OMG, is this RavingNarniac updating like she promised months ago during the summer? IT IS! I decided you guys have waited to long, if your even still there for these deleted scenes, so I split them into two parts and this is Part One. Better to have something nothing Right?

Anyways, the truth is I kind of have a new obsession other than Narnia. It's…the BBC television show Merlin! (Go Colin Morgan) I'm in love with it! You should watch it if you guys get the chance!

dbd823~ Great! I'm glad. I didn't notice it either, I totally forgot. Don't feel dumb! Ha ha, I remember when I was updating once a day, now it's been like four months!
Storyseeker~ Thanks! Your entirely welcome!
BlackKeys96~ Sorry for the wait, I hope you still want to read them!
CrazyDyslexicNerd~ I owe you so much. Thank You!
PenNameless1994~I had to keep the shell in for you! Whoops, I must have been out of a writing loop, but at least it's better. I think I was in a hot chocolate mood when I wrote this, but it was summer so I could have some without some strange looks.
GildorInglorion~ I owe you so much too! I'm sooooooooo sorry for the wait! Awwww, I hope you get that gold shell someday. Here are half of the deleted scenes I hope you like them.
earth17~ Thanks! Here it is:
Ailis Ceana~ Wow! Hello, I wasn't expecting new reviewers! You reminded me all about this story, and I worked hard on them since your review. I'm dedicating this chapter to you! The black eyes…whoa…I think I might have based it off that. Want to know the truth? I honestly forgot what inspired this story!

Here we go: (Hides behind a curtain as you scroll down)

THIS WAS MEANT TO BE IN CHAPTER 19, during the scene where Edmund and Caspian were getting ready to battle the sea serpent in Dark Island

"In case we don't get through…whatever this is." Caspian began grabbing Edmund's attention. "I want you to know I think of you as my brother Ed,"
Edmund, who was currently thinking about his actual blood-brother, looked up at his friend curiously. He gave a nod and gave a weak smile,
"Me too,"
Caspian couldn't help but walk around and help Edmund. He could tell the younger boy was fuming inside about trying to figure out the Telmarine armor, and figured it would be best just to help before he asked losing his dignity.

Edmund was tired, he fumbled with the strap, and finally Caspian appeared next to him, reaching to help. Unwillingly, he felt himself flinch the moment his hand got…close. To the one spot he feared to let anyone know.

Caspian pulled away, startled by the Just Kings reaction. His eyes had gotten wide, the brown eyes shining in panic. His whole body shivered as Caspian met his gaze.

"Edmund?" He looked at the boy, who was turning red with embarrassment. "What?" He asked, his curiosity taking over.

Edmund's hand instinctively covered the old wound, the scar he had gotten long ago by dark magic and had never disappeared.

Caspian still looked quite taken aback and a little hurt at his reaction.

"Sorry Caspian, it's just…it's still there you know?" Caspian's dark brown eyes searched Edmund's face for an explanation and was frustrated when he found none.

He sighed, and then began to struggle out of the armor. To startled and awkward, Caspian watched as Edmund lifted up a small section of his tunic to reveal his bare skin.

But the skin was pure white, as if it had never seen sunlight. It was slightly round and tight as if it was still healing in that one small area. A clear scar caused by deep and terrible magic.

The wound that Edmund had received from the White Witch all those years ago. Caspian sucked in his breath, and shoved Edmund's shirt down quite suddenly.

"Does your family know it's still there?" He asked quietly.

"Only Lucy, but no one else."

Caspian shivered at the memory of the Witches wand coming at him in his dream, it must have been terrifying for a small near twelve year old boy. The way the turquoise wand, shattered beyond repair had come rocketing towards his waist. Meant to kill…

He reached out and finished helping Edmund into the armor. Fixing the straps into their rightful places and when he was finished, ha patted Edmund on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's nothing,"

THIS WAS MEANT TO BE AT THE BEGINNING OF CHAPTER EIGHT, right after Caspian had to fight Edmund's younger self and saved both the Just King and Eustace from the Witch's grasp.

