretching, after sitting up, his legs dangling over the edge of his bed, waiting for the rest of his usual morning routine to go about their ways. "What is the schedule for today?" He calmly took the tea from his butler before taking a small dainty sip. It's been an entire week since Ciel's return and thanks to Sebastian; everything was running as smoothly as if his two-week-long disappearance had never happened... well... almost.

"Members of the Scotland Yard, including Lord Randall will be arriving in an hour to question your whereabouts during your two-week absence, once more. That is all." Sebastian answered while buttoning up his young master's white lace-collared shirt, changing the subject immediately. "For today's breakfast, I have prepared baked salmon and an assorted seafood salad with side dishes of crème cheese Danish, butter croissant, and strawberry scones for you to choose from. Which one would you like?" He buttoned up the last button of his maroon-coloured jacket and tied the matching ribbon tie around his neck.

"The scone…" Ciel replied half-heartedly while Sebastian tied his eye patch and put on his shoes. He stood up, paying no mind to his butler.

"Is something troubling you, my Lord?" There was a hint of worry in the butler's voice as he asked, following his master out of his room at a respectable distance.

"Yes. Scotland Yard does not seem too convinced with the excuse you and I have fabricated during our previous meetings." The young Earl answered, without much thought, "After all, I do not intend on revealing the fact that my butler is a demon to incompetent fools."

"It would also seem that Scotland Yard is convinced you have developed amnesia as a result of this... traumatic experience, young master."

Tch... how typical of them..."You are to convince them using any means necessary, Sebastian. I have some personal matters to attend to elsewhere."

"Would you not rather I accompany you on this errand?"

"I will summon you when I am finished." Ciel walked down to his usual dining chair to begin his meal, "Ready the carriage. I will have Tanaka take me while you prepare for the Yard's arrival."

"I understand," Sebastian said with a slight bow, "Please try not to get lost again, my Lord," Sebastian called out to him while turning to leave and do his task, ignoring the angry glare his master gave him.

With Sebastian out of the dining room, Ciel was left alone to think while he ate; trying hard to sort and comprehend why he felt this way... and with such urgency.

After finishing his breakfast, Ciel walked out of mansion with his top hat and skull-headed walking cane and got on the carriage that stood waiting for him. Tanaka drove the carriage at record speed – taking him to the heart of London where the faint smell ashes from the fire his butler caused still lingered in the air. Stopping a few blocks away from the crumbling ash remains of the doll shop, Ciel climbed out of the carriage, waved dismissively asking Tanaka to leave before walking towards the shop. There was an empty feeling inside him – something he had not felt since that fateful night more than two years ago…but why was this feeling resurfacing? It was as if an indescribable force was pulling him back to the remnants of that doll shop. The closer he walked, the heavier and stronger the empty feeling became.

Arriving at what used to be the quaint little doll shop, the charred remains of the building wobbled in the small breeze. Stepping inside, nothing was recognizable anymore though the images of the shop flashed inside his mind. Walking down the hall that led to the remains of the room where Ciel was sure Drocell met his demise, something shiny caught his eye. He walked up to it, carefully picked it out of the ashes, and shook the dust, dirt and ash off of it to examine this shiny little thing. It was a gold button from Drocell's brightly coloured jacket.

His mind replayed the two weeks of his supposed kidnapping, though it really isn't kidnapping considering he unknowingly gave consent – no matter how twisted it was. Oddly enough, while it lasted, there really wasn't a day in those fourteen days where there was no laughter; Laughter always filled the shop in the late hours of the night; singing and dancing. Just the two of them. An awkward grimace of a smile made its way to his lips while he clenched the gold button tightly. Even if it was all a lie in the end…

Ciel pocketed the gold button before walking out of the doll shop's crumbling remains. Are you so eager to have a taste of something you have lost that you would throw everything away in an attempt to only touch it? To surround yourself with lies in an attempt to take back the childhood that was unwillingly stolen from you? Sebastian was right. As much as he hated to admit out loud, no matter how hard he tried to present himself as an adult, he was still a child. And a child... wants to be loved...cared for...and... wanted.

