Okay, so, I've never written a multi-chapter fic before, and I'm a bit nervous. I've also never posted to this site before. But I've had this idea rolling around in my head for months now, and since I'm limiting the number of nights I go out, I figured now was probably the best time to give it a go. While I don't live there, I have been through the UK & Europe recently, so I'll try and be as accurate as possible.

No beta, so all mistakes are mine, and concrit is always welcome.

I don't own Grey's Anatomy. That honor belongs to Shonda Rhimes. I'm just playing with her characters, and will return them in mostly-new condition when I'm done.

"Mami, stop worrying. I'm going to be fine! It's only for a few months, and I've got Mark with me. We're gonna be smart and sensible, and I'll try and call once a week if I can." I had made about 16 different versions of this little speech over the past week, so by now I knew exactly what my Mom needed to hear in order to calm down. "We'll be fine!" I reiterated, just to emphasize my point, but I could still see the doubt and maternal fear all over her face.

"Mama Torres, you don't have to worry about Callie. I'll make sure she's OK, and that she's not getting up to anything crazy or stupid." My best friend, and companion for our big European adventure, interjected confidently. I saw some of the tension drain from my Mom's face as Mark spoke.

See, I don't know why she doesn't believe me when I say that, but then, my Mom's always had a soft spot for Mark, largely owing to the fact that he's bailed me out of a few potentially questionable situations. OK, scratch that, he's actually rescued me from more than a few really bad situations. I think she kind of views him as the older brother I never had, or maybe like the hugely overgrown, fiercely protective puppy that I sometimes viewed him as.

"OK, Mark. I'm trusting you with my niña," she ignored my protest of indignation at being called her 'baby girl', "Just—keep her safe, alright?" I saw a few tears escape, and roll down her cheeks. "Make sure you both come back to us exactly as you are now, just with more stamps in your passports." Her weak attempt at humor was not lost on anyone as her coping mechanism. I smiled brightly at my Mom and stepped up to her, placing my hand on her cheek and wiping her tears with my thumb.

"Mami, I'm going to be fine. Mark's going to be fine. We'll come back in one piece, and we'll meet you here in 3 months, and nothing will have changed, you'll see." I smiled in what I hoped was a reassuring way, before drawing her in for a hug.

"I love you, Mami. I'll call you as soon as I can." I spoke softly into her ear.

"Te quiero con todo mi corazón, mija." She whispered in response, and hugged me tighter for a brief moment before letting go.

"Mark, a word, if I may?"

Until now, my Dad had been standing quietly, stoically. My Dad has never been a man of many public emotions, and he wasn't going to start showing what he thought to be a weakness now.

"Daddy, come on. Please don't threaten Mark again…" This wouldn't be the first time my Dad had taken Mark aside to have a "chat" that would have Mark afraid to meet his eyes for a month.

"No, Callie. It's cool. Of course, Mr. Torres." Mark cut me off as he walked with my Dad a few paces away from us. I watched with just a little apprehension, knowing exactly how frightening my Dad could be.

Watching them nervously, I couldn't help but think about how good-looking Mark was getting. Or, had gotten. I remember not too long ago, he had just had a growth spurt, and had been a lanky and somewhat awkward looking guy. Now, though, he really had filled out and was starting look like a man. A very handsome man. Not really my type, but I can still appreciate a fine male specimen when I see one.

It all seemed to be going OK; Mark was nodding along at whatever my Dad was saying with a smile on his face. I turned to Mama, "Wow… I wasn't expecting Daddy to be so nice about Mark taking me to Europe."

Five seconds. I swear that's how long I turned my head away for, and yet when I looked back Mark almost looked like someone had kicked him right where it hurts. The color had drained from his face, and he was nervously stroking the barely-there stubble of a new beard. He was also nodding vigorously at my Dad's words.

"Relax mija. Mark can handle your father." I hadn't realized I had taken an unconscious step forward until Mama lightly tugged on my arm. My step forward turned out to be unnecessary as the two most important men in my life made their way back towards us, one looking decidedly happier than the other.

"You OK, Mark?" I faced him as my Dad turned to Mama and gave her a long hug.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine. Great, in fact." He cleared his throat, probably to try and get his voice back to his normal octave, "Your Dad is just-" He seemed to be searching for the words he could say with said parent standing not 2 feet away.

I had to smile; he really was adorable when it came to my Dad. "It's alright, Mark. Don't worry, I get it." A look of relief crossed his face; he knew that I knew exactly what my father was like.

"Would all passengers for Virgin Flight VS006 to London Heathrow please make their way through to gate 36."

"Ok, well… That's us…" Turning back to my parents one last time, I open my arms to incorporate them both into a hug, and am basically bear tackled by my Mom, and we are both much more reservedly embraced by my Dad.

"I'm gonna miss you both. So much. Te quiero."

