Special thanks: pft980811, Yarouka, OrangeFoxx, kay-kw33n, XxJewelxX, gabstergirl, Allora Gale, luckless-is-me, Diana Prince, zemmeline, .Prayer, ssplague, BrokenWings66, GrimIsaac, Baba, eff-eff-fanatic, Killua17, Guest, Lee, liolin, Kay54

Jan 29th, 2012


Friends or Family

Standing at the door, Suzaku took a minute to himself. Then he took another minute. Eventually he ended up with his head leaning on the door, his shoulders slumped and his arms hanging lack at his sides. His mind was still trying to process what had just gone on in front of him, but was finding a blank at the end of his memory.

The confession Lelouch had given him actually explained a lot. Then again it only opened up more questions in the end. Now, Suzaku's mind buzzed with little callous things like whether or not Lelouch really had invested anything in Suzaku. If he wasn't important enough to be talked about then what really was the measure of their relationship?

Suzaku huffed out a sigh, sliding his hand up to press against the door. Nothing would be solved if he chose to simply stay there leaning against the door like a drunkard.

That brought up another thought as he pushed himself up to stand straight. There was no way he could even hope to get drunk now.

He gave an inward groan before turning.

She was standing there, in the kitchen and watching him. Her legs looked like they might give under her at any moment. She had set the glass of water down on the table, her arms hanging at her sides as she looked to Suzaku.

"He's gone, isn't he?" She asked as she tipped her head up to look at Suzaku.

Suzaku pushed away from the door, taking a step closer to the girl. "Yeah, he just left."

"Did he say where he was going?" She replied so fast she almost cut Suzaku off. Her hands fisted in her skirt at her sides.

Suzaku stilled, watching her for a moment more before he shook his head. "No, but he said he'd be back before morning."

She nodded, looking down again. Her hand came up to her face. It surprised Suzaku in how quiet she was as she spoke again. "It's all my fault." She wasn't crying, but it was dang near close. "I didn't know what else to do and Lelouch was the first one I could think of that would help me." There were a few tears this time.

Suzaku could feel his limbs stiffen. It was mostly because he could still feel that contempt concerning the conversation he had just had with Lelouch. But it was also because before him was a woman crying. How the hell was he supposed to know what to do with her now?

He cleared his throat shuffling forward at the same time. Still unsure, he laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.

That didn't do much good as she just kept on crying, her face in both of her hands, and little shakes of her shoulders and trembles vibrating down her spine every few seconds.

"Hey," Suzaku tried. "It'll be alright. I promise. I'm sure Lelouch knows what he's doing." He tried to keep it general since he hadn't the foggiest idea what had happened and Lelouch had made it clear that until it was all over Suzaku didn't have a right to ask any questions.

She raised her head just a bit, looking at him up thought bedraggled fringe. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." She gave a hiccupped last effort at more tears. "Lelouch will know what the right thing to do. He always does." She started to wipe at her face with shaky fingers.

Not true, Suzaku wanted to point out. Lelouch don't always know the right thing to do, like lying to everyone in his life about having a boyfriend for instance. Suzaku shook his head, he'd be sure to have that talk with Lelouch, and his sister didn't need to hear it. Instead of open his mouth then, and probably spilling more contempt for Lelouch than was necessary Suzaku grabbed a dish towel to hand to the small girl. It was the closest he had to a handkerchief.

"Thank you," she said as she took the towel and used it to dab at her eyes, trying to clearly avoid smearing make up.

A smile did finally break on Suzaku's face. "How about some dinner?" Suzaku asked in a soft tone. He took his hand away from her shoulder as he moved to the pantry. "I'm sure something to eat will help." He'd already had dinner, but that was at least a few hours behind him at that point and he had no doubt waiting for Lelouch would be a short time. He might as well eat again.

That earned him a smile from the girl as well, as she finally lifted her head up fully. "That would be lovely." She proceeded to take a seat at the table and looked hopefully to Suzaku.

He hadn't quite expected that reaction but he shrugged it off, pulling some Hamburger Helper from the shelf.

"Um," the girl spoke up. "What actually is your name?" She sounded a bit bashful but was still looking at him with big lavender eyes.

Suzaku wanted to sigh. That would be Lelouch to not even tell her where she was going to be staying the night. He gritted on a polite smile. "I'm Suzaku," he paused, wanting to growl the next words but instead kept that polite smile as best he could. "Lelouch's-friend." It was even hard to get his mouth to form the words.

An ethereal smile spilled on to the girls face. "I'm Euphie."

Of course, Schneizel would make Lelouch wait a good twenty minutes before sauntering in. He came with that cocky smile as he entered the drawing room, looking Lelouch up and down with that general smugness that was so damn aggravating.

In summery, his behavior was stating a clear message: that bastard was gloating.

"It is quite a pleasure to welcome you into my home, my dear brother." That smile only spread, smearing the smugness around.

Smoldering violet eyes flicked up to look at the looming man. Lelouch wasn't going to move from his seat, wasn't going to give Schneizel the satisfaction of politely rising for the host. Lelouch sneered at at him, forcing himself not to hiss like an affronted cat.

Schneizel leveled his gaze on Lelouch, not so much as stopping to blink at the look of utter disdain. He turn primly to mantle and lazily made his way there. "I thought you would have been here earlier, seeing as how I was informed of the situation much earlier this evening."

Lelouch stroked the long stem of his wine glass, contemplating what he should say or even if he should speak up at all. He took a sip of the red wine, savor in the taste as it went down. One of the family manors was after all one of the last places he would be caught for any kind of crime.

"You have enough problems all on your own, you know." Schneizel said in a tone just loud enough to travel to Lelouch's ears. "And I can assure you the last thing you need is to be tangled up in is family politics."

Lelouch head whipped up. Staring into those icey blue eyes. "You've got to be mad." He hised under his breath. "You're the one who wants to rip me from my life and tangle me up in-" he gestured to the wine and then on second thought all around him, "this, the family politics, everything."

There was a low rumbling of a chuckle humming through Schneizel's closed mouth smile this time. "My, my you are becoming quite crass in the past few days." Schneizel placed a hand on the mantle, idly stroking the fine carved decorum. "I do wonder where these little out bursts of yours are coming from."

Lelouch wanted to stand and raise his voice again. But he knew that would only prove Schneizel's point. So contrary, Lelouch tried to compose himself again. He was running on raw emotion and he already knew that wasn't the way things should be handled with his elder brother. So he looked down, trying to think of ice and stone and stoic expressions, pulling his emotions back and letting logic feel the space in between.

When he was sure he was ready, when he was sure his face would show no other emotion other than mild interest, Lelouch looked up and made to begin the conversation anew. "There is no need to worry for my sake, brother. I can assure you, I'm doing quite well. I'm sure it's just the stress of my life at the moment." Lelouch knew that he still harbored just a touch of spite within his tone but it wasn't enough to cause any real change. He could work with the spite.

A poised and pleased smile stretched on Schneizel's lips then. Lelouch could almost hear the chiding, 'good boy,' Schneizel's eyes conveyed. He made a sharp sound with his tongue as he gazed at Lelouch. "Of course. I can only imagine your position right now."