Humans are selfish creatures…

Ciel walked down dusty streets of downtown London. He bit his lips, choking back the emotions building up inside him. No… he can't let this bother him he refused allow such a display of emotion - making him appear weak. No..he chose to throw away his future for the sake of revenge; sold his soul to the devil that is waiting for his call. Ciel shivered slightly before shaking away his insecurities – at least he tried to mask them. He chose this cold, lonely path for the sake of vengeance and he will not back down now.

What has been sacrificed will never return…

Ciel pondered his emotional predicament while his legs carried him to another unknown part of the city. We as humans have desires and temptations, but whether we grab on to that thread or not is our choice to make. Especially because I am a… He clenched his fists, a child… it is nearly impossible to resist; like a subconscious need. But for what? Affection? The need to feel loved and love back in return? How pathetic I have become...

He soon found himself face to face to an old, crumbling wall. Somehow, he got lost again. He let out an exasperated sigh before removing his eye-patch, his contract eye glowing.

"Sebastian, take me home." He said in a calm, collected voice.

"Yes, my Lord." His butler's voice replied, appearing behind his young master, "Have you found what you were looking for?"

"Shut the hell up and just take me home, demon," There was a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"As you wish."


Ciel went through the rest of the day in a daze; ignoring Sebastian's suggestive remarks, even dismissed the fact that one of Sebastian's kittens managed to escape the closet and roam around the mansion with only mild acknowledgement and a few sneezes. It wasn't until Sebastian was dressing him for bed that his behavior was questioned.

"Something is upsetting you, my Lord?" Sebastian asked, hands working to button up Ciel's white nightshirt.

"What makes you think something is wrong? I'm fine," Ciel snapped back.

"Are you certain?" Sebastian asked, tucking him into bed.

"Are you questioning me, Sebastian?" His mismatched eyes looked back at his butler.

"No. Please forgive me for being out of line," Sebastian answered as he stood up to leave, "Good night, my Lord."

"Stay here tonight," Ciel called to him, "That's an order." Sebastian stopped at the door before turning around to look at his master – whose miss-matched eyes stared at him, almost pleading.

"Of course, my Lord," He stood at the side of his master's bed, watching quietly while his master's eyes slowly closed, breathing in and out in a slow, steady rhythm – finally falling asleep.

Sebastian continued to observe his master's sleeping form, noting how the moonlight's glow made his master look all the more vulnerable and innocent. He leaned closer to his master's sleeping form, gently brushing strands of his dark, grayish-blue locks from his face, leaning closer still until their lips almost touched. He can smell the irresistible ambrosia that was his master's soul from his body – his eyes glowing with hunger and lust. Their lips brushed against each other's before Sebastian pulled away.

"Such a peculiar human you are, my Lord…to be surrounded by those that will sacrifice their entire being for you... yet be completely deaf to it," He got up to close the curtains before returning to his master's side, stroking his hair gently with his gloved fingers. He continued to speak in a soft, low murmur, "you never seize to amuse me."

"Sebastian!" A pair of mismatched eyes stared at him, "What were you doing?"

"I apologize, my Lord. Have I disturbed your sleep?"

"No. I… can't sleep," Ciel answered hesitantly, "Sit on the bed."

Sebastian immediately returned to his master's beside and sat beside his master on the bed obediently.

"I never said you had to stop…" Ciel looked away to hide the faint blush that made its way to his porcelain-like cheeks as he said this, "Keep… doing what you were doing…"

"I shall, my Lord." His gloved hand rested on his master's head.

"Take off the glove," Ciel pulled his blankets to cover the lower half of his face, revealing only those big, mismatched, pleading eyes that looked at his butler.

"You act like a child, only when it is convenient to you, don't you, my little master?" Sebastian removed his glove and rested his hand on his master's head gently and began stroking his hair again.

"Shut up." Ciel turned his back towards his butler from embarrassment. He would never admit to his butler how nice it felt to have his hand run through his hair. That was a sign of weakness. He closed his eyes the feeling of warmth coursed through his fragile frame.

Who would have thought the Gates of Hell would be so… comforting and warm…? Ciel mumbled before drifting into sleep.

"My Lord," Sebastian whispered when he was sure Ciel was asleep, " I will follow you everywhere; as you slowly slip into insanity, as you fall into the depths of hell. I will forever be by your side."

For I am one hell of a butler for my master.

Well... this is it! I hope all of you that read this fanfiction enjoyed it to the very end.

ありがとございます、みんなさま。Until next time.