A/N: Blame this one on the fact that Christeen cooked last night and she gave us both food poisoning. I will NEVER let her in my kitchen again, haha. NEVER. Anyway, this one will be two chapters long.

Sarah x

Jenny wiped her mouth as she lifted her head from the bucket next to her desk. That was the eighth time in just over an hour. She hoped that this wouldn't continue all day; it was only eleven o'clock, for crying out loud.

Just then, Gibbs walked into her office with a cup of coffee and placed it on her desk. He sniffed before enquiring, "What the hell is that smell, Jen?"

"No idea," she lied. Her pure white face looked even paler against her short red hair. She felt her stomach turning again and willed herself to refrain from throwing up until Gibbs left. "What do you need, Jethro?"

"Ziva uncovered a drug ring while she was undercover. We want to take them down," he stated. "As far as we know, there are three men and two women involved. All Navy personnel."

"Yeah, do what you need to do, Jeth-" she tried to say. She was cut off when she was forced to dive for her bucket yet again. Gibbs watched as she was sick and then wiped her mouth, facing him again. "Anything else?"

"Yeah. Why are you sick, exactly?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice. He had always hated seeing Jenny ill, because she always played it down regardless of the severity of it. He moved slightly so he could see the container; it already had a fair amount of vomit in it.

"Doesn't matter. I'll get over it," Jenny assured her ex-lover. She was irritated with herself more than anything else. He gave her his trademark stare as a signal that he didn't believe her at all. "You'll just laugh at me," she glowered.

"I swear that I won't," Gibbs vowed. "Promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," she warned with a glare. She gave in and began her explanation. "Noemi's on vacation and I tried to cook." That was all that needed said. He knew that she couldn't cook. She had tried to once before, and the pair of then had ended up sick for the rest of that weekend.

The corners of Gibbs' mouth turned up a little at her revelation. Of course, she would have thought that ordering take-out would be giving in. "How did you manage to give yourself food poisoning this time?"

"Chicken wasn't cooked properly. It wasn't my fault," she added a little defensively. "Noemi is the only one who knows how that oven works. I did exactly what it said on the packet."

"Was it on full heat?" he asked, slightly amused. It was so like her to follow the instructions but not actually check what she was doing or what the oven was doing. "Stupid question. You don't even know, do you?"

"I think it was. Anyway, it doesn't matter how I got ill. All that matters is that I can still do my job, so you aren't getting rid of me that easily," Jenny joked.

"Wait. So you are going to walk around all day with a bucket just so you don't have to take a day off to recover?" he verified her intentions. Damn, she was stubborn. Too much like him, in a way. He too would not let food poisoning keep him away from his job where many others would.

"Got a problem with that?" she demanded casually, trying to hide the contentment that his concern gave her. It pleased her to know that he cared about her well-being.

"Well, yeah, Jen. You're gonna make it worse on yourself if you keep going like normal. Your body needs rest to fight it." She was going to make herself more ill and they both knew it. The problem was that Jenny was too persistent to let sickness beat her. That was the personality trait in her that could do her the most harm: her apparent inability to call it a day. "Give it up already. It's not gonna go away till it gets out of your system, and that won't be for ages yet."

"You want me to go home," Jenny said. It was not a question or an accusation. It was a statement of simple fact. She knew that he was right. It was not a bright idea to have her body fighting an ailment and trying to work round the clock at the same time. It was actually pretty idiotic, now that she thought about it. "You sound like Ducky. I'll call Stan and get him to drive me home."

"Nooo," Jethro drawled out. "I'll take you. Or do you want your driver to know that you can't cook to save your life?" he attached teasingly. She huffed once and packed her files away as she grabbed her coat. Gibbs just hoped that she didn't throw up in his car.

Hope you liked that!

Please review!

Sarah x