And it was just like Lelouch remembered it. Almost instantly the miss step seemed forgotten. Lelouch knew full well that that it was far from forgotten, but it was being ignored none the less.

"Yes," Lelouch said as he looked to his lap before looking back up. "Well, as you have made mention the events of the evening haven't helped with my position much either." Lelouch let his eyes peer up through his long lashes and inky colored fringe to his elder brother. Looking small and innocent would be the best ploy.

"Indeed." Schneizel turned back to the mantle. "I'm afraid our dear sister has taken a very unfortunate miss step." He looked down at his white gloved hand still resting on the mantle. "I feel for her. And was greatly relieved to hear that she had gone to your residence soon after."

So they knew, and from Schneizel telling Lelouch they wanted that information clear. Lelouch could only hope that they didn't know that he had then taken Euphie to Suzaku's apartment. Counting on Suzaku's apartment to be safe was why that decision had been made. If the family sent someone there-well, Lelouch would lose two people very important to him all in one stroke. His muscles tensed but he forced them to still a moment later. He still needed that small and needy appearance.

Thinking what to say and how to say it was the hardest, Lelouch decided. "I do think that this situation is far from over, brother." He hated it in himself to intentionally sounds as if he wanted Schneizel's help, but that-that was why he had come in the first place.

"Quite," Schneizel's eyes lazed a side long glance in Lelouch's direction. "It will take a lot of time before things are settled I'm afraid." He wasn't smiling this time. There was no amusement in the set of his jaw. Pure ice was what formed that look.

That was exactly what Lelouch was afraid of as well. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise as he abruptly looked down at his lap, his hand on the arm of the chair reflexively clenching. He couldn't let Schneizel see the widening of his eyes though as he spoke. "And within the family? How long do you expect it will be until that is handled?" He could feel the muscles in his jaw dancing, tense and then loose one second, set alight by the nervous thumbing of Lelouch's own pessimistic thoughts.

Schneizel shifted at that, Lelouch could hear but refused to look up. They were being cordial to each other and as long as that was still in the air of the room, it was doubtful that Schneizel would pull anything. "What she's done, Lelouch, can't be treated lightly."

Swallowing, Lelouch studied the fabric of the armchair for just a moment more before speaking. "I'm not asking for total amnesty." He braced himself on the armchair. "This is nothing that my own mother wouldn't have done." Smoothing his hands over the rich and soft fabric on the armrests, Lelouch shifted his head to look up at his brother. "Just some lenience, even in the slightest, that's all I'm begging you for."

Lelouch could feel as his spine bolted ram-rod straight as Schneizel took a long, sauntering step forward towards him. He forced his shoulders to relax as Schneizel's brow raised in question, but regardless he took his time with another long stride forward.

It was when that tall, looming man stood so very close to Lelouch that he started to feel that hard-earned cold facade crumbling. He set his jaw regardless. With a shift of his weight, Lelouch really felt as his elder brother entered into his personal space. Lelouch looked down and away, at one of his hands.

A cool, soft gloved fingers made light contact under Lelouch's chin. Defiant, Lelouch refused to look up even then, keeping his eyes low. Those long fingers ran along Lelouch's jaw line and curved underneath to lightly urge Lelouch into tipping his head back. That carful hand still held Lelouch chin, careful as if he were made of glass, but almost in a presenting way, as if Lelouch was something precious to behold.

"Before all this, I never would have thought I'd hear those words from you." Schneizel said. "and now I'm hearing them often."

Lelouch didn't have a choice any longer than to look up at Schneizel. He reminded himself that he was playing by the rules of the game still. He hadn't made any uncalled for move and until he did he knew that Schneizel wouldn't step out of turn. Or at least as far as Lelouch had known that was how the game had been played in the past.

"What surprises me most," Schneizel said as he titled his head, adjusting his hand and tilting Lelouch's chin, for what appeared like inspection. "Especially coming from you is that each of these desperate pleas are in the stead of someone else." There was another low chuckle and Schneizel started to let Lelouch's chin settle into a more natural position. He still kept his hand there, stroking along Lelouch's jaw and along the underside. "Whatever has happened to my self-centered and apathetic brother?"

Proximity and nervousness still pounding in his veins stifled any snarky reply urging at Lelouch's lips, instead he simply shrugged and looked away for a moment.

He swallowed before he could bring up the courage to speak. "Things change, Schneizel."

"Indeed they do."

Lelouch was startled by how close that voice was to him. His eyes widened as he realized his brother was leaning down to him and in closer. He wanted to jerk away from him, but instead he forced himself to still, letting his chin still lightly rest in his brothers grip.

It wasn't until Schneizel shifted and leaned ever closer, his breath ghosting over Lelouch's skin that Lelouch had to look away or go cross eyes watching his brother. There was another breath, this one alighting over Lelouch slightly parted lips. The sensation sent a tense shiver scrambling down Lelouch's spine and in response Lelouch couldn't stop the jerk of his head away.

He instantly regretted the weak action and his eyes cracked open, only to widen as Schneizel shifted the half an inch closer to Lelouch's ear.

"You have certainly changed a lot, my dear little brother." It sent another terrifying shiver down Lelouch's spine as those lips brushed against the sensitive ridges of his ear as Schneizel spoke.

Lelouch tried to compose himself better but past the words that were so eloquently spoken against his ear all he could concentrate on was the pounding of his heart. In the end, he just managed to close his eyes, shuddering as Schneizel's hand slid up and onto the armrest of the chair, holding himself closer to Lelouch.

The worst was that—he couldn't—didn't know what to do. If he rejected his brother as he always did he knew he would sentence Euphie, and yet if he didn't… but he wanted to pull away. He could feel his skin crawling. His mind screaming that he should move, run, protest, anything! As that arm enclosed around him Lelouch shrank back, gathering his hands to himself at his chest.

That only elicited another chuckle from Schneizel, only this time it vibrated against Lelouch's ear, cloying against Lelouch's jaw. "Unfortunately for both of us," He eased up then, taking his hand away, and pulling back. "Things in this family will never change."

Lelouch finally felt as if he could breathe again, gasping on to the fresh air as he steadied himself in the chair.

Schneizel was all propriety and nobility as he stepped away, turning back to the mantle. "Lelouch, though it is quite endearing and admirable, I'm afraid that your pleadings instead for our dear sister will only find deaf ears here." Those icey eyes were still locked on Lelouch, still watching him. "It is very regrettable what has happened, but regardless, retribution needs paid."

Turning his head, Lelouch favored Schneizel with a long glance before he stood from his seat. "I see," Lelouch murmured low.

He knew well enough that if Schneizel couldn't offer help, even with the price he'd clearly wanted to demand as payment, than there was nothing more that Lelouch could do for his sister.

Before Lelouch turned to the door though, he gave one last shot, looking back to his elder brother he asked. "Would you at least tell our father that I came here.? Tell him that I came here for her cause, for her sake."

Schneizel looked at him for a long moment, his expression serenely unreadable before he gave a light smile. "I would be pleased to do so."

