A/N: First TMI fanfic! It feels so weird! Okay, well I'm Beautiful-With-Pain and I'm the biggest Gleek at my school and this is a story. I also hope to send this as a message to all of you teenagers like me. There are things that can happen and trust me it won't be easy, so be careful. I hope ya'll will like!

Summary: Clary Fray is dating Jace Herondale and it's been going great until she finds out she's pregnant. With his baby, of course. Can Jace pull together and be a father? Or will he leave her with a broken heart and a baby?

Disclaimer: I do not own TMI. Mrs. Clare does. (Damn her. She owns Jace.)

Clary's PoV:

My hands fumble with the little stick that can surely end my life. Has it been five minutes yet? I look at the timer and see it's only been two minutes. Ugh. I gently put down the stick and sink down to the floor.

How could this happen? I think. I've always been good. I get good grades; I have nice friends, a loving mother, and an amazing boyfriend. Well, I guess god thought I have too much and decided to throw a fault in there. The thing is, did it have to be this big? How am I supposed to take care of a kid? How can I teach it to talk and walk, and watch it grow up when I'm only sixteen? And Jace, he's got his life ahead of him. With this little test out lives can be over.

Then the idea of it all hits me. What if Jace doesn't want it? If he doesn't, he's just going to leave me with it. And I can't handle that.

The timer goes off.

I look over to where I put the test and slowly let my eyes look at it. Positive. My whole world stops there and I think of all the things I have to give up. My school, my friends, family, prom, college, and my boyfriend. I let out sob and break down in the bathroom. This can't be happening. I think over and over again. But all the signs point to it. I've missed my period by two weeks, thrown up almost every morning, I've been sleeping more, and not to mention the fact I did sleep with Jace a month ago.

Oh, god. Am I that stupid? After all the things they say in sex-ed class and I didn't even bother to listen to them. Now, I'm stuck with a baby.

I pull up my blouse and look and my pale, freckled stomach. It's still flat. I put my hand over it, but I don't feel anything.

There still might be a chance. I have been a little stressed maybe that might be the cause. Also, sometimes pregnancy tests don't tell you the truth. I've got to go to a doctor to find out for sure.

I stand up and look myself in the mirror. I gasp. The reflection looking back at me has my hair, clothes and body but my eyes are puffy, red, and smudged with mascara. I straighten myself up, and then go to my room. I put on light blue skinny jeans, a pink-peach baby doll corset, and matching flat sandals. I got in my car and drove off to the nearest hospital.


My fingers twitch nervously on the bench in the room. My doctor made me took several tests and then he left. He's been gone for ten minutes and the anxiety is really getting to me. My phone vibrates and I take it out. My best girl friend, Izzy, texted me.

Hey, u wanna go 2 the mall w/ me & Simon? ~ Xoxoxoxo Izzy

I think over my options in my head maybe if the doctor says I am pregnant I can tell them tonight and they might help. If I'm not it wouldn't help to celebrate with my best friends.

Ya, that sounds great. What time? ~ C.

I wait a minute and then feel my phone vibrate again.

:D around 6. this is gonna be so great! We can get new school clothes. And not to mention torturing Simon ;D. See ya later. ~ Xoxoxoxoxo Izzy.

I roll my eyes and manage a small smile. Izzy can be so… Izzy. She's in love with shopping and using me as her personal Barbie doll. Also, I'm trying my hardest to set her up with my best guy friend, Simon. They've been flirting since freshman year and considering that we're now juniors, it's just getting old and they need to go out.

I look at my phone to check the time: 4:17 pm. I have at least two hours before I meet up with Izzy and Simon. That's enough time to clean myself up if I break down again.

The Doctor comes back with a file in his hands. It feels like my heart stopped for about three seconds. He looks at me and gives a sad smile. No.

"Ok, Ms. Fray I got your test results," says the Doctor, Doctor Fell is his name I think. The seconds seem to go by slower until he finally talks. "They're positive Ms. Fray."

Right then my whole world stops. All the moments with Jace spiral around my head until it finally stops on that night. We were so perfect, we didn't even think about the consequences. Now I know that we should've.

Doctor Fell hands me a tissue box and that's when I realize I'm crying. I grab a tissue and straighten myself up. After I do so, Doctor Fell keeps talking. "You are one month and three weeks pregnant. Now, because of your age you have some options. The first one is that you can get an abor-" he starts but I cut him off.

"No," I say. I can't imagine killing this baby. It was my mistake and I won't let my baby suffer like that.

The doctor nods his head in understanding and goes on. "You can give it up for adoption or you can keep it." I think over the words he just said. I've heard of what happens when mothers give up their babies. They feel guilt and regret, although, if I keep it I have to give up almost everything. I should also talk to Jace about it.

