Based on a transliteration thingy Nenena did for her Soul Eater Not! recap, I got this plot bunny. YAY ;D
From what seems to be the setting of SEN!, this is before Kid, Liz and Patty join Shibusen.
lol, and crappy name ftw ;D /totally pulled a Dumbledore on Kid
"Shibusen is kind of a special school, so it's allowed for students here to go by a 'stage name' if they want to... "
Kid frowned slightly as he watched into the mirror. Liz and Patty were somewhere else, somewhere in the mansion. Likely in the den; Patty would be coloring with crayons on paper on the expensive table that he explicitly told her dented easily - though it wasn't like she actually cared - and Liz would be sprawled out on the couch, remote in hand, some kind of sweet in her possession and a random show - a soap opera perhaps - playing whilst she watched the day away.
It was these times that he merely watched the denizens of Death City among their daily life. His mirror would lazily flicker through various locations in his fathers city, the boundaries of his father's soul making it so that any shinigami could see anywhere and not have to look through a mirror connected to their communication network, and he would merely idle in the peace that came with droll, repetitive daily life.
When that random student, what was her name...? Eternal Feather was it...? Yes. When Eternal Feather had told that to one of the new Freshman - Tsugumi Harudori - about the naming system at Shibusen, Kid remembered.
No one would ever know, not the truth anyways.
He was another one of those students; so to speak anyways. He went by a stage name.
His name? His name was ugly, chilling, the exact definition of his being in such a clear, terrifying way that it even made him shiver. It was, really, a more traditional name for the shinigami customs. Yet, he wasn't enthusiastic about being referred to it. When taught by private tutors, he'd throw a fit if they addressed him by his name. Even worse than his symmetry fits. Damn it, he was Kid. Kid. Not the name that painted an image of never-ending darkness, heavy and hanging and echoing with pure nothingness.
Not Grim. Grim Lucifer Damien Black.
Death the Kid was, at least in his opinion, a little better. Though the number of letters was asymmetrical, it wasn't like they'd ever use the whole name. At least it gave him an aspect of life; reminding the world that he was a kid, a kid named Kid who was the son of Shinigami, and not just Grim, the heir of Death. He hated his name, because it made him less of a human. It made him more of the supernatural being that he was, that he didn't want to be. He wanted to be able to live a normal life. He...
"Kid-kun!" Patty called. "Sis made lunch! C'mon, silly!"
He smiled slightly, and pulled away from the mirrors.
In a way, he was a child of Shibusen. Not really a student, but lived under their rules.
He was his father's son.
He was Kid.
And I'm happy this way.
Eh. There's something. Enjoy I suppose.