It was a moment before Lelouch nodded, satisfied his brother wasn't lying to him and turning back to the entryway.

"Oh, Lelouch,"

He stopped. Lelouch could feel his joints lock, defying his minds wishes to turn to his brother again. It took a moment for Lelouch to overcome the feeling and as composed as he could he managed to half turn, peering at his brother as if all he wanted wasn't to run as fast as he could from the manor.

"This evening I was also made aware of something else," Schneizel flicked his icey eyes up, scanning over Lelouch before going on. "If I were you, well I'd try and settle this disengaged situation you have managed with the Major. "

Lelouch could feel his eyes widen and he gave a jerky nod, trying to process the information. This was the second mention of his relationship with Suzaku, and it was even more unsettling this time around.

"Excellent." Schneizel said with an off handed tone. "If you were to leave him after all, I'm sure the consequences for him would be less than desirable. I've been told he's a man that's achieved quite a lot already in life, I'd hate to see that lessened in any way."

His jaw set at the underling threat in his brother's words. But instead of lashing out like he would like, Lelouch just locked his gaze onto his brother, his eyes narrowing, making his own message of solidarity clear.

Another amused smile was his answer. "Kanon will see you out."

Lelouch leveled that glare on Schneizel just a moment more before turning to that same smiling blue-eyed man that had met him at the door.

Suzaku met him with the same cold expression he had said goodbye to Lelouch with. It was midway through the night, and very much past any reasonable time to be awake by most standards, but Lelouch still turned to Suzaku in the kitchen.

He could see in the room beyond that Euphemia had been well taken care of, tucked into the makeshift bed in the couch. The remains of what looked like a real dinner for once were in the sink, Suzaku looked to be about half way through the dishes.

Lelouch looked over at him. Suzaku was still in slacks and the same dark shirt from earlier that evening. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his collar unbuttoned just enough to see the hollow of his throat.

God, doing his homework at the table and watching Suzaku scurry around in the rush to get ready seemed like it was eons ago, asking Lelouch to help him with this or that. It was a good thing too, because Lelouch was pretty certain Suzaku went spontaneously blind every morning when he dressed himself. It was another good thing that he was required a uniform. Lelouch felt like it could have been weeks since then, especially with that solemn and stoic expression that now occupied Suzaku's expression.

There was no insatiable questioning this time around, Lelouch snorted. Not that Lelouch was allowed to think about breaking up now. Schneizel had been clear enough on that.

Suzaku's expression didn't change as he turned back to the sink. He looked pointedly down at the task as he grabbed a scrubber and another plate.

Right, so he'd done as Lelouch had asked, staying up to meet him at the door, and yet he would still defiantly refuse to say so much as a word to Lelouch.

Lelouch almost rolled his eyes at the other man when he remembered that-wait, wasn't that what he was doing? As things were shaping up, Lelouch had bowed to every demand his family had made, though he'd done his best to not act happy about it.

So unfortunately brought to a measure of sympathy and understanding Lelouch retrieved a dish towel, pulling on a light smile as he approached Suzaku's back. "Well, for once you've cooked, and cleaned, both appears to be a thorough job and surprisingly all with in the same night." Lelouch chuckled as he started to dry off the dishes stacked in the drainer. "Maybe I should make you mad at me more often."

The look he received would be a definite answer, no. Nope, he shouldn't make Suzaku mad like that on purpose... Ever.

Lelouch looked down at the dish in his hands. He turned to put it away in the cupboard before he returned to Suzaku's side. The man refused to look at him this time around. Lelouch had the off handed thought, that the neglect may actually be better compared to the glares that had been shot since he'd come back.

This time as he approached he did it with a much different tactic. "You're angry with me?" He said in a low voice. The last thing he needed was Euphie waking for the exchange.

Another glare as Suzaku took a step closer to him, sliding a dish into the drainer. "You tell me, genius." He hissed in an equally low tone past Lelouch's ear.

Making the blows personal and biting seemed everyone's goal that night, Lelouch observed and he shrunk back from the way Suzaku roughly slammed a cup into the second sink for Lelouch to rinse and dry. Dipping his head, Lelouch looked back through the doorway to his sister.

Clearing his throat, he tried to pull in as much courage as he could manage as he stepped forward, resting his hand on Suzaku's shoulder. "Can we please not do this here?"

He thought for a split second that Suzaku might yield even the tiniest and agree to take it back to the bedroom.

That thought passes as Suzaku charged again, "Of course, wouldn't want anyone finding out about us now would you?" He turned back to the pan in his hands, scrubby a bit harder than necessary as he went on under his breath. "It would be an embarrassment after all if anyone knew you had some hang on like me."

Lelouch dropped his arms, leveling his own gaze in Suzaku's direction. "It's not like that, Suzaku!" He snarled in the quietest tone he could manage. "I told you, it's complex."

Suzaku laughed as he turned those vicious eyes on Lelouch, giving up on the dishes completely it seemed this time around. "Right. So trying to explain it at all would just be too much of a hassle to indulge in." Suzaku gave a mocking bow. "So sorry to trouble you with such petty worries like honesty."

That sparked Lelouch's own outrage. "Stop it!" He hissed. "My family is a complicated matter. You have no idea what you're talking about."

Suzaku seized his wrist this time around, clenching as he pulled Lelouch closer.

Nose to nose, Lelouch felt his nerves run wild again as he stared back into those narrowed and darkened eyes.

"You're right," Suzaku hissed. "I have no idea, but seeing as how you never talk to me, I don't see how that's my fault."

Lelouch jerked against Suzkau hold on his wrist, trying to jar himself free. It was clearly a lost cause he realized as Suzaku's grip only tightened.

"Therefore every fault in this situation must be mine?" Lelouch concluded. The distinct sound of disdain he was sure must have been quite audible.

Suzaku took a step closer, his grip tightening as he forced Lelouch's arm back.

With a hiss, Lelouch managed to take a step closer to Suzaku instead of buckling at the knees. He immediately returned his eyes to Suzaku, glaring right back in to those olive green eyes.

"Right, because resourcing to physical means to make me instill any amount of trust in you is a brilliant idea, Suzaku." Lelouch gave him a vicious smile.

That grip on his wrist was only tightened just a little bit more, the crinkle of Lelouch jacket the only sound for a moment or so before Suzaku sneered. He took a final step forward, close enough he could breathe against Lelouch's ear. Lelouch's jaw jumped and flexed as he held in the cry as his arm was pushed back even farther.

He could feel that hot breath over his skin, and Lelouch hated that even then he didn't feel the need to twist or squirm or even move away from Suzaku.

"Words," Suzaku breathed, sending shivers down Lelouch spine.

In response Lelouch turned a baleful eye towards him, giving a groan through gritted teeth. Right, and Lelouch had thought he would have been able to call off this off earlier that night. The boy almost literally had him bending over backwards at his finger tips and Lelouch was so-god, it was so arousing.

"I've learned tonight," Suzaku went on, "That words have no meaning to you, Lelouch."

Grinding his jaw, Lelouch looked up in frustration before looking back to Suzaku. God, this was so different that dealing with Schneizel. Arguments were so-they were so heated. Lelouch could feel the emotion and he loved it so much.

