DISCLAIMER: The characters depicted in this story belong to Game Freak, Nintendo. Some setting in this story are also based on scenes from the Pokemon Black/White.

N's personality differs a bit from his game personality, as will be seen in future chapters. NxTouko, possible ToukoxCheren. Enjoy~

Touko stared in disbelief at the young, green-haired man in front of her. His smile was friendly, innocent, but there was something amiss in his gaze. It held longing for something it could not have, and determination to get it, no matter what the cost.

"When I first saw you, I knew you were the one."

Touko took a step back as N took two steps towards her. Her breathing became louder and louder, her heart beat a mile a minute. "And all it took was a battle to determine whether you were a Hero."

Touko took another step back, only to find empty air behind her; she had forgotten that the building was unstable, thanks the battle she had with N. She had nowhere to run to, no possible way to escape; N had 'freed' her angelic Reshiram along with his Zekrom. He had her Poke ball Belt behind him; Touko didn't even remember dropping it.

"Klinklank, use Metal Sound." He said, after a few moments of silence. A high-pitched wailing noise filled Touko's ears. She fell onto her knees, clutching her ears. Her vision faded, just as N crouched down next to her.

A soft caress upon her cheek woke the sleeping girl. The hand paused, emerald-green eyes looked at her endearingly, and then the hand resumed caressing her. "Is something the matter, Touko-san?" He was resting on one elbow, his face above hers. His warm, minty breath flowed onto her exposed neck. Her eyes widened, and she kneed N in the stomach, leapt off the bed and ran out the door. She found herself smack bang in an endless hallway, and she presumed she was in N's castle. She noticed something black in the corner of her eye; she ran. She skittered across the floor, her bare feet skidding on the intricate carpet. A shadowy figure appeared in front of her. Two arms grabbed a hold of her own, and brought her down to the ground. "Where do you think you're going, Trainer? If you were trying to escape, your pathetic efforts were in vain." An antagonizing voice said darkly. Touko looked up, narrowing her eyes at the man she recognized (bitterly) to be Ghetsis. N hobbled to Touko, still doubled over and clutching his stomach in pain. "F-Father…She kneed me." A few tears gathered at the bottom of his eyelid.

"What a bother. If it weren't for the Shadow Triad here, we could have lost your violent queen."

"Queen?" It was the first word she had said in a very long time, and she felt strange saying anything at all.

"My son has chosen you, based on your…kindness…towards Pokémon, even in battle."

That reminded her of her own Pokémon. What had happened to them? Were they ok, or had that red-eyed, green-haired monster released them out of pure spite? Touko knew that Ghetsis couldn't stand her one bit.

"And what if I refuse?" She said defiantly, despite being held back by possibly dangerous men.

"You can't refuse. We can't be friends if you leave." N's childish reason chilled Touko. There was something definitely wrong with him; if he were at least normal, he wouldn't want anything with her after being kneed. Her bottom lip trembled, as did her breath. A triumphant gaze crossed Ghetsis' face, virtually unnoticed by his son. The two present members of the Shadow Triad lifted her so that she was able to stand. N offered his hand to her, and she blankly took it. He led her away from the other three men, and into his toy room. The colours were vivid, and it hurt her eyes. She squinted, letting herself be led around the room. N seemed very excited, even though he was upset only a few moments before. He sat her down, and just looked at her, with an expectant expression.

"I bet you can't wait til' your crowning, and then it'll be just the two of us."

Touko had to choose her words carefully. If she said something wrong, she could end up like the train carriage in the basketball hoop.

"N…I really…don't want to get married or crowned or anything like that. I hope you'll understand." She stood up and went towards the door. A train carriage smashed into the door in front of her. She froze, slowly turning around. His usually relaxed eyes were wide open; his fists were clenched to point that his knuckles had gone white. "But I chose you. I chose you. We haven't been friends long enough for you to say no."

Reviews are greatly appreciated, and chapter 2 will go up soon~

(Yes, I know the chapters are short. Get over it.)