Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read my story and even review or add it to your favourites!

I know it's been like forever that I last updated – and I'm totally sorry for that – but here comes the next chapter.

I don't own anything. Just the part of the story-idea or better to say anything unrecognizable is mine!

In Kim's room.

They had ordered their pizza and now it was silent while they were waiting for it to arrive.

It was an awkward silence given the situation they were in.

Fighting together against evil, once being a pair, then disappearing of each other's life and then fighting together again. If that wasn't strange, then what?

"Well," Kim broke the silence, as she couldn't take it anymore and started: "how's your throat? Still aching?"

"Not really, it's just sounding really sore." Tommy admitted.

"Well, since we are having a bit time till the pizza will arrive, I will just begin, ok?" Tommy suggested.

Kim nodded and though he couldn't see it, she was glad and worried about it the same time.

Glad that they would finally settle things.

Worried about how it might turn out in the end.

"You know that it wasn't easy for me, after the letter arrived – which I know by now, wasn't your fault. I am angry and frustrated the same time. I keep thinking why didn't I have the guts to just call you? And then I answer myself, I wouldn't have been able to hear you dumping me again." Tommy told her with a heavy voice.

"But you know, that wouldn't have been the case, by now. Do you?" Kim wanted to make sure.

"I know. But you have to understand… at that time… in that situation…" Tommy continued but couldn't form a complete sentence as it was still hurting to think about that.

"I know," Kim agreed with a low voice and touched his hand to comfort him. They were sitting in front of each other at the small table in her room, with empty plates before them.

Kim wasn't sure how he would react, but she just had to do something to comfort him. And as he didn't pull away, she felt her worries leave that it had been the wrong thing to do.

Tommy himself was surprised about her action, but he felt surprisingly comfortable with their hands touching.

"And I am so sorry, too, that I didn't call." Kim continued. "Like you I could have also just tried to call you and ask you in person."

"Looks like we both could have acted otherwise." Tommy smiled and pressed her hand softly.

"Yeah, I think, now I understand more, why older people seem to be more wise in their actions." Kim told him.

"And why is that?" Tommy wondered.

"Well, they already made our mistakes and learned of them to act more wise the next time." Kim answered.

"Yes, that makes sense. Must be the reason, why Zordon is so wise. Not that he makes or ever made mistakes… but you know he is really old." Tommy agreed with Kim.

"Did you just make a joke?" Kim laughed.

"Yes I think so." Tommy smiled and there wasn't the same tension in the room like a few minutes before.

"You changed Tommy," Kim answered thoughtfully and Tommy asked back if that was a bad thing.

"No, I don't think that it's bad or good… it's just… I think we all changed since we became rangers," Kim told him and continued smiling: …" and lost our powers and regained them."

"I think you are right. A lot of time has passed since then. And we all have changed. But since I found out the truth about the letter, I can't stop thinking: What would have been, if it hadn't gone that way?" Tommy asked Kim.

For a moment she was silent, but then answered: "I don't know. I think what we had was perfect, but we were younger, than we are now. So no one knows if it would have lasted or not."

"Yes, that is what I think, too. It is sad that it ended that way." Tommy agreed and thought for a few seconds before he went on to tell her, what had been on his mind lately. "But just because your coach managed to break us up doesn't mean that we can't get to know each other again. I mean, we still get along together and what about if we found out once again, if there is more?"

Tommy knew, he was taking a risk, but that was, what had been on his mind lately and after all: they needed to decide at some point how to go on in the future. So he waited for her to answer and it seemed like an eternity before Kim spoke.

Kim wasn't sure what she just had heard. She would have never hoped that he would say something like this, because she would have never thought, he could forgive her like that. And hearing these words she knew, she was forgiven.

And now it was her turn to answer. But what was it, what she wanted? Deep inside her she knew what it was and so she breathed in deeply before answering his question: "I would like to find it out once again… so does that mean we will go out at some point?" Kim ended and blushed a bit.

Tommy nodded smiling, as he had heard what he had been hoping for.

"Yes, that would mean, that I ask you out again and we get to catch up and to know each other better… once again."

"I would like that idea." Kim agreed and couldn't turn her head from Tommy. Their eyes met and neither of them could turn away.

The touch of their hands seemed to get hotter and they felt new tension building up in the room. But it wasn't the same tension as before.

Now it was a complete new, but also long forgotten tension. It felt like in the past as they had gotten the courage to go out as they realized they had more for each other than just friendship.

And suddenly they started to lean very slowly towards each other… until their faces were only inches apart. But just as they were about to connect there was a knock on the door and they almost jumped out of their seats.

"Well, I should get that," Kim told Tommy as she had gotten over that shock, "looks like the pizzas are here."

And she was just about to get up, as he shook his head and told her to sit down.

"I will get that." He smiled at her and went towards the door and paid the pizza deliverer.

Then he carried the two pizzas to the table and sat down again. And as Kim wanted to offer him money for her pizza he just told her to keep it.

"Are you sure?" Kim asked wondering.

"Absolutely." He told her. „Remember what we just talked about? Why not start right now?"

"So, you are already taking me out for dinner… well in my room," Kim smiled.

"Yes. I figured, why waiting when we could just start right now. I mean with the robot empire out there to attack every moment and never knowing surely what the next day will bring… why not?" Tommy explained to her.

"In that case, thanks for the pizza." Kim agreed and took her first bite.

Earlier that day, she wouldn't have guessed what turn the day would bring in the end. But now she was glad the way the day had went on.

Neither she, nor Tommy could know how things would go in the end. But she was sure about one thing: it was worth finding out!

I hope you liked that little chapter.

To all of you guys happy holidays and have fun celebrating with your families and friends!

And if you find the time, please review ;)