"I say Edmund, I've seen both you and Peter fight, but why do you fight in different styles?" Caspian asked, suddenly, causing Edmund to jump.

"Different styles? Caspian, have you been reading those history books about us again?" Caspian laughed merrily in what seemed like the first in a long time. He was thinking about his fight with the younger Edmund, and he was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact he almost lost.

"No, I'm just observant,"

Edmund sighed heavily, and looked at him dead in the eye. His hair ruffled from the large amount of action he had been through lately.

"I tried harder than anyone else when it came to things like protection and learning how to fight. I'd actually work myself too hard at some points, in till Peter had to ban me from the arena so I could regain my strength again. As for the different style techniques, I just sat down and took the time to learn more of them than Peter had time for,"

Caspian tried to imagine the Just King working himself to death like that, but couldn't quite wrap his mind around the idea.

"Why were you so determined to keep proving yourself Edmund?"

"In till my people got the fact my name was Edmund and not Edward, I was going to keep trying," For a second Caspian thought Edmund was joking, but when he saw his eyes serious he gasped.

"Your own people didn't know your name?"

Edmund burst into laughter.

"It was one time, and that really was a joke Casper," With that, a particularly amused Just King sauntered off to find a snack. Caspian frowned…Casper.

He better make it clear to the crew his name was not Casper before Lucy overheard Edmund calling him that.

I don't know where I was going to put this; it just never seemed to fit in. So…here it is :D

Edmund and Caspian were grinning over the leaping water and speaking of adventure. When Caspian mentioned something that caught the other's attention,

"Why did we never really speak when we first met Edmund?"

Edmund, turned and leaned against the railing in thought. The breeze whistled through and finally Edmund shrugged,

"I was a little busy dealing with an idiotic brother I guess. Compared to the others I'm a lot more quiet," Edmund waited for Caspian's response, but when none came, he turned around to see Caspian holding to the railing desperately.

"Caspian?" He asked startled. When the latter did not answer, Edmund touched him on the shoulder and all turned black.


Edmund held his bruised head, groaning. He looked up and scowled, another scene of the past lay before him. It was a place he always remembered to be much larger, but then again the last time he had been there he had nearly grown six inches. The same sewing machine sat in the corner, and the same dark conversation been said…

"Who's Aslan?" He heard himself say, and he frowned because he knew exactly what was going on. The beaver on the other side of the table that the Pevensie's were sitting at, or as Edmund knew him as Mr. Beaver, began to laugh.

"HA, who's Aslan…you cheeky little blighter," He chuckled, Edmund looked next to him and saw that Caspian was standing next to him watching the scene like it was the most entertaining thing in the world.

"Caspian…Caspian! C'mon it's not that interesting!" Edmund immaturely poked the king of Narnia in the arm. Caspian turned, and gasped when he noticed the Just King's presence.

"What…How…?" Edmund rolled his eyes.

"You dragged me into this weird dream thing you keep telling me you've experienced,"

"Well done,"

Both kings turned to see who exactly the one who had spoken was, too see the dreaded younger Edmund that the Just King had met only a small time before. He wore his terrible blood-red battle armor still. He sat on the Beaver's table, unknown to the actual scene behind him that was slowly fading into background music.

"Great," Both Kings drew swords and aimed it at the grinning boy.

"Now, now, I don't allow violence in these matters. Too bad, this was going to be interesting…" He winked in Edmund's direction.


The world gave a terrible turn, and both boys landed hard on the deck of the Dawn Treader safe and sound once more.

"I beginning to hate myself more and more Caspian," Edmund sighed, he ran a hand through his dark hair.

"Let's get something to eat," was all Caspian could manage out in reply.

Well that's a wrap of Part One! What did you think? Review to 200 reviews? Please? I promise to update faster! Last Part is next, and yes I have promised several times, Eustace's crowning is next!

Plus, be on a lookout for other stories by me! I'm widening my writing areas!