Disclaimer: I give credit to all Beetlejuice characters to Tim Burton. I have taken a few lines from the movie just to start off from where I'd like the movie to change direction, but I do not own those lines at all, please don't hurt me… T – T

Chapter One


"Are you a ghost too?"

"I'm the Ghost with the most babes. You know, you look like someone I can relate to, maybe you could help me get outta here, 'cause you know, uh, this death thing is, is just too creepy."I grabbed a blister beetle as it scurried across the floor of the balcony and bit off its head. Not bad, could have used a little hot sauce…and by the looks of this babe, she probably had some to spare…No wonder they gave me this name. Betelgeuse. It was always on my breath. Gave up the whole hygiene thing years…well, more like centuries, ago. Apathy, what a wonderful emotion that lack of social interaction brought on… the day I got out of this hellhole, would be the day I might actually start caring about anything.

"I like creepy." Wait, what? No way. A breather that liked creepy? Maybe freedom was closer than I thought... "Really? Well if you help me 'outta here, then I could show you some real creepy. Nothin compared to that shit you call creepy out there." Oh I'd show her creepy alright…I'd scare her to the core and she would love it. "I'd rather get in." Oh me too babes, me too…wait…what? "Why? Oh, well, you probably have your reasons…"

"Living sucks." Woo-woo. Here comes another suicide train. "If you could get me out, over there, well, then maybe we could talk or somethin…but in order to do that, you hafta' say my name three times." Cue question. "What's your name?" Called it. "Well, uh, yeah, about that…I have these restrictions on me. Ghost government doesn't really like it if I talk to the living…but hey, I'm an afterworld socialite and I just wanna know what's goin' on, on the outside. I'm usually stuck in some sort of afterworld solitary confinement. There's no one to talk to."

"Really?" Oooh…she's interested… and do I hear some empathy? This is going to be a wonderful relationship…hehehe. "Yeah, I'm stuck in this cave they call a house, 24/7 until someone summons me." My options after my 125 years of servitude are over: One, stay there, two, go to heaven, three, work for the system, or four, find a breather to help get me out of the system. Preferably, I'd like to jump the system all together, but since that's not an option, I have to find a way out 'legally' and well, she was talkin' to me.

"I'd love to call you out if I knew your name." She had such a seductive voice… she could call me out all she wanted… "Here ya go." I juiced up a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled down the magic word in my best cursive, then juiced it up to her level.


"Oh I haven't heard my name sound that good in a long time. You've got a beautiful voice…but I don't know your name." She sounded so much like… no. That woman died a long time ago… and she wasn't important enough for the system to Resurrect anyway. "My name is Lydia." … Lydia… but it couldn't be… its all just a coincidence. She isn't the same Lydia…she can't be. But this girl, this woman…the feeling she gave me…it was the same. But how? The system cursed us… we were never meant to find each other again…unless…a pardon? "Beetlejuice?" Oh… there she went again… if you could hear love… "What's your real name?"


"What is your real name? That name I keep saying, it must be a nickname or something, right?"

"Will you summon me out if I tell you?"

"Of course, I promise." Promises…why did this feel like a trap? Oh right, cause the last time someone made me a promise, my love died, I died, and I was forced to do paperwork for some old lady for four centuries! But she was different. She would keep her promise… I trusted her. "Alright…it's Siegmund." I'd never told anyone my real name. But I felt as though she deserved to know it. She would be my saving grace after all. "Do you have a middle name?"

"Jakob" More secrets I'd willingly share…oh! Here it comes…

" Welcome to my world, Siegmund Jakob Beetlejuice."

Lydia… I've missed you so much.