"Without words, how then am I to make a fucking point otherwise?" Suzaku tightened his grip a final time, tipping Lelouch's arm just a touch farther back.

This time there was actual pain. Before had been uncomfortable but nothing unbearable. Lelouch choked on air, his eyes going wide.

"Stop," he whispered.

Suzaku only continued to watch him, that uncompromising expression still marring his face.

And fuck, Lelouch knew exactly what he was waiting for. "Please," he choked out. "Suzaku, stop." He snarled the words at him.

He released immediately, even reaching around, though a bit roughly, to keep Lelouch from falling.

The second Lelouch was steady and balanced again, Suzaku released him and turned back to the sink of dirty dish water. He looked as if the cold statue that Lelouch hated had returned, the moment the haze of anger cleared from Suzaku's eyes and the stoic mark of narrow eyes and thin line of his mouth returned.

The twinge in his shoulders eased as Lelouch let them drop. Eyes still trained on Suzaku, Lelouch wondered if this really was going to be their end tonight.

Then Suzaku sighed and pulled the stopper for the sink, turning and wiping his hands on a dish towel as the sink emptied. "I don't know if I'm madder at the fact you lied to me, and to everyone else in your life or if-" he stopped, folding his arms and looking at the floor. Hepulled in a breath before going on. "Or if I'm mad because as much as I wanted you to be a part of my life, I know now I failed and that I really do know nothing about you."

Head tipping back up, Lelouch cocked his head. If he wasn't mistaken this could quite possibly be seen as yielding. Only marginally, but at least it was progress. He shifted to catch those green eyes and was met with cold and emotionless frost bite. Lelouch nodded, still keeping his distance.

This wasn't yielding, it was compromise.

Makes sense really, his family simply didn't do that so of course it would take a minute or so to recognize.

There was shuffling across the room, and Lelouch looked up at the same time Suzaku doing the same to see his sister. She was still asleep, only shifting on the couch. The rustle of the blankets the catching sound for both men.

Looking back to Suzaku, Lelouch reached out, lightly laying a hand on Suzaku's arm. "Come on," he urged.

Suzaku only looked back at him for a few brief moments. Just long enough to instill Lelouch with the doubt that he would follow at all. But he nodded, setting the dish towel down on the counter and following Lelouch back to the bedroom.

It was a surprise when he felt Suzaku from behind take a step closer to Lelouch, easily slipping off Lelouch's jacket.

"Thank you," Lelouch murmured as Suzaku slid past him to hang the jacket in the closet.

There was another long pause as Suzaku turned back to Lelouhc. He looked over at the air mattress that hadn't probably been used in weeks. When he spoke it was in a quiet tone. "I don't feel like we worked anything out." He said. The set of his jaw told Lelouch that he wasn't particularly happy about the fact either.

"We talked." Lelouch said. "Isn't that what you wanted? To talk about it?" He tried to hold back that lingering acidic tone, but despite his best efforts, he could see from the way Suzaku's features went still and cold again that he'd failed.

Suzaku looked to the side, absently unbuttoning his shirt. It took Lelouch a moment to come to the conclusion he was trying to kindly not start another conflict.

The silence only seemed to further hurt Lelouch's already enflamed and raw nerves. "What do you want?" Lelouch hissed. "We both know I'm not going to tell you every aspect of my life." He hadn't even told him about, well any aspects of his life.

Suzaku looked up. He looked like he wanted to full out and growl at Lelouch.

"You know," Lelouch snarled for him. "In my option this is a rather fair situation. You tell me nothing about yourself, your work, anything about you beyond the mundane, and in return I have down the same." He folded his arms, letting that marred expression of defiance soak into his features.

Suzaku was still looking at him, still watching him with those keen but stoic eyes. Cold wasn't quite the right metaphor to fit them. They weren't like Schniezel's, ever preset, biting and distant. But they were a degree of cold. They were solid unwavering, and yet so-stones. Lelouch nodded. It was like gazing at two smooth and solidly indestructible stones.

"What's your major?" Suzkau abruptly asked, his jaw setting as he took a step closer to Lelouch.

"What?" Lelouch asked, his brow knitting.

"I don't even know your major." Suzaku snarled at him for real this time. "We've been dating for almost three months and I don't even know your major. You know where I work, my rank, you've been in my office."

Titling his head Lelouch reloaded to fire back. "Because obviously all that information is so vital to your life."

"My job is my life." Suzaku affirmed without the blink of an eye.

"Then why the bloody hell am I here?" Lelouch hissed. His arms shot apart, his hands fisted.

Suzaku's eyes widened at that, his eyebrows going up. It seemed that just maybe that little detail hadn't occurred to him. His chest heaved, rib cage expanding as Suzaku tipped his chin up. "You're right." He looked at Lelouch dead center in the eye. "I don't need this."

This time it was Lelouch's turn to be startled. "Excuse me?"

"You deal with me like I'm a hassle, or at least you have for that past few weeks." Suzaku said in a much more level tone than before. "I don't want you here unless you want to be here," he turned to the dresser, starting to remove his wrist watch. "And the answer to that has been made very clear, Lelouch."

"So you're just going to throw me out?" Lelouch hissed. He hated that Suzaku had turned away, leaving Lelouch with his back. It wasn't polite.

"No," Suzaku said as he started to remove his shirt form his shoulders. "I'm giving you the option to cut and run."

Lelouch hated the way Suzaku said that even worse. The other man had no right to be that damn calm about this. Lelouch stalked forward, gripping Suzaku's should to pull himself closer.

"Has everything that's happened meant nothing to you?" Lelouch leaned in, wanting to snag that eye contact again.

Of course, Suzaku managed to avert his gaze, looking down into the drawer of t-shirts at his hands. He look up as he spoke though. "And what has happened?" He looked like he sincerely meant that question. "We've done nothing to impact each other's lives-"

"You've changed mine." Lelouch interjected.

Instead of reacting the way Lelouch had thought he would, the way Lelouch wanted him too, Suzaku's eyebrows lowered and his teeth gritted. "How?" His voice was low, but he was definitely angered again. "As far as I can tell, you don't even like me enough to tell a single soul about me!"

"Will you come off it!" Lelouch hissed in response. "I come to you when I need help, when I need escape for a reason. Devaluing that won't be done, at least not from my side."

Suzaku looked at him for a moment more before speaking. "Then at the very least give me a why. If I'm your petty indulgence at least give me the reasoning behind it." His eyes shifted back down as he tried to act like he was just casually pulling a shirt out of the dresser drawer.

"Shouldn't the fact I want you in my life despite all this convince you that you're more than an indulgence to me?" Lelouch shifted forward just a bit.

Suzaku reacted almost immediately, his head rearing up and taking a step back. "Can you give me a why or not?"

Widening his stance Lelouch tried to meet that gaze. For a split second he almost thought about skirting his way through some half-truth answer. Instead he answered in a for voice. "No."

At the very least Suzaku didn't strike back. He looked down. "I don't understand." He pulled the old shirt on over his head before going on, looking at Lelouch this time. "I don't know if I can trust you anymore."

