
Chapter 1

This room, I have been here so long that I can no longer remember what the world beyond looks like. I really don't even remember how I got here. The drugs make me tired and sluggish. My arms ache from the needle punctures. Why am I here? What do they want? This isn't my life. This can't be my life. I just want to go outside.

The trees surrounding this clearing were a wondrous sight to Finny's eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off the branches blowing in the wind. Oh the wind! Fresh, clean air filling his lungs till they could burst brought such happiness to him. For some reason, Finny had this gut feeling that he hadn't been outside in the longest time.

"Humph…oh well! At least I'm out now!"

Feeling the restlessness in his arms and legs, he began running around the clearing, flapping his arms wildly and laughing. A chirping sound made him stop and he looked up into the tree and saw a baby bird looking down at him.

"AWWW! Birdy!" He opened his arms to the bird and began laughing again. "Come here little sweetie! Will you be my only friend?" This statement made him pause. His only friend? Surly he had friends…didn't he?

The bird began hopping from branch to branch closer to him. This brought him back to the bird and he smiled. "That's right, come to Finny! I won't hurt you little guy!" The bird was finally at eyelevel. "HI!" He held out his finger and the bird landed on it. Finny's smile grew wider and he went to pet the bird. When his hand touched the bird's back, it let out a cry and fell into the palm of his hand.

Finny stared at the lifeless bird. His smile faded and shock crossed his face as everything came rushing back. He was a freak with super strength and he had just killed a helpless birdy. Tears came to his eyes and he began to weep. Weep for the bird, for how his life had turned out, and because he could never go outside. A loud bang reverberated through the trees and startled him back to conciseness.

He awoke with a start and looked around. He was in his cell; his horrible, stone cell. It was small, but still big enough for his tiny form to be 'comfortable'. There was a small rectangular window that was too small for him to crawl through and too high for him to reach. The door was wooden, with a small opening towards the bottom for food to be sent through and had another opening towards the top with bars for observing him.

He sighed. This was his life. There was no escaping. He had tried it before. He barely made it out of his cell and down the hallway before he was caught. It took six of the Men in White Coats to hold him down and a seventh to inject him with a clear liquid that numbed his whole body and put him to sleep. Finny had been sick to his stomach with a weakened body and headache for a whole week after that. He wouldn't be trying that again.

His cell door opened and one of the Men, flanked by six others, walked into his cell.

"S-012, you are to come with us." His voice was gruff and he smelled like medical cleaner. The smell filled Finny's nostrils and made him gag. At Finny's lack of movement, the Man smiled and revealed a small syringe with clear liquid inside. "Do we have to do this the hard way?" he asked; his voice comical. Finny saw the syringe and jumped. Knowing there was no other choice, he slowly got to his feet. The six other Men rushed towards him; two grabbed his arms and the other four flanked him; two in front and two behind. "That's a good boy." The Man chortled. He knew Finny was defeated.