Written/Last Updated: 7/29/09


S is for the simple need

As she hummed and danced to the tune, no one can help but look at her. There are many people that know the song she's humming, though none of them will ever tell. Harry, Ron, the twins, Remus, when he's around (and today he was), and Sirius, since she brought him back, all know that song. She's the only one that knows that all of them know what she's singing. 'I wonder which one will come to me first?' she pondered as she moved around the Black kitchen getting a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

Remus dropped his cup of tea when he placed the song, Fred and George looked up from their plans for a new product, Ron looked up at her from his spot by the fridge and Harry leaned back against the counter. Sirius walked in and sat down, only to snap his head at her and go wide-eyed. She smirked and sat down next to the Marauder. Harry pushed off of the counter. Sirius went to put his hand under the table on her leg.

"So, Hermione, what are you humming?" Harry asked her as he sat down across from her and she took a bite of her cheesecake. 'So, it's you who comes first, Potter. I thought it would have been Sirius.' Sirius pulled his hand back. She noticed this. 'Never mind,' she shook her head. 'You just were faster.'

"A song by Nickleback," she answered simply. She looked him in the eye. "I just can't get it out of my mind," she said as she got up with her plate and cup. "I'll be in the Library if you need me guys," she threw over her shoulder.

Molly and Arthur Weasley would visit the Black house once in a while. Harry had just had Hermione and Ron move in with him, and Molly wanted to help them in every way she could. Percy was currently living with Harry and Ron as he didn't really want to have to deal with his ex-girlfriend of a few months now. Harry offered to help, and he couldn't have been happier. Ginny popped by once in awhile, but she was twenty-one and living with a boyfriend. The family had yet to meet him though.

"No is a dirty word. Never gonna say it first. No is just a thought that never crosses my mind..." Percy heard from the Library.

"Hermione?" he asked into the library.

"Yes, Percy?" she said from behind one of the rows.

"What are you singing? It sounds familiar…" he trailed off.

'Shit,' Hermione thought. "Is that so? And why is that?" she asked him coming out from behind the stacks with two large tomes. Percy came forward to help her.

"Well…I don't know if I should really tell you this, but I had a one night stand a few months back-" Hermione gasped, but she wasn't really surprised. He continued, "Yes, I know you're surprised that I would do such a thing, but I did. It was a few days after Penny left me, and I was out with Ron and Harry, as they were trying to help me, and I met this girl. She was really rather lovely with grey green eyes and dark red hair. But…" He paused, but only for a moment. "Actually I think it was that song you were singing that she had asked me to dance to."

"Oh, Percy, you're such a funny thing. Sex is always the answer, it's never a question 'cause the answer's yes…" Hermione sang as she left the Percy in the Library.

As she made her way toward her room, a hand grabbed Hermione's arm. The person said, "S is for the simple need, Mia. And I need you, now."

"Hello, Harry," she purred. "It's also for shower, strawberries and sex," she told him matter-of-factly. "Care to join me?" she asked him huskily, smiling as she turned to face him.

"To eat strawberries?" he asked innocently. She grinned and pulled him with her up to her room. She hadn't even closed the door to the stairs leading up to the third floor before he had kissed her. She giggled and pulled away.

"Catch me if you can, love," she said teasingly as she ran up the stairs laughing like crazy.

"I will, and you know it," Harry told her as he lifted his wand to cast locking and silencing charms on the whole upper floor. It turns out that Harry didn't have to catch Hermione at all. She pushed him against the wall next to the stairs as soon as he was stable on the landing.

"Tag," she whispered before kissing him softly. He deepened the kiss and pulled her closer to him. As she moaned, he picked her up and pushed off the wall. Spinning them around and pushing her against the wall with a thud, Harry used his lower body and the wall to hold her up and take off her shirt. She giggled breaking the kiss as she ran her hands through his messy raven hair and he unbuttoned her blouse. Her hands ran down his naked torso, nails catching slightly, causing him to groan. She moaned as she felt his calloused hands grab her waist pulling her to him fully as he backed away from the wall and made his way toward her bed.

"Do you remember our first time, Harry?" she asked as he trailed kissed down her neck. He pushed her shirt off before responding.

"How could I not? You showed me that you were definitely not just the bookworm everyone made you out to be," he whispered, lust filling his voice. He undid her bra and let it fall to the floor before pushing her onto the bed and climbing onto of her, his weight resting on his elbows. He kissed her again only to leave her mouth and make a trail down her neck. He knew a particularly sensitive spot right along her collar and he sucked on it. She arched into him. He trailed further down her body before stopping at her breasts, one in his hand and his mouth taking the other. She sighed. His right hand massaged her right mound as his tongue flicked around the other's nipple. He switched tasks giving each one equal attention.

Her hands went for his pajama pants, tugging lightly, indicating to take them off. He did so as he left her upper body trailing kissed down to her center and he pulled hers off too. He licked once over her nub and she twitched. He smirked and went back up her body. She pulled him down for a kiss. He returned it and ran his hands up her side. She reached down to his member and pumped lightly before guiding him to her entrance. He slide into her easily and groaned. She was still as tight as she was their first time. He slowly picked up pace and she moaned his name. When she came, she bit his shoulder so that she wouldn't scream too loudly. He kissed her as hers brought on his own release.

No, it's not over. It's three parts. You'll only have to wait a few days between them, don't worry.

It's going to be a bit funny really. =D