Lelouch nodded. That was fair. It was better to be skeptical than ignorant. "I trust you." He gestured to the door. "I come here the moment I need some where to go, I leave my sister with you."

There was still no clear emotion on Suzaku's expression then. He just looked back at Lelouch, not perplexed, but clearly not understanding either. "I still don't know if I could trust you."

Sighing, Lelouch crossed his arms again. He looked to the dressers before slanting his eyes at Suzaku. "Well what about tonight? Do you trust me enough to stay the night?" He his jaw shifted as that look turned to a glare. "I've stayed here for nights before-"

"How'd you explain that one huh?" Suzaku already had his jaw set again as those eyes shifted into shielded olive green stones again. "Or all of those nights really." He glanced away. "Guess I know why he never liked to stay in the mornings."

His mouth at some point had hung open, his mouth forming a bit of an 'o' shape in the process. Lelouch licked his lips, shutting his mouth before he looked down. Starting to blame each other now for previous actions would just lead them in circles. It was his turn to make a compromise.

"I can't tell you why," Lelouch said in a strong voice. Looking up he shifted to try and make Suzaku look back at him in return. "But I trust you, Suzaku. You're a part of my life even more than you know."

That strong jaw line jumped with the nerves, probably in time with the roiling emotion that always displayed itself so easily on Suzaku's sleeve.

"I do it for a reason." Lelouch said ever shrugging. "It's not like you aren't keeping things from me in return. I tried asking and you turned me away." His eyes lashes flutter and his eyes flashed as he looked back to Suzaku. "And I'm still here."

The soldier across from him still refused to look at him.

Lelouch almost started to think that maybe the silence was the best he could hope for, at least until Suzkau shifted.

He still didn't look at him as spoke, but he was speaking in a quiet tone. "I don't like this." There was another moment of shifting, uneasy, tethering on the edge of taking a step away from Lelouch or taking a step closer.

Lelouch took that step forward for him, charging on him. He didn't turn to make Suzaku would be looking at him, only came closer. "And you expected what? Perfection?"

Suzaku chuckled, startling Lelouch. "I almost would expect nothing less from you."

Trying to compose again, Lelouch swallowed, "sorry to disappoint."

When Lelouch looked up he was met with green eyes for the first time in several minutes. "We all have our faults." Suzaku murmured.

Licking his lips Lelouch paused before saying again. "I still trust you."

Suzaku shook his head, "I don't."

His eyes flashing Lelouch tried not to make it into a glare. "Before you told me that you didn't know. What's caused you to make a decision in just a few minutes?"

"I'd rather lean on the side of caution." Suzkau explained. "And as we have both discovered in the last few minutes time, we might as well be strangers for how much we really know about each other."

There wasn't much else that could be said in response.

Luckily, Suzaku seemed to pick up on the silence as he slid past Lelouch to the dresser. "Come on, I have a shirt you could wear for the night."

When Suzaku handed him a baggy, ridiculously oversized t-shirt with some military logo printed on the back, Lelouch accepted.

The last thing Suzaku needed as he walked into his office was to be met with Private Kouzuki. Suzaku stiffened, but continued to his desk.

"Running a bit late there, sparky." The girl mouthed off to him.

Suzkau set the brief case he carried down on his desk, willing himself to calm. After everything that had happened this was the last thing that he needed. And for once he wasn't above pulling rank on the private before him just to flick her annoying ass off his case for once.

He breathed, letting the fresh air wash over him before straightening. That wasn't true. He didn't hate Kouzuki. She was a good soldier and loyal to Toudou beyond almost all comparison. There was no reason to take his frustrations out on her.

"How may I assist you, Private?" He asked as he opened the brief case, taking out the documents he intended to get started on right away. He needed a distraction. No, that was a lie. He needed an outlet. But the shooting range would have to wait until after work. Then again, maybe if Suzaku played his cards right he could do some investigating. Hand to hand combat sounded perfect, and maybe he would get luck and training would give him the opportunity to slam some of the younger soldiers to the ground.

"Don't sound so over joyed to see me, Boy Scout."

Suzaku looked up then. He wasn't smiling.

It must have been enough because the look on the Kouzuki's face cycled through several emotions connected to surprise before her expression hardened and she straightened up. She didn't look happy about finally facing up to the fact Suzaku was a higher rank, but at least she did it.

"Coronel Tohdoh would like to see you in his office Major."

Suzaku stopped what he was doing. With everything that had been going on in his life he had completely forgotten about the exchange he had with Tohdoh. Man, how long ago had that been? A part of Suzaku even thought about telling Kouzuki that he had no intention of meeting with Tohdoh.

But duty and obedience won out in the end, and Suzaku nodded. "Tell him I'll be there in a few minutes."

Suzaku never even looked up to see if Kouzuki left.

There was a moment walking in to Toudou's office that Suzaku considered just turning back around and leaving things as they should be, in the past. But Toudou's looked up the second Suzaku stepped into his door and nodded. The nod Suzaku had wanted since had first entered boot camp.

It was enough, and Suzaku stepped into the room taking a seat before the simple but imposing desk.

Toudou's office was almost the opposite of Cornelia's, but unfortunately just as intimidating. It was so different though. The room was bright, white washed wall, and the window behind Toudou cimpletely open, streaming life in. It was all about functionality. There were no crowding of awards or trophies of former conquests. There was one book shelf, liked perfectly with books. And the rest of the walls were bare, white, visible walls. There was a certificate of office on tousou's desk, but it faced away from the viewer.

It was all so transparent. Suzaku shifted, he had little problem dodging Cornelia's questions or eve lying to her once or twice. But she had bore down on him, almost seeming to expect that he would lie. Toudou never expected anything like that for Suzaku. That was the hardest part about his former commander. He always expected honesty, and loyalty, and that Suzaku made the best decision in the worst of situations. And when Suzaku failed, because that seemed to be his ever present fate, he was always simply left with a disappointed shake of the head and Toudou's reassurance that he knew Suzaku could have done better and that he expected that in the future.

It was absolutely miserable.

There was a few more quiet seconds that Suzaku sat there. Toudou, content to keep writing on the papers before his desk, didn't even look up until he reached the end of the page. He stopped a moment later, capping the pen and neatly setting it parallel to the paper. When he looked up, Toudou clasped his hands in his lap and looked over Suzaku like he would look through a book.

The stare was unraveling and eventually Suzaku shifted, refusing to clear his throat but needing to somehow alter the stand still.

As always, Toudou was the last person to be coerced into anything and just stared back.

Suzaku had almost decided he should probably get up and go back to his office, even sliding to the edge of his seat before Toudou shifted. It was more of a straightening of his posture more than anything, not that he really needed it.

"It's been a very long time since I've seen you, Suzaku." Toudou said in that ever present deep but steel strong voice.

Suzaku straightened back up as well, watching the man across from him carefully as he gave a nod of acknowledgement.

"I think longer to you than it has been for me." Toudou said. "Change has a way of doing that to a man."

It was amazing that with such a passive comment Suzaku could feel a flush creeping up from his neck. A school boy flush of embarrassment was something Suzaku used thing he had out grown. In the end, Suzaku just looked down to his lap.

"You've done a lot in that amount of time." Toudou spoke on. It wouldn't have been as bad if there was at least some emotion there, but there was no cracks appearing in the stoic facade.

Suzaku hoped to any higher power out there that against all probably facts that just maybe Toudou wouldn't have found out exactly what Suzaku had gotten done. At the very least maybe Toudou hadn't found out what had earned Suzaku his cushy desk job.

"I wasn't surprised when I heard about your promotion to Major." Toudou went on. He gave a paused though.

It was just long enough that Suzaku tipped his head just enough to look up and see his former mentor pinning him with those dark Japanese eyes.

"I wasn't surprised when I heard you were being moved back to the states, either." There was no yielding in the gaze or Toudou's voice. His mouth a tight thin line held at what could be described as a harsh frown.

Suzaku's jaw tightened and he felt the heat of another flush as he looked back down into his lap.

"I always thought you understood, after struggles with your father especially, I thought you understood the responsibility required of you."

He don't sound angry. That was the most hard hitting part. Suzaku could handle anger, and snarl back usually once it reached the point of interfering in his life. He father had taught him how to handle and deal with anger. What Suzaku had never learned was how to deal with the probability that he would live up to others expectations, and he the consequences when the inevitable came to life.

"I never wondered what the military could do for you," Toudou shifted forward. "But I never considered that you might give into them first."

"I chose this," Suzaku said in a quiet tone. It wasn't the military's fault and Suzaku wanted that made perfectly clear. Not that Toudou was the sort to listen to him.

Toudou looked at him for several more moments before going on. "Tell me? How has wavering loyalties treated you?"

There was a tightening in Suzaku's throat as he considered a reply. He looked down a few seconds later, knowing that was all the reassurance Toudou needed of Suzaku's unspoken answer.

"Bismarck's unit never earned you anything in furthering yourself." Toudou clearly wasn't afraid of any consequences from Cornelia, Suzaku observed.

It occurred to him then that the Britannia's were quite close to Bismarck, uncanny for a well-established family. Then again Cornelia was in the army.

"That wasn't the purpose of his unit though, and I think you know it, Major." Toudou went on.

Suzaku looked up, finding those intense eyes on him again, as if they were trying to pull Suzaku's thoughts from his head and read them like a telegraph strip. There was a part of Suzaku, the boyish part, which still wanted to believe in superpowers, who shrugged at the notion as if it could be completely possible. Suzaku shook his head, if that was so he was damn sure Toudou wouldn't have called him here.

Suzaku looked back down. He deserved this scolding.

"I will be watching out for you, Kururugi," Toudou said in a much somber tone. "But you're decisions are yours alone. And I can't change them, nor would I want to. I'm not directly over you, but I still would like to see you live up to potential."

Suzaku dutifully nodded.

"The only thing I would like you to consider," he paused just long enough for Suzaku to look up and meet that gaze. "You need to look at where your aimless wandering has gotten you. And not just in the military, Kururugi." If it was possible the look on Toudou's face hardened even more, there was determination in the way his lip curled as he spoke. "Unless you wish to follow in your father's footstep I would suggest that you find a path for your life."

No further words were spoken for a few seconds as Toudou sat back.

Suzaku looked at him, and was instantly glad he bore no physical resemblance to his father. He knew Toudou had never meant to replace his father but somewhere in Suzaku's life he'd filled the role with more enthusiasm than Suzaku's real father had ever shown.

"I'm sure you have plenty of work to get done, Major," Toudou said a she looked back to his desk. "I'll let you get back to it."

Suzaku took that as his dismissal and briskly stood. He straighten out his uniform and have a salute, because it was Toudou, before he turned to the door.

"Kururugi," Toudou's voice echoed in the office, stopping Suzaku with just the tone.

Taking a breathe, and effectively stalling for just a few seconds before Suzaku turned to face his commanders desk. He linked his hands behind his back, looking toto udon with as emotionless face as he could.

"Principles matter, Major," Toudou's eyes were steadily trained on Suzaku.

Suzaku nodded.

"Don't forget that again," Toudou's said.

When the commander turned back down to the reports on his desk, picking up his pen again, Suzaku turned.

He paused by the door, his hand on the door frame. The pause for a moment was just enough for Suzaku to swallow another breath of air before he could speak. "Thank you-sir." Suzaku looked up, watching over his shoulder for just a second.

Toudou looked up for those few precious seconds. He watched Suzaku for a moment before he nodded and looked back down.

Suzaku let himself out, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Unfortunately, Suzaku was met with Kallen just outside the door. She was leveling a glare right in his direction. Suzaku could practically taste the sour black aura she had wrapped around her. She moodily sipped at a cup of coffee as she watched him.

Straightening his shoulders, Suzaku gave her a nod. "Thank you, Private Kouzuki, for bringing me the message to me this morning." And that was as much of an apology she was getting out of him really.

Nothing changed in her though and knowing nothing would, Suzaku moved to slide past her to his office.

"So you got one hell of an ass kicking," Kouzuki sneered as Suzaku passed. "And you're pathetic enough to say thank you for it."

He considered just staring straight ahead still and leaving her there in the hall. But a part of him-he didn't like all that much the person he was loaded to become as things stood. So he turned, and explained. "Sometimes," he paused considering if he should have used the privates name, though he shook his head and just went on. "Sometimes what you want isn't always what you need." He nodded at the end of that, assured even more that he had put it into words.

He heard the start of a sneer in Kouzuki direction and could bring himself to care any longer to turned to head back to his office.

It felt so ironic, sitting there in the parlor again. He had guided his sister inside, telling her she could stay here as long as she needed, she could live there in the house as long as she liked.

So ironic.

Just weeks before they had been distancing themselves from each other. Lelouch had been so determined to think of this as war and that his sheer willpower alone would keep his sister's name off the list of casualties.

And how easily that had all shattered. Lelouch clasped his sister's hands, next to him, squeezing as he tried to read he emotions on her face.

Lelouch had decided that telling her he would help would be the best. He had meant to tell her about Schneizel and his visit to the manor and all of it, but-but in the end Lelouch concluded that she didn't need to know. He didn't lie to her, he just didn't tell her.

"Your statement to the police was fine, Euphie. You did really well." Lelouch tried to give an encouraging smile.

She just looked down at her hands. "They didn't understand." Her voice was so quiet that Lelouch barely caught it, listening as intent as he could as well as watching her lips.

"Odysseus and the others," Euphie raised a shaky hand up to try and slide her hair back behind her ears. "They won't even look at me." She shook her head. "And the only one that does is Cornelia and she-she pitied me..."

Those wide eyes looked up To Lelouch. "What's going to happen to me?"

In Lelouch's mind flashed the image of his mother. But he still smiled though as he clasped his sisters hand a bit tighter. "We'll find a way through this."

That was a lie. Lelouch needed information on what was going on with the possession case but it wasn't like there was any way for him to get it on his own. He patted his sisters arm. "I'll find a way to get you through this." The only problem was that he wasn't sure how intact his sisters reputation would be in the end.