I pulled them both in tighter for a second before letting go. If we kept this up, Mama was going to start crying, so I was gonna start crying and then well, it just becomes a mess.

"Bye Mama Torres," Mark pulled her in for a brief hug before turning to my Dad with a short nod, "Mr. Torres. I won't forget what you said. You can trust me."

I couldn't resist pulling my Mom in for one last embrace, "Te quiero, Mami."

And with that, we grabbed our bags, gripping them tightly and walked through the international security checkpoint and joined the line for U.S. Customs. Just as I could feel the familiar pricks of tears behind my eyes, Mark put his free arm over my shoulders and said, "C'mon Cal, don't cry. We're going to London baby!" I couldn't help but let out a laugh at the ridiculous fake British accent he adopted.

There are thousands of reasons why Mark and I are best friends, and his ability to recognize when I'm sad and cheer me up was just one of them. I took a deep breath, calming the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. I could do this. I could feel it. This trip, it was going to change our lives.

"So, you've got your passport?"


"Boarding ticket?"




"Credit card?"


"Travel wall—"

I had to interrupt before my mother could run through everything contained in my carry-on for the fourth time.

"Mom! I've got everything. If I keep taking it out to check like you keep making me, that's when I'm gonna start losing stuff." I shoved everything back into my oversized handbag. "I have the important things. It's not like I'm going to Africa or something, Mom. I'm sure if I've forgotten anything, there's a good chance they have it in the UK." I smiled not-at-all condescendingly at my Mom, when my Dad chimed in.

"Honey, she's got everything. You watched her pack it back at the house, remember?"

My father, Colonel Daniel Robbins of the US Marine Corps. Ever the practical man. God bless him, always manages to get Mom to calm down. I mean, I understand why she's worrying; this is the first time I'll have ever been away from my family for such a long time. Even if I am going with my best friend Teddy, who's spent so much time at our house over the past 11 years that she's practically family.

I love my Mom, both of my parents actually, more than anything else in the world. They've both supported me, and loved me and cared for me through everything, especially the past few years.

I know that her making sure (for the thousandth time) that I've got everything was just her way of freaking out because I'm leaving. Some mothers get clingy, some cry, mine fusses. But God, the way she was fussing was making it very hard to miss her.

"I'm good, Mom. We're good. I've got everything." I repeated. "But we're gonna have to go in a sec—"

As if on cue, that disembodied yet pleasant voice came out over the loudspeaker, "Would all passengers for Virgin Flight VS006 to London Heathrow please make their way through to gate 36."

"Alrighty, that's us!" Despite everything, I was pretty bouncy with excitement. And that's saying something, considering that I'm generally a pretty perky person. Like, really perky. But (I hope) not in an annoying way. It's just the way I am, it's the way I've always been.

Teddy, who was used to my Mom and her unusual brand of freaking out and I'm sure had watched this whole exchange take place with amusement, wrapped her thin arms around my Mom, saying her own goodbyes.

I stepped forward to give my Dad a hug. "Look after Mom for me?" I said, pulling back slightly.

"Don't worry about your mother, darling. And, here," He slipped something into my hand, it was soft but pretty solid. "Don't look inside until you're on the plane, OK?"

Curiosity pricking up at what it could be, I slipped it into my pocket. "Roger that!" My dad and I had a running joke of using military phrases; it was also a mechanism I used when I was feeling overly emotional, like I was now, to stop from crying. He pulled me back in tightly, "I love you, Arizona. Stay safe, and call us when you can."

"I love you too, Dad."

As my dad released me, I felt a smaller pair of arms wrap around me as my Mom claimed me.

"I love you, baby. I'm going to miss you so much. Don't you go and do anything stupid, and make sure you two girls stay together."

"I love you too, Mom. Three months is gonna go by before you know it, and we'll be right back here."

Having said goodbye to my Dad, Teddy put her long arm over my shoulder. "Ready to go, babe?"

I nodded determinedly, "Yep. Let's do this. Let's kick Europe's butt!"

"We'll see you in when you get back, girls. Love you both." I could tell my Mom was trying her hardest to hold back tears, and for that I was grateful.

"Love you, too." Teddy and I chorused, and looked at each other laughing. My parents exchanged a look; they were used to Teddy and me seemingly sharing a brain and a mouth at times, so this was no surprise.

"Bye…" I waved over my shoulder as we walked through security, finally joining the winding cue for U.S. Customs.

"You gonna be alright, babe?" Teddy asked me as we snaked around the poles and ropes to reach the end of the line.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Actually, I'm awesome! We're going to Europe! It's gonna be amazing…" And I really believed what I was saying. This trip was going t- whoa... I completely lost my train of thought, lost it in the warm laughter coming from the gorgeous Latina. Lost it in the infectious smile, and expressive brown eyes that were looking up at—oh crap. Boyfriend. Should have guessed. Of course a girl as gorgeous as that would have a boyfriend. Probably heading off to a romantic retreat on some island somewhere. So unfair, the hot ones are always attached.

