Title: The unknown

Disclaimer: Only the ideas are mine.

I'll never forget, I'll never forget. Buffy sat straight up in her bed, breathing hard. Not quite comprehending her surroundings. Then everything slowly came back to her, the dream about her and Angel. Buffy felt sick to her stomach so she ran down the hall to the bathroom. The noise caused Willow to wake up. "Buffy, are you ok?" she called. "Fine" she heard a voice say from down the hall. A couple minutes later Buffy walked into the room wiping her mouth with a towel. "How ya feeling Buff?" Willow asked, "You haven't been the same ever since you went to see Angel in L.A. Are you ready to talk about it? It's been a month already." "That's the thing Willow, there is nothing to talk about, I only saw Angel for 10 minutes and yet I feel closer to him now more then ever" Buffy replied. "And these dreams that I keep having about him turning human and then having to turn back again to save me don't help either." She added. "Oh Buffy" Willow said as she climbed on Buffy bed to comfort her as Buffy started to sob. The two girls stayed like that for an hour until there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" Willow said " You just rest." Willow got up to answer the door. When she opened it there was Riley standing there with his corn- fed Iowa boy grin on his face. "Hey will, is Buffy here" he said. "Yah, but she's not feeling too good right now so maybe you should let her rest" Willow replied. "Alright just let her know I stopped by ok?" Riley said. "Sure thing Riley see you later" she said as she shut the door. I just don't like him willow thought to her self as she went to check on how Buffy was doing. "Who was that" Buffy asked. "No one" Willow said "you just rest ok."

The next day Willow, Buffy and Xander were eating lunch at Giles. "Well Buffy, you look a lot better then yesterday" Willow said. "Thanks Will" Buffy said with a weak smile. "I just want you guys to know I love you all a lot" Buffy said. "Easy Buff, It's not like your dieing" Xander said. "Your not dieing right?" "No I am not dieing, I just wanted to make sure you guys knew that" she replied with a bigger smile then before. "Ok since that's settled, we love you too Buffy" Xander added. "Well guys I better go to class, so I'll see you guys…later" Buffy said as she gave each one a hug. As Buffy walked out of Giles apartment Xander, Willow and Giles each looked at each other a shrugged.

Buffy rushed back to her dorm room, grabbed some clothes and threw them in a bag. She grabbed all her money and some of Willows knowing that she wouldn't mind and took off towards the bus station. She didn't want to use all her money on a plane ticket so she figured the Greyhound bus would have to do. Now she just had to decide where to go. There was a bus leaving for some town in Iowa in 15 minutes but she didn't want to take the risk of running into her baby's father there so she choose to go to Colorado instead. She didn't know anyone there so no one would know about her being the slayer and she and her baby would be safe, hopefully.

Doctor, you need to check again because there is no way that am only 6 weeks pregnant! A hysterical voice was heard saying by everyone in the waiting room at the Colorado Planned Parenthood Clinic. The 3 teenage girls looked at each other smiling knowingly at each other. They had all been there before. Thinking the father of your baby was someone and then finding out just how old your baby really was can be stressful. Poor girl they all thought as Buffy walked out of the doctors office.

Buffy walked down the street not really headed anywhere. She walked past a diner called "Anne's place" with a sign in the window Help Wanted. Buffy needed a job and her baby needed something eat, besides she had waitress experience, remembering that time she went to L.A. after sending Angel to hell. "Oh Angel" Buffy thought sadly. He wouldn't understand that Buffy was pregnant and she didn't even know who the father was.