"I'll think about it," I tell Doctor Fell and then grab my stuff and walk out.


The car ride home is full of tears and sobs. I get home and collapse on my bed. What will Jace think about all of this? My parents? My friends? I'll probably become the school slut. I look at the time 5:25 pm. Shit! I forgot! Izzy and Simon! I jump out of bed and change into more suitable. A blue and white watercolor stripped tank top, light blue denim shorts, blue strappy sandals, a headband with a big flower on it, a pearl bracelet and matching earrings. (Outfits in my profile!) I fix my puffy eyes and then put on my make up. I grab my sunglasses and shoulder bag and leave to meet Izzy and Simon.


I meet Izzy and Simon in the food court. Izzy is wearing a cotton silk fuchsia top, that's revealing her black bra somewhat. Light pink high heels, dark denim shorts, and big pink bow with matching jewelry. She's always been the goddess like model of the group. What, with her long black hair tall legs, icy blue eyes, and curves everywhere.

Unlike me. I'm short, with frizzy red hair and a flat chest.

I look over at Simon and see he's wearing faded torn jeans, black boots, and a shirt with a skull that says 'no guts no glory'.

Izzy comes over and hugs me and next Simon. Simon has been my best friends for years. He's my nerd, and he will always be my nerd.

"Yes! Clary you have taken my advice. I mean look at your outfit! Just think, one year ago you though skinny jeans and an old band T looked good," squeals Izzy when she sees what I'm wearing.

"Chill out, Iz. She only took that advice to turn on Jace, and get him into bed," jokes Simon. Izzy rolls her eyes and ignores him, while I feel a stab of pain in my chest.

I give them a small smile and say, "Ok, Izzy let's go shop for some new clothes." She shrieks and runs into the mall. How she can run in heels that high is still a mystery to everyone.


We hit eleven stores and get about five bags in each store. Izzy uses Simon as our personal donkey. We can barely see his face since all of the bags are covering his face. We stop at the food court and tell Simon that he can go do his shopping while me and Iz eat. Izzy gets a chicken salad with a bottle of water while I ponder over what to eat. I don't know what will harm my baby. I've heard you can't eat seafood or caffeine, so I settle on pizza and some lemonade. When I meet Izzy at the table she rolls her eyes and says, "Of course you get the fat food, because no matter what you eat you still stay skinny. Damn you and your metabolism, Clary." I let out a giggle and start eating.

I can't seem to take my mind of this baby, though. I could scar this baby and I've scarred me. I ponder over what I should do with it. I then realize that if I keep it I can't do it without Jace. I've seen what happens to a single mom. I mean my mom was one for ten years, with two children.

"Ok, what's up?" asks Izzy. I snap out of my thinking and look at Izzy who is looking at me curiously.

"What do you mean?" I ask casually.

"Well, I've noticed that all evening every once in a while you've been in your own little world. So, tell me. What's. Up?" she demands.

I bite my lip and decide on what to do. I mean this is Izzy, my girl best friend, I should trust her right?

Before I know it I break down into sobs and Izzy comes comfort me. She says calming words in my ear but it's not enough.

"I messed u-up Iz," I sob.

"How did you mess up, Clary?" she asks looking in my eyes for an answer, but only words can answer this situation.

"I-I'm Pr-pregnant," I choke out. I look at her through my tear filled eyes only to see her standing there in shock. The hurt in her eyes leave and is replaced by understanding.

"Oh, Clary. Do you know how far along you are?"

I nod. "One month and three weeks. The baby is due in March."

"A-are sure?" she stutters.

"I took a test and went to a doctor. Oh, Izzy, how am I going to tell Jace? Or my family? I've ruined mine and Jace's life," I cry.

"Clary, it takes two people to make a baby. It's his fault just as much as it's yours," she reasons. I nod and with that I'm feeling slightly better.

"Hey Clary, Iz you will not believe this video ga-. What's wrong with Clary?" he asks. Izzy walks over to him and whispers it in his ear. His eyes widen and looks at me in shock. Then they're both comforting me. Their comfort is great but what I really need is Jace.

A/N: There! First chapter done! I know, I know. Not that good but I promise it'll get better! Also, a note. I know Izzy has brown eyes but I just wanted her with blue eyes. Ok, well that's it for now. Maybe since I'm in spring break I might be able to right more. Oh, and sorry for the mistakes, I don't have a beta. Also, pointless, but fun, question: what do you want? A boy or a girl? And if so pick a name out! I already know what I want it to be but I still like to see your answers! Don't forget to check out the outfits! I worked really hard on those!

Remember to Review!

Updated day: April 2, 2011 :)