Suzaku opened the door to the cab, before Lelouch could even have his hand on the handle. Suzaku even leaned in, paying for the cab before he closed the door and guided Lelouch in with a hand at his back.

"Mr. Kururugi," the hostess said in a way that Lelouch suspected might be a hint of familiarity. "Just a moment please."

As she left, Suzaku dropped his hand from Lelouch's back, pocketing his hands and looking anywhere but at Lelouch.

But Lelouch couldn't stand it any longer. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

The muscles along Suzaku's jaw flexed. "Yes." He looked up, looking at Lelouch for the first time since a few nights before. "I don't hide important aspects of my life."

If that wasn't a scolding, than Lelouch didn't know what was. If they had been at Suzaku's apartment he would have called the lie out as well. Right he didn't hide things like his mail or his job or what he did before at all before Lelouch wandered in. Unfortunately they were in public. So a bit moodily he turned away to look in the opposite direction. There was the twitch in the back of his mind that couldn't manage to take this lying down. "I just am still wondering why you even invited me. It's not like we're much of a couple anyway."

The sidelong glance Suzaku direct at him sent a cold zip down Lelouch's spine.

The chilled voice that the soldier spoke in didn't make Lelouch feel any better. "Don't Lelouch. Not here at the very least. We haven't broken up yet and I was asked to bring my significant other, and at the moment that is you."

It was so matter of fact, Lelouch wasn't sure he even had a comeback ready. "Alright," he sighed the word. "Can we act like we're together then? At least for dinner?"

The regard the Suzaku gave Lelouch at that time made Lelouch yearn for their relationship just a few nights ago. He looked back down for just a second to regain his composure before he met Suzaku's gaze yet again.

There was a breaths amount of time before Suzaku nodded and took one hand out of his apartment. "You're right." He swallowed taking Lelouch's hand in a loose hold before going on. "This is important to me, I need these peoples approval."

He was looking at Lelouch with those deep green eyes and Lelouch could do nothing but look back.

It went without saying what Suzaku needed from Lelouch then. So with a smile, Lelouch tightened his hand and giving small, sad smiled before nodding.

Leaning in a moment later, Lelouch spoke. "Can we stop by the restroom? Your tie needs to be fixed."

This time when Suzaku looked at Lelouch, there was just a glimpse of the same happy go lucky boy Lelouch had initially met. "Of course," there was another breath before Suzaku ended. "Thank you."

Unfortunately the small amount of relief and good feeling vanished the moment that the hostess presented the table to them.

Lelocuh felt his expression harden as Schneizel gave him a pleasant smile. But that icey gaze only zoned in to Lelouch for just a moment before it shifted to Suzaku.

"Major Kururugi, " Schneizel said as he outstretched his hand.

Of course, Suzaku took the hand in a firm grip giving a shake before he stepped back to Lelouch. The soldier was already occupied with making a good impression as Schneizel turned his attention .

There was a split thought as he felt Suzaku's arm curl around his waist that it still wasn't too late to bolt. It wasn't too late not to just call an end and run. But the barrier of Suzaku's arm holding him still was just the tip of the iceberg compare to the pinning gaze of Schneizel's brilliantly snowy eyes. Besides, where was there to run? If he ran, he would be forced to abandon his sister to the wolves of Brittania and in the process possible getting Suzaku into a whole new world of trouble as well. It was a hard fact to swallow that for once in his life there was no way to wiggle his way free.

"This is Lelouch Lamprouge," Suzaku introduced him to the table.

It too more effort and courage to pull away from Schneizel's gaze than expected as Lelouch looked to the rest of the table. Of course, Bismarck was there as well as a few of his underlings.

Lelouch felt his stomach turn as the beast of a man, Bismarck stood reaching forward to Suzaku for another firm handshake. "Good to see you, Major."

Suzaku looked damn near euphoric as he clasped the outstretched hand eagerly, grinning and giving a nod as he spoke, "Likewise, Sir."

Lelouch felt like he was going to be sick. This was beyond anything he had expected. His knees felt like they would give and he leaned into Suzaku to stay standing probably a bit more than was appropriate.

Suzaku did notice, which was at least some small consolation. The man noticed and tightened his grip a bit on Lelouch's waist. He gave him a split second of an inquisitive glance before he nodded to another greeting, this time from a blonde giant of a man Lelouch hadn't seen before. He knew already though who the man probably was, especially since he was seated next to Bismarck.

Lelouch looked down for a moment, only giving as pleasant of a smile as he could beforehand. His breathe felt like it could barely make it out of his chest before he felt the need to gulp down more air. It was—he placed the sensation then. It was like drowning. He swallowed hard and followed Suzaku in a hasty step towards their seats. Lelouch noticed the firm hand on his arm after Suzaku had pulled out a chair for Lelouch. Lelouch didn't look up as he took the seat. Suzaku sat down next to him a moment later, looking up to the light conversation with a look of general interest. Looking up, Lelouch wasn't sure he could manage the same, seeing that his elder brother was seated right across from him.

The man gave a cool smile before joining in on the conversation.

Lelouch pointedly looked away, trying to catch his breath again. He felt like someone was trying to shove his head back under the water again. So with a bit more determination he turned back to the table. There was eight of them around. Three looked like command, including Bismarck and a rather large, portly man with a monocle. Lelouch didn't know his name, guessing he probably assumed the role in the time Lelouch had managed to keep out of the family. The third man in leadership was clearly his brother, and even though it was a round table, Lelouch could felt the superior presence he exuded. The rest looked like Bismarck's underlings.

Surprising was that—Kouzuki was there. She looked at him, just as lost and desperate from next to him. The giant Blonde next to her languishly extended an arm over the back of her chair, letting a large hand casually cup her shoulder. She looked at it for a second, long enough to give an eye roll to Lelouch. Lelouch smiled in response, turning back to the table. He was sure at some point the conversation at hand would be valuable.

"…foreign interests still shouldn't be as top a priority as they are for this country, or at least not the interests we pursue." The man with the scar said in a growling voice.

Schneizel gave him regard before looking to Suzaku. "What do you think, Suzaku?"

The soldier next to Lelouch froze. He clearly had been invested in the conversation only to the point of listening. Lelouch glanced at him, hoping for both of their sake's Suzaku didn't choke.

Suzaku sat a bit straighter, leaning back for a moment, his eyes flicking down, a good sign if it meant he was thinking. "I think—" He paused before looking up at Schneizel. "The best defense is offense." He sifted a bit, but Schneizel was still looking at him, clearly expecting elaboration. Suzaku swallowed before he gave it. "We can't just let something's be, they'll grow, they will infect others and if this country turned solely inward before we know it we would be surrounded by enemies, not that we already aren't. But it would be so much worse than it already is. I think to maintain safety and even prosperity to a certain point we have to be proactive about our approach, cut the roots of evil before it can grow large enough to overtake us."

There was a quirk of a smile from Lelouch's elder Brother. Suzaku may not know it, but if that smile had commentary it would be along the lines of, "well done."

Lelouch felt nausea return to him. Looking down he sincerely hoped, for at least Suzaku's sake, he wouldn't be sick.

