Disclaimer: BTR belongs to Nickelodeon
A/N: Dedicated to every BTR & Logan Henderson stalker. Yes you crazy army of 13-year-olds, this is for you! ha ha
Big Time Nuisance
When Logan accidentally terms his last relationship as one involving him dating his 'stalker', he successfully upsets Camille as well as creating himself a small group of fans that deem Logan an easy target for their affections. Now he's being attacked by a very rabid fan girl who won't take no for an answer and only one person can help him – Camille.
Chapter One;
Logan vs. Teen Hits Magazine
"Four guys from Minnesota find fame in L.A. You can't write this stuff."
Logan nodded. "Pretty incredible right?" The woman across from him smiled warmly back. "But it's true…" he held out both hands as he said it, speaking quickly. "I mean, we're real people, just to clarify."
The woman, who had introduced herself as Sarah Patterson, gave a curt laugh. "Don't worry Logan, this isn't one of those 'expose the fraud band' articles." Logan visibly relaxed. "You're our 'meet the next big thing' of the week."
"Oh, cool," his head tipped just a little. "So, what do you want to know?"
"Nothing too obtrusive I assure you. Just things like favourite sport, what you do most when you're not recording an album with Big Time Rush, best place to relax on a Saturday afternoon. Things like that."
Logan counted them off on his fingers as he answered. "Hockey. Avoiding Bitters, the slightly crazy guy in charge around here." Sarah gave a short laugh. "And," he motioned to the pool behind them as they sat in the Palmwoods courtyard. "Chillin' by the Palmwoods pool."
Sarah jotted his answers down quickly. "Awesome. Okay, if you could have any superpower, what would it be?"
"The ability to stop time. Then I could get everything I need to do done."
"Okay, don't want to fly?" She glanced up at him. "I thought everyone wanted to fly?"
Logan simply shrugged. "If I had the time I could figure out how to build an aeroplane then I wouldn't need to."
Sarah laughed again. "Okay, last one. Most interesting person you've met in L.A?"
Logan frowned for a moment then smiled. "Camille."
Sarah raised an eyebrow. "A Big Time girlfriend?"
"Ex-girlfriend. We're still friends." Logan clarified.
"So, interesting how?"
"Well, she kinda scared the bejeezus out of me when we first met. A bit… forward. Always there when you turned around."
Sarah smiled. "You started dating your stalker?"
Logan laughed. "You could say that."
"'YOU COULD SAY THAT!'" Logan felt the paper hit him in the face before he even registered her standing nearby. He swiped the magazine away and looked up into the angry face of Camille. She glowered at him. "You called me a stalker?"
"I never called you that, the journalist did, I just…"
"Didn't correct her."
James, who was sitting next to him beside the pool, picked up the magazine. "Oh mate that is 'ex-girlfriend etiquette number 101' – don't calm her a freak, controlling or a stalker, no matter how true they may be." He glanced up at Camille as she crossed her arms, raised an eyebrow and glared at him. "I mean… you… I didn't… oh look, it's Buddha Bob!" Jumping from his seat James managed to scarper away so quick it almost defied belief.
"Look, I'm sure Logan didn't mean it that way." Kendall put in, ever the peacekeeper. "Plus he called you interesting." He pointed to the article with a grin.
"Interesting good or interesting weird?" Camille attempted to clarify. Logan opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out and he gave a small shake of his head before looking away. Camille growled. "That's all I needed to know!"
She made to turn away when Logan stood and grabbed her arm. "Look, I am sorry okay, I didn't mean to upset you." Camille's frown faded a little. "Do you hate me now?"
"No," she looked up. "Now I'm worried for you." Logan frowned, his forehead creasing as he did, then he gave a half smile.
"Me? Why are you worried about me?"
"Because you're still new around here and you don't understand how this town works yet." Camille slid her arm from Logan's grasp and crossed them again. "You just opened a very big can of worms." Kendall stood, listening as Camille continued. "You just told every slightly insane Big Time Rush fangirl that the best way to win a date with you is to stalk you." Kendall frowned and Logan gave a slight gape. Camille just gave a brief smile and a shrug before stretching out an arm and patting Logan calmly on the shoulder. "Good luck." Then, holding her head high, she walked away.
Logan glanced at Kendall as she left the poolside. "I'm in trouble now aren't I?"
Kendall nodded slowly. "Yes mate, you are." He glanced at his watch. "Oh look, I have a date with Jo, tell me how this goes." Then, just like James, he was gone.
Logan frowned and sighed. "Well, at least I have you Carlo…" but when he turned Carlos had disappeared as well, his drink glass still shaking a little. Dropping back into his sunlounge Logan just shook his head and picked up the magazine, flipping it open over his face. "Pfft, stalker fangirls, yeah right I…"
"Hi!" Logan lowered the magazine slowly to find a short ginger-haired girl, teeth covered in braces, smiling down at him. She held a picture of Big Time Rush in one hand, a giant love heart drawn around Logan's face. "I'm Ebony!"
Logan just covered his face with the magazine and gave a low groan.