"Shouldn't she have learned how to dance by now Mikey?"

Two month old Charlotte Grace was perfect, least to her parents she was. She had blonde fuzz like her mother, a slight slant to her eyes like her father, and a smile that had both of her parents questioning if they brought home the right child.

"Bumble Bee...she's...two months old? I know you have her signed up for dance classes and early enrollment to Julliard and all...but...can't she just be our little girl for a couple more months?" Mike asked with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, peering down into the crib in front of them. "Look at Lottie...look how perfect she is...she's as perfect as her mother."

"Funny...she doesn't look like a Duck" Britt responded as she leaned back into her husbands arms. "If she starts quacking though...I think Julliard has stipulations about that."

It was funny how they'd gotten where they were. Senior year of high school had changed things for them. Tina got back together with Artie, Santana had dropped out and went off in her own direction, and Mike and Britt were left on their own. For the first time in their lives, they were responsible for themselves. It was odd. Even if they were suppose to be adults soon, they hadn't been ready for it.

"She's our little Duck" Mike whispered as he gave Brittany a squeeze "We'll love her even if she quacks when she dances"

That got a laugh out of both of them. Pulling back, Mike placed a kiss to the back of his wife's head, and quickly left the duck filled nursery to retrieve both his Ipod and player. If his bumble bee wanted their little Duckling to dance, then so be it.

He stopped though, dead in his tracks when he saw Britt sitting in the rocker that had been his when he was a child. Charlotte sitting up in her lap, half asleep, half awake. A state that they seemed to catch her in more and more lately. In two months, she'd started to become her own little person. Not the tiny little baby they'd brought home, after a month in the NICU.

"Might as well practice for her father-daughter dance now" He whispered as he plugged in the player and scrolled through shuffle for the perfect song...their song. Your love is a Song by Switchfoot had been the first song they'd ever danced to...no, not the usual Glee choreographed dances. Their first dance as a couple, the first dance that showed how much the two had fallen in love with one another in such a short period of time.


Putting a finger over his mouth, he pressed play and walked over to the rocker, carefully taking Lottie out of her mothers arms, and cradling her to his chest, before holding out a hand to his wife. Once she was up, his free arm wrapped around her, pulling her close to him. It was their first dance as a little family. Ooh, your love is a symphony All around me, running through me, Ooh, your love is a melody, Underneath me, running to me The lyrics guided them slowly, it wasn't a big dance floor or on a stage somewhere, but it was the Chang family...doing what they did best, what had brought Mike and Brittany together in the first place.

"And now she's had her first dance" Mike whispered as he pressed a gentle kiss to his wife's lips "Now she really is our little dancer."