Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood if I did Naoko Mori, Burn Gorman, and Gareth-David Lloyd would still have a job on the Torchwood set.
Rated-T because the Torchwood boys can't keep their bad words to themselves *tsk tsk*
A/N: So this story isn't betaed. All mistakes are mine and I apologize in advance. This is set somewhere in an AU season 2. Let me know what you all think!
A/N 2: Hey guys! I'm just fixed some grammatical errors. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Jack was oblivious. It was driving everyone insane to say the least. Now it wouldn't be as bad if Ianto wasn't just as oblivious but, of course, the rest of the Torchwood team was not so lucky.
"They are driving me bloody insane!" Owen yelled as the trio left the hub for the evening.
"I swear if I have to watch them give one of those fucking lovey dovey looks at each other again I'm going to bloody shoot them!" The girls were hanging back a little trying to pretend they didn't know him. It wasn't that they didn't agree with the loud man yelling in frustration, because they definitely agreed with him, it was just that he being, well, loud and yelling like a mad man. They had decided to have a pub night tonight. Of course they weren't being rude and excluding Jack and Ianto so they could talk about them behind their backs. No, they weren't that selfish, well with the exception of Owen. They had done the polite thing and asked both Jack and Ianto if they wanted to join but they both declined. Ianto claimed he has lots of filing to do in the archives while Jack declined because he was Jack. The girls knew they just rather spend some time alone together in the hub.
"You better not shoot Ianto!" Tosh yelled, her voice was threatening which was very amusing to hear coming from the usually quiet Asian women.
"Fine, I won't shoot the bloody tea boy. I'll just shoot Jack twice," he said satisfied. They arrived at their usual pub and found an empty booth.
"What are you two getting?" The girls looked at each other is shock.
"Who do you think he is?" Gwen whispered, though they all knew Owen could hear them perfectly fine.
"I'm not sure. Maybe an alien took over his body." Gwen nodded in mock horror.
"Or maybe it's a shape shifter. There's no way Owen would actually be a gentleman and get our drinks for us." Tosh nodded in agreement.
"Ha bloody Ha ladies. Now your orders before I change my mind." Owen was clearly not amused. The girls just giggled and gave their orders.
"Alright, when I get back we need to discuss our little work problem."
"Work problem?" Gwen couldn't help but tease.
"Yes, work problem. You know Jack and the tea boy? The problem I've been yelling about the whole way here?" Clearly Owen didn't see the joke and his voice started to rise again.
"Yes Owen we know. Now shush down and go get our drinks." Owen stormed off muttering about bloody bossy women. The girls giggled as he left.
"He is right though. We need to do something," Gwen told Tosh seriously.
"No, I agree. They're obviously smitten with each other. Though they claim they're only 'dabbling' I believe was the word Ianto used."
"Yes and unlike Owen we're doing this for other less selfish reasons," Gwen said loudly for Owens benefit as he made his way back to the booth.
"Damn right they're selfish. Do you know how annoying it is to work with them?" Owen sat, bouncing the seat a little as he did and Gwen glared at him.
"Yes, actually we do. Did you forget we also work with them?" Gwen said as she continued to glare at him, though Owen seemed like he didn't notice.
"Exactly! So what are we going to do about it?" Owen was in planning mode so he could get rid of his annoyance at work. Of course, the honest truth was he wanted Ianto to be happy, though he would never admit that to anyone nor would he admit that he actually just called him Ianto. He had become closer to his young co-worker when Jack had left, making sure the kid would eat and sleep enough because he knew Ianto would never do so on his own. He would go over to his house at least once a week and they would just relax and have a few beers. Their witty banter never stopped, though it had changed from actual annoyance to playful banter. He now saw Ianto as a younger brother rather than just that guy at work who brought him amazing coffee. Of course he would never admit that to Ianto. No need to get that kid's ego bigger than it already is about his coffee. He could not believe how particular that guy was about his coffee. I mean just the mention of instant and he looks like he's about to maul you and touch his coffee machine and you better believe you'll be on decaf for a couple days, but that's getting off topic. The point was he wanted Ianto to be happy and if getting him and Jack together would make him happy then Owen was on board.
"Well it's obvious their both in love with each other so really all we have to do is convince one of them to make the first move." Tosh broke down what they needed to do in the simplest way she could.
"Well trying to convince Jack to make the first move is pointless. I've tried talking to him and it's like talking to a bloody wall!" Gwen told them in exasperation.
"Well talking to Ianto isn't going to work either. It took me forever to get him to admit that they were even shagging, though we all knew they were, and it took me even longer to get him to admit that he might feel a bit something more for Jack than just a shag." Tosh smiled at the memory of Ianto trying to deny it, blushing the whole time.
"Alright, talking to them is out. What's our next plan?" Just as Owen asked that question Gwen noticed a guy getting a bit jealous as his girlfriend was being a bit too flirty with another man and she had their next plan.
"Guys, I've got it," she almost yelled in her excitement and the other two occupants were a bit surprised.
"Jealousy!" All she received was blank stares.
"You want to let the class in on the plan darling?" Owen asked.
"If we can make one of them jealous then they'd have to make a move," she elaborated.
"That might work. If it's a meaningless shag then they can hook up with anyone. So if we make one of them see that's a possibility then the other one would have to make a move to change their relationship from a meaningless shag to something more." Owen was just thinking out loud and he wasn't even sure if he was making sense but the girls seemed to understand as they nodded along.
"Alright so we have our plan but whose going to be our jealous candidate?"
"Well it can't be Ianto," Tosh informed them.
"After finally getting to admit his feelings for Jack he told me that it would never be anything because Jack is too good for him so I know he won't do anything about it even if we did make him jealous."
"That's bullshit!" The two girls were surprised by Owens outburst. Maybe there was more to him then they thought. The waitress who had just brought them their drinks also seemed surprise at his outburst though it was most likely for a different reason.
"Of course it is and I've told him that many times but he won't believe me."
"Alright, Jack it is then," Gwen finalized. The rest of the pub date was spent planning out the details of operation jealousy.