"Hello? Earth to Arizona?"

It was then that I realized that Teddy was trying to get my attention. Obviously had been for at least a little while. I smiled innocently, albeit a little absently, at my friend, "Sorry, babe. What were you saying? I must have zoned out."

She scoffed, "More like you had zoned in. On that hot chick with the really hot guy…." Now Teddy and I were both watching the hot couple. They definitely looked like a couple. And a really good-looking, really well dressed one at that. They were both clad in leather jackets that looked as though they had been put on this earth solely for them to wear. She was wearing flats and black skinny jeans, with a deep red top. Paired with the leather jacket, she looked both badass and beautiful. The guy? Well, if I was being honest, even I had to admit he was a hottie. Even if I'd rather see his girlfriend naked, I could still admit that. Tall, with broad shoulders, a strong jaw with just a hint of stubble with a great smile and kind eyes. Completely Teddy's kind. If he didn't have his arm slung over the shoulders of the girl who was the current object of my lust, that is.

"We have to stop staring, Arizona." Teddy advised, not once looking away.

"Yeah. Sure. I will when you do." Despite my words, I dragged my eyes away when I watched the brunette lean up to whisper something in the guy's ear, inciting a chuckle from him. Why, oh why must the pretty ones have boyfriends?

Glancing down at my watch, I realized we hadn't moved in several minutes. Looking back up towards Teddy, I noticed in my peripherals that the couple was now looking at us. Great, they probably noticed us staring at them before and are trying to decide if we're psychotic or just plain stalker-y.

The next group was called forward in the line, and everyone shuffled a few steps forward. Belatedly, I realized that this put me and Teddy almost directly next to the pair. Chancing a proper look up, I noticed a pair of brown eyes quickly avert themselves from us.

I turned back to Teddy, effectively blocking the couple from my view, "So babe… What do you think we should do once we land in Heathrow?"

She smiled, knowing that I was just distracting myself from the woman not two feet behind me and proceeded to discuss how we were getting to our hostel, something about the underground and something called a "Piccadilly line". I allowed myself to get lost in her voice, imagining how amazing this trip was going to be; positive that by the time we were halfway across the Pond we'd have forgotten all about the couple behind me.

This was possibly the longest line I would ever be in, ever.

"Okay, don't look over there… But are those two girls staring at us?" I asked Mark, leaning up to his ear so that said girls wouldn't be able to hear me.

Mark just chuckled, quietly replying, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are. The short blonde seems to be pretty taken with you, Cal." He snuck a quick glance to his left.

"Yeah, well, the other one seems to like the look of you. I mean, they're hot, so I'm not complaining, but it is just a teensy bit unsettling. Haven't they heard of casually perving on a person?" I looked towards the blonde who had been staring at me, and saw her studying her watch, her impatience evident.

She really was gorgeous. Light blonde hair, lightly curled, brushed just below her shoulders. Smooth, milky skin covered (unfortunately) by dark blue jeans, and a royal blue top, finished with a dark grey jacket and light gold ballet flats. She bit her bottom lip, and it was all I could concentrate on, a small smile playing around my own lips. Until Mark gently nudged me forward a few steps, bringing me to within a couple feet of the beautiful blonde, and she looked up at me.

I caught a flash of brilliant azure eyes, before quickly averting my eyes. Crap! Now she probably thought that I was stalking her. Now who's the creepy unsettling one? I asked myself.

She turned around to face her friend, affording me the privilege of checking out her perfect ass, trailing down to her long, toned legs.

"So, Teddy…" I could hear the shorter one speaking to her friend, "What do you think we should do once we land in Heathrow?"

I quirked an eyebrow as I looked over to Mark with a smile, mouthing the word 'Heathrow?'. He shrugged back, equally as interested. At the very least I would get to eye-stalk this girl all the way to the plane. Casually eye-stalk, that is, of course.

Turning my gaze back towards the blondes, I realized the taller girl had caught me checking out her friend's body, and was now hiding back a small smile as she explained how they were getting to their hostel using the Underground.

I angled my face back towards Mark, fighting every instinct I had to continue checking out the girl right behind me. We all took a few steps further in the queue, and I realized that as we snaked around the next bend, I would have to endure being that close to the girl again.

Only three more bends in the line, and then I could escape. Yeah, escaping the hot blonde is exactly what you want, Callie, I mentally scoffed at myself. Just another two hours until we board, and then I'll probably never see her again. Unless we're seated anywhere near each other on the plane. Or I see her in the terminal in London, or at baggage claim.

But then, then, we would go on with our badass European adventure and I would forget all about her.

Meanwhile, this was going to be a very long plane trip.

Thanks for reading! Reviews are like crack… Care to feed my habit? :)