Title: LOVE Letter

Author: Sohei NICHA


The dark-skinned man looked down at the paper in his hands, chocolate eyes staring at the name and heartfelt message written on it. He touched the horizontal scar over his nose absent-mindedly and then ran a hand through his silky, coffee-coloured hair.

"Iruka," it began. "I love you."

He blushed a pale primrose colour.

"I've always loved you."

The teacher looked around, making sure nobody was around him; suddenly feeling paranoid.

"Ever since I first saw you I've loved you, and I'm pretty sure you love me too."

He quirked an eyebrow.

"Love, Kakashi."

Iruka's eyes widened just a fraction. His lips parted and he silently inhaled before admitting in his passionate confusion...

"I don't even know this guy."


Lol. That's what I think of KakaIru. I just don't see the logic. Anyways, happy (late) April Fool's!

I was on a college visit yesterday so I couldn't put it up but now it's okay. I'm here to make all of your dreams come true.