His reflection didn't look exactly peachy. But with another shuddering breath Lelouch whipped across his mouth, grateful he didn't look as ill as he thought. He imagined that's what happened when people were cornered into making decisions they would rather not. That feeling of drowning hadn't dissipated, but Lelouch at least knew he could manage to take a breath every minute or so.

It was just too much to be able to stand his brothers extreme Darwinism without a breather.

Ready to face it again, Lelouch straightened.

Expectantly though as he came though the bathroom door he met Kallen. She held a drink in her hand as she leaned against the wall, watching the table from afar. Lelouch stepped up to her, buttoning his suit coat again as he observed the men at the table again as well.

"Does your Boyfriend know what he suggested would lead to perpetual war." Kallen said with a sneer. She shook her head as she looked ahead. "that idiot."

The rustling of clothing as Lelouch looked down was all the answer he gave for a moment. When he did answer he looked up to Kallen. "I wonder sometimes if the world isn't already perpetual war for him."

Her deep blue eyes, held so much—fire. Like bright blue sparks as she narrowed them on Lelouch. "You're defending him?"

. "Defend him?" Lelouch snorted. "I'm still trying to understand him."

"You haven't been given ample opportunity already?" Kallen sneered again.

That took an extra moment of marinating before Lelouch could eloquently assemble his words. "Opportunity doesn't mean either of us divulges much information."

Kallen raised an eye brow. "You're relationship on the rocks then?"

Lelouch took the drink from her hand, not quite sure it was but hoping for alcohol he knocked it back. It burned a lot which meant—certainly not a bitch drink. He smiled at her as he gave her the empty glass back. "It's better than dating the jolly blonde Giant."

He didn't give her the opportunity to answer as he made his way back to the table.

About to make it there, he saw his opportunity. Schneizel was at the bar. And he wasn't with any one. His brother looked expectantly at Lelouch. Of course he did. If he didn't want Lelouch to follow him over he would have had someone get him a drink.

There was a moment that Lelouch thought about simply turning back to Suzaku. It wasn't like Suzaku hadn't noticed the moodily and sullen exterior Lelouch hadn't quite been able to console over the course of the meal. He could say he didn't feel well, tell Suzaku he wanted to just go home. The soldier –Lelouch looked over at him. He looked like he was disappointed enough in Lelouch as of late.

And why pass up such an invitation?

Standing a bit straighter Lelouch glanced at the table one last time before he directed himself to the bar instead.

Of course, Schneizel gave him that same overly pleasant smile. As he moved to make room for Lelouch next to him, he leaned in then, closer than was comfortable as he asked, "Would you like something?"

Lelouch took a hasty step back and spun on his heels, every word he wanted to hiss and snarl at his brother at the tip of his tongue. But a second before he remembered the conversation they had had at the manor. Lelouch wouldn't concede another victory so easily this time around. He gritted his teeth, his chest heaving with the effort it too to calm down. "No, thank you.' He ended up sneering. He glowered at his brother but kept himself from speaking anything else.

"Naturally," Schneizel replied as he took a sip of his own drink. "We wouldn't want the Major getting in trouble for aiding a minor in underage drinking."

"Don't—" Lelouch hissed, cutting his brother off before he could stop himself. "At the very least let this rest when in public."

Schneizel gave another one of those smiles, the one that felt like a pat on the head for being such a 'good dog.' Lelouch looked down to keep from yelling again as his brother looked back to the table.

"You'll do well, you know." Schneizel said, taking another drink. "In the family and for the family, I know you'll accomplish things for this family we could have never done without you." He had that smugness about him again, as if he had already decided Lelouch's future, as if he already knew what was going to happen.

And it made Lelouch want to slam his face into whatever crystal ball he's consulted with. Instead Lelouch just leaned closer, letting that glower turn to a sinister glare. "We are far from checkmate, my oh so dear brother."

He strode back to the table with a bit more haste than was necessary, but he wasn't running. For once in his life, he hadn't run from the powers confronting him. He sat down next to his boyfriend and tried gave a pleasant smile.

However, Suzaku didn't look so pleased. The man took another drink before saying in an undertone to Lelouch. "I know you like antagonizing people, but please refrain from doing it when my job is on the line."

Lelouch nodded. Clearly the exchange had been observed. Good, maybe Bismarck would take a hint as well. But not so good for the glowering soldier next to him. "No harm done, Suzaku." Lelouch assured.

The soldier turned away from him. They didn't speak much for the rest of the night.

When Lelouch got home the house was dark. Suzaku had pretty much put him in a taxi, pressing the fair into his hand and walked off with the tall blonde. Lelouch hated that it stung just a little that Suzaku hadn't even stayed long enough for Lelouch to slide into the taxi's backseat.

It stung because Lelouch knew now that casual was anything but pleasant between them.

He huffed as he opened the door. He knew better than to start stripping the layers off but, he was too tired to care and instead started to remove his shoes.

Near the door was the house phone, though rarely used, placed on a neat little table. Lelouch stopped as he realized the voicemail light was on. He finished with his shoes and stepped up to the machine.

It might be Euphie, Lelouch thought to himself. Though if it was Euphie, Lelouch wasn't sure he wanted to hear the bad news he knew would shortly be on the way. But knowing the inevitable he pressed the play button and waited for the message to play.

"Honey! It's mommy."

It was surprising just how apathetic Lelouch felt at the sound of his mother's shaky voice. There was crackling in the background, probably because she couldn't manage to hold the phone still.

"I'm calling because well, mommy can't get into her bank account. Lelouch, dear, ask your father why this is."

There was a pause.

"I don't know what's wrong, your father won't return my phone calls."

Lelouch gave a sigh. She should've know by now the last person Senator Charles Zi Britannia would ever talk to was a refrain addict.

"But I need the money, so call your father and have him call me. Please, I just need to talk to your father. He can fix this I know he can. Your father can do anything-"

The message cut off there. Lelouch stood there not quite sure if she had left that message while under a bad trip or if that we her coming off the drug.

It was surprising yet again how-easy it was to just pick up his shoes and walk away. He sighed again as he started up the stairs. If he remembered in the morning he would send a message to Schneizel. God only knew how close the money in the family was being watched after everything with Euphie.

It didn't occurred to Lelouch until he was sinking into the blankets of his bed that this may just be the ruin of his mother. He highly doubted it, but it could be. She was resourceful enough that Lelouch doubted she could find money if she really needed it. She took it out of Lelouch's damn wallet last time, and that was her son. No telling what she might do to someone else.

I just thought I would tell you all, I actually almost completely lost this chapter. I switch from my iPad to my laptop to the three different computers at work all the time and Dropbox is the one that is supposed to keep that all straight. Well, yeah Drop Box glitched and I thought I lost about eleven thousand words of an almost complete chapter. Thank goodness I saved it at work. Haha!

Edit: So sorry! Turns out the draft retreived wasn't the final. I thought of taking it down, but instead I'm going to leave it up and over the next few days edit and reread several times to work out all the mistakes. No drastic changes will be made, just spelling ang grammar mostly. So pardon my errors and I hope